Genevra will live

100 Worgen Warlock
Preach to them all you wish, Doctor. They do not have the wit to hear what you say - your words will fall like glass onto grass, and make not a sound their ears can hear.
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100 Human Rogue
Chitter chitter little critter, squirm and squeak you're still quite meek. :)
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100 Human Warlock
08/21/2014 01:49 PMPosted by Caileanmor
But you can't afford us even that much dignity, can you? No, we're nothing but a comedic footnote in the greatness of human-kind. Something to be pointed at, laughed at, ridiculed, tolerated at best. Nevermind the invaluable support in weaponry, vehicles, and energetic troops we still provide. We speak and act in a manners deemed funny, silly, and ridiculous by human standards so why not overlook everything else we've brought to the table and instead put your boot to us at any given chance.

Why? Because we "amuse" you. Even the troglodyte goblins get in on the act, we account for so little in your eyes. Natural intellectual rivalry notwithstanding. Its really a wonder more and more gnomes aren't getting fet up with it. Another testament to your resiliency I suppose.

Plothole failures and comedic relief granted, we're also written, established, and fortified as the brains of this outfit; but even so we've still as much to loose as you in these struggles. Claim Orc and Demonic triumphs for yourself all you like. Nevermind that they threatened us just as much as you. Us, the ones standing at your shoulder and at your back, helping to make those victories possible. Referring to the dwarf and high elf there as well.

To be fair, the brunt of losses of the Alliance have been humans. The blood we've lost to Demons, Undead, and Orcs have literally killed off the majority of our population.

Granted, yes, the Gnomes were also driven to the brink, but take into account the earlier statements about Human expansion. We were everywhere. Our population dare I say it, "Dwarfed" yours. Then, when push came to shove, rivers of Humanity's lifeblood flooded the battlefields, standing as the first line against the threats. We have had the invaluable assistance of our allies and friendly races. Without them, we would have long since perished, just another civilization driven completely to extinction and our roars or resistance turned to whispers of time. We lived due to the friends we have made and allied with, some out of necessity, some out of mutual respect and loyalty.

It is this reason I understand why you stand so resolutely stand your ground, as any proud member of the Alliance should. Just remember that whatever price your people have paid, the Humans have paid twice over in lives lost. Even the Kal'dorei, an ancient people who first fought the demons and the War of the Ancients, the loss of their immortality, have understood Humanity's sacrifice. Kingdoms have fallen, countless humans lost for the defense of Azeroth, rivaling and eclipsing all races. Stormwind has been reborn, our final, most brilliant light in the universe. We will defend it until the very last one of falls.

All while aiding the Alliance that so nobly came to our aid.
Edited by Tyvian on 8/21/2014 6:45 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Poise of prose affirms sagacity, Professor, and I yield interim.

Onward to other matters then.
*casts a line into a stream*

Care to join me for a spell?
*offers a spare rod and reel to Tyvian, Kordrion, and Rakeri*
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100 Human Warlock
08/22/2014 12:42 AMPosted by Caileanmor
*offers a spare rod and reel to Tyvian, Kordrion, and Rakeri*

*Holds up Fel Iron dynamite*
I prefer to fish a different way.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/21/2014 06:41 PMPosted by Tyvian
All while aiding the Alliance that so nobly came to our aid.

Oh, give me a break, you feathered hypocrite. You don't give any more of a damn for the Alliance than I do.
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100 Human Warlock
08/22/2014 09:01 AMPosted by Rakeri
Oh, give me a break, you feathered hypocrite. You don't give any more of a damn for the Alliance than I do.

Then why, why did you go to Northrend?
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/22/2014 08:20 PMPosted by Tyvian
08/22/2014 09:01 AMPosted by Rakeri
Oh, give me a break, you feathered hypocrite. You don't give any more of a damn for the Alliance than I do.

Then why, why did you go to Northrend?

Because I used to be a mere sheep, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Times change, however...
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100 Human Rogue
08/23/2014 07:34 AMPosted by Rakeri
08/22/2014 08:20 PMPosted by Tyvian
Then why, why did you go to Northrend?

Because I used to be a mere sheep, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Times change, however...

Now you're a sheep that dyed its fur?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Hurray for pink dyed sheep!
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100 Human Warlock
Us, the ones standing at your shoulder and at your back.

Indeed, extra credit due to you for the construction of those gnomish stepladders that allow you to do so.
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100 Human Warlock
08/15/2014 12:50 PMPosted by Noikona
Even though there was quite a scuffle last night and Genevra came close to death. Modern medicine and a few miracles will allow Genevra to live a... well almost normal life...

Genevra 2.0 appears to have settled in and is functioning to the same performance standards as before.

Still, I suppose we can't expect miracles ;)
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/26/2014 04:06 AMPosted by Alelsa
Us, the ones standing at your shoulder and at your back.

Indeed, extra credit due to you for the construction of those gnomish stepladders that allow you to do so.

You won't be laughing quite so much when I chop your legs off, you goggly-eyed buffoon.
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