Thank you guys!! <3 I'm flattered by the support. Keeps me going with these for sure :D
[H/RP] The Verdant Gathering: HIATUS
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday June 20th @ Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord
The Verdant Gathering comes together to welcome in the festivities and fun of Midsummer all throughout Azeroth! Join the World Keepers’ ambassadors for the ceremonial hike up Frostblade Peak to conciliate the elements of Ice and Winter on the eve of the Summer Flame's height.
Following the brisk climb, the gathering will reconvene on the banks of Ashwood Lake in Grizzly Hills for an afternoon of camp-out fun! Pack your tent, your fishing tackle and change of clothes as we ring in the summer!
Lunch, treats and beverages will be shared once returning from the hike.
The hike will begin from Camp Winterhoof in the Howling Fjord, Northrend at 3PM, lead by Keeper Gruagg Stormfang.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Ideas to bring for your camping supplies! (Not required to attend)
* Tents (Obtainable from the Leatherworking Garrison building)
* Goblin BBQ's or Banquet Tables
* Fishing rod/Fishing Chair
* Football or Pigskin (or Throwable Skull)
* Lovely Picnic
* Kegs!
* Any other summery toys or fun items to enjoy at the campout
* Feel free to get a 'summer' transmog ready for the campout too!
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday June 20th @ Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord
The Verdant Gathering comes together to welcome in the festivities and fun of Midsummer all throughout Azeroth! Join the World Keepers’ ambassadors for the ceremonial hike up Frostblade Peak to conciliate the elements of Ice and Winter on the eve of the Summer Flame's height.
Following the brisk climb, the gathering will reconvene on the banks of Ashwood Lake in Grizzly Hills for an afternoon of camp-out fun! Pack your tent, your fishing tackle and change of clothes as we ring in the summer!
Lunch, treats and beverages will be shared once returning from the hike.
The hike will begin from Camp Winterhoof in the Howling Fjord, Northrend at 3PM, lead by Keeper Gruagg Stormfang.
The gathered set out for Frostblade Peak after the goblins Nazrix and Neeza were each entrusted to bear with them an offering for the lord of the mountain. The hike was long and cold, but the group was met by little hostility from the wandering ice and wind elementals that roam the mountain's cliffs.
At the summit, the group encountered Tundross, the Baron of Frost. He was distressed and despaired about the chances of his survival beneath the oppressive heat of Summer's height. With Gruagg's words of reassurance and fellowship, both goblins presented Tundross with their offerings. Neeza presented the shard of ice from Kun-lai's Mount Neverest as a symbol of solidarity between Azeroth's Northern and Southern snows. Nazrix bore a torch lit by the fires of Blackrock Mountain in the Eastern Kingdoms, shown to Tundross as proof that he can coexist alongside even the strongest of flames.
With the Baron consoled, the gathering headed back down the treacherous mountain path to enjoy an afternoon of relaxation in the woods along the shore of Ashwood Lake in Grizzly Hills! There was much alcohol imbibed and many cannonballs performed into the lake.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Ideas to bring for your camping supplies! (Not required to attend)
* Tents (Obtainable from the Leatherworking Garrison building)
* Goblin BBQ's or Banquet Tables
* Fishing rod/Fishing Chair
* Football or Pigskin (or Throwable Skull)
* Lovely Picnic
* Kegs!
* Any other summery toys or fun items to enjoy at the campout
* Feel free to get a 'summer' transmog ready for the campout too!
Edited by Tarhoof on 6/20/2015 1:58 PM PDT
/bump for today :)
Next gathering: 3PM on Sunday, July 12th @ Vol'mar, Tanaan Jungle
With the bulk of both Horde and Alliance forces battling the physical threats posed by the armies allied with the Fel Horde, World Keeper efforts within Tanaan Jungle are well underway.
The corrupt grove known as The Felblight poses an immediate threat of spreading quickly into the remnant pockets of unblemished groves in the east. A Gathering has been called to meet at Vol’mar to contain the spreading Blight by any means necessary.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this will be a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 3PM on Sunday, July 12th @ Vol'mar, Tanaan Jungle
With the bulk of both Horde and Alliance forces battling the physical threats posed by the armies allied with the Fel Horde, World Keeper efforts within Tanaan Jungle are well underway.
