Genevra will live

100 Draenei Warrior
Even though there was quite a scuffle last night and Genevra came close to death. Modern medicine and a few miracles will allow Genevra to live a... well almost normal life...
Edited by Noikona on 8/15/2014 4:48 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
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97 Blood Elf Priest

/y on every cast.

100g for every day you raid with it.
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40 Undead Warlock
Much like.
Very rate.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Damn you, Noikona! Now I have to go get a towel and wipe the coffee I just spit all over my screen. Thanks. 'preciate it.
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100 Human Paladin
08/15/2014 12:50 PMPosted by Noikona
Even though there was quite a scuffle last night and Genevra came close to death. Modern medicine and a few miracles will allow Genevra to live a... well almost normal life...

Have I mentioned how much I hate you?
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100 Gnome Priest
08/15/2014 01:22 PMPosted by Liore

/y on every cast.

100g for every day you raid with it.

* rolling. Literally!*
You are by far my favorite Blood Elf, Liore. You never fail to slay me.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
-Lewd wink.- Thanks for the convenient foreshadowing, Cail.

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Roflmao, poor Gen!
*narrows eyes at snarky elf thing, picks up Cail*
Nuh uh, no Ducky for you. Nobody messes with my Gnomies
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Fine, but I get visitation on weekends and three holidays of my choosing.

I'll even kick you 200 a week, for Cail Support.

Or we can fight for fair Caileanmore's love. You can even call in six more of your friends, and all descend upon me like last time!
Edited by Liore on 8/16/2014 6:49 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
No, neither of you get him, and neither of you get visitation.

Now run along and stop trying to touch my Ducky.
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Awww, but Gen! *puppy eyes*

08/16/2014 06:44 PMPosted by Liore
Fine, but I get visitation on weekends and three holidays of my choosing.

I'll even kick you 200 a week, for Cail Support.

Or we can fight for fair Caileanmore's love. You can even call in six more of your friends, and all descend upon me like last time!

Six? Last time we met, Elfsie, it was just me and you on the roof.
Come at me bro.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
huk ya gabba lov
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100 Human Priest
08/16/2014 06:48 PMPosted by Genevra
No, neither of you get him, and neither of you get visitation.

Now run along and stop trying to touch my Ducky.

Well, he's asked to see me at some point in the future. So nanny nanny boo boo to "your" Ducky.
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100 Human Paladin
08/17/2014 07:59 AMPosted by Sekhesmet
08/16/2014 06:48 PMPosted by Genevra
No, neither of you get him, and neither of you get visitation.

Now run along and stop trying to touch my Ducky.

Well, he's asked to see me at some point in the future. So nanny nanny boo boo to "your" Ducky.

Mama Gen forbids it!
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100 Human Priest
08/17/2014 10:17 AMPosted by Genevra
08/17/2014 07:59 AMPosted by Sekhesmet

Well, he's asked to see me at some point in the future. So nanny nanny boo boo to "your" Ducky.

Mama Gen forbids it!

Papa Sek says neener neener neener.
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100 Human Warlock
If you can't learn to share, I'm going to take it from you.
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100 Human Priest
08/18/2014 03:31 AMPosted by Tyvian
If you can't learn to share, I'm going to take it from you.

Go to your room and finish your homework. Mommy and Daddy are trying to fight here.
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100 Human Warlock
08/15/2014 12:50 PMPosted by Noikona
Even though there was quite a scuffle last night and Genevra came close to death. Modern medicine and a few miracles will allow Genevra to live a... well almost normal life...

Genevra may live, but at what price? Maybe it would have been better for her if science had not created such an abomination?
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100 Human Priest
One man's abomination is another man's evolution.
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