The corrupt grove known as The Felblight poses an immediate threat of spreading quickly into the remnant pockets of unblemished groves in the east. A Gathering has been called to meet at Vol’mar to contain the spreading Blight by any means necessary.
The Gathered escorted a Zangar Sporeling - a sentient creature parented by the Fungal Giants of the Zangar Seas - into the Felblight. The expedition objective was to thoroughly disperse packets of spores harvested from the Sporeling around key points of corruption in the Blight. The druid and shaman who were present lent their mastery of the earth and elements to urge rapid growth from these newly planted fungi.
The Zangar Sporeling was able to dig into the roots of these specialized mushrooms and draw the fel taint from the earth, like poison is drawn from a wound, into its own body. This tactic was proposed in collaboration by Lauranna Thar'well, veteran Zangarmarsh botanist, and the fungal expertise of the Emerald Circle druids.
Several footholds of expelled corruption were established, the group having witnessed new growth sprouting from these pockets of cleansed earth. The Felblight remains thick with corrupt soil and life - resulting in the culling of much of the poisoned wildlife. Several wayward Fire Elementals were also encountered, one such host to an unusual carved Elemental Core as discovered by the druid Beams.
The markings on the core were identified by both Veleth and Neeza as belonging to the shamans at the Vault of the Earth. The gathered returned the core to the Vault shamans, much to their gratitude. As well, the fel-filled Zangar Sporeling was taken to the Cenarion outpost in Gorgrond.
Druid and shaman alike will be required to maintain the ongoing fungal-sponge progress in the Felblight.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this will be a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 7/12/2015 5:30 PM PDT
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday, August 1st @ The Shrine of the Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Since Garrosh Hellscream’s removal from Orgrimmar, efforts have been ongoing in the restoration of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Recent reports from the Vale however tell of a resurgence in the Sha influence around areas previously tended to, threatening the very progress made in the last year since the Siege.
The source of this new Sha activity yet eludes the surviving members of the Golden Lotus. They turn instead to the aid of allies who once stood alongside Pandaria’s defense. The Verdant Gathering answers this call on August 1st, meeting beneath the Golden Terrace at the Shrine of the Two Moons at 3PM.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* Anyone with Tillers rep is asked to bring any of the following: Spring Blossom Tree, Winter Blossom Tree and/or Autumn Blossom Tree
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday, August 1st @ The Shrine of the Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Since Garrosh Hellscream’s removal from Orgrimmar, efforts have been ongoing in the restoration of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Recent reports from the Vale however tell of a resurgence in the Sha influence around areas previously tended to, threatening the very progress made in the last year since the Siege.
The source of this new Sha activity yet eludes the surviving members of the Golden Lotus. They turn instead to the aid of allies who once stood alongside Pandaria’s defense. The Verdant Gathering answers this call on August 1st, meeting beneath the Golden Terrace at the Shrine of the Two Moons at 3PM.
In the sha-infested area surrounding Mogushan Palace, an insignia of the Golden Lotus was found wedged in the earth below where an apparition had appeared, speaking nonsensically. The Gathering headed for the Golden Pagoda, the Lotus’ former base of operations.
At the Pagoda was yet another wayward spirit, this one pacing and shouting frantically for his brethren. The spirit seemed wholly unaware of the group, despite attempts to call out to it. The Gathered made their way towards the Golden Stair, after this despairing spirit made mention of a talisman he had lost there.
At the abandoned Stair, a third spirit revealed itself, this one thankfully communicative. According to this spirit, it was the lost soul Lao Softfoot that paced the crumbled ruins of the Pagoda, and it was his despair that was causing the Sha resurgence. By extension, such despair also tethered the spirits of the fallen to the vale in a wayward limbo.
The group explained that Lao could not hear them, and so the wayward spirit stressed that they must gather mementos from Lao’s life if there was any hope in reaching through to him. After scouring the Stair, a talisman was found tangled in an old Mogu cage. From here, the Gathered fought their way further inland toward the Ruins of Guo Lai. Here, a collection of Softfoot brickabrack was recovered from otherwise demolished Golden Lotus encampments.
The group hastened back to the Pagoda as the air of despair grew unbearable heavy, the Sha all but pouring out of the ground. The mementos were presented to Lao Softfoot and finally breached the haze of his despair. Lao was confused and upset to see, for the first time, the annihilation of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The Gathered reasoned to calm him, assuring that the spirit of his brother, He Softfoot and the other Golden Lotus members, had found peace despite such tragedy. So too did Lao find his way to restfulness.
The despair instantly began to lift in the Vale and a small group travelled to find Ren Firetongue, Lao’s former mission partner, to bestow upon him the remnant mementos of his fallen friend.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* Anyone with Tillers rep is asked to bring any of the following: Spring Blossom Tree, Winter Blossom Tree and/or Autumn Blossom Tree
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 8/8/2015 8:33 AM PDT
Next gathering: 3PM on SUNDAY August 23rd @ Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley
As allied forces continue to pressure the Iron Horde’s desperate grip in Tanaan Jungle, and recent report tells of a small fleet seen leaving Ironhold Harbor and heading for the southern coast of Shadowmoon. A skeleton crew of Gul’dan fanatics are said to be docked at the small island known as Darktide Roost.
With the Iron Horde having had prior success in the enslavement of rylaks as an aerial force, the World Keepers fear what these fanatics intend by returning there with the gifts of Gul’dan and the Legion in-hand.
A Verdant Gathering is called to investigate the merit of these reports on August 23rd at 3PM, meeting on the northern point of Darktide Roost. ((By the Flightmaster))
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this will be a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 3PM on SUNDAY August 23rd @ Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley
As allied forces continue to pressure the Iron Horde’s desperate grip in Tanaan Jungle, and recent report tells of a small fleet seen leaving Ironhold Harbor and heading for the southern coast of Shadowmoon. A skeleton crew of Gul’dan fanatics are said to be docked at the small island known as Darktide Roost.
With the Iron Horde having had prior success in the enslavement of rylaks as an aerial force, the World Keepers fear what these fanatics intend by returning there with the gifts of Gul’dan and the Legion in-hand.
A Verdant Gathering is called to investigate the merit of these reports on August 23rd at 3PM, meeting on the northern point of Darktide Roost. ((By the Flightmaster))
The small fleet from Ironhold Harbor was sighted while scouting along the Darktide cliffs: two ships docked at the southern side of the island. The gathering descended into the port camp of Iron Horde and surviving Blackfuse goblins.
Young rylaks were discovered inside traps with strange, cruel devices attached to their heads. Nazrix Stormfuse was able to deduce that the devices were intended to forcibly ‘tame’ the rylaks, sparking the Gathered to begin attempts at freeing the ill-fated beasts.
Their efforts were interrupted by a terrible cacophony of sounds coming from the port’s main barracks. Inside was Blackfuse machinery aiding in the application of fel corruption upon restrained rylaks. The machinist within was quickly dispatched, but the captured beast tore its way loose of its restraints and attacked the Gathering!
The fel-mutated rylak was formidable, shaking off almost all attempts to subdue it until it finally fell beneath the joined efforts of Sordura, Lairina and Jenekki, and succumbed to the effects of its cruel tortures.
A shipment ledger and a letter from the Hellfire Council were found within the fel workshop. The ledger read that the ships docked outside were to depart immediately, carrying with them an aerial fleet of fel-rylaks for Tanaan jungle. And a letter was made out for the only Blackfuse chief engineer still living, Razz Ricketrozz, instructing the goblin to capture and corrupt the Matriarch of all rylaks.
At this point, the gathering split into two strike teams to dismantle these operations once and for all! Keeper Tarhoof began to led one team up the cliffs of Darktide once more, discovering more Blackfuse weaponry presumed to be scavenged from the fall of Blackrock Foundry. Aided by Keeper Lairina’s gift of astral farsight, the team managed to locate the matriarch in the nick of time. They dispatched Raz Ricketrozz and his terrible containment machines: pillars and gates spouting electricity designed to subdue the largest of creatures.
Keeper Nazrix led the second team along the Darktide docks. The resistance was great, including a particularly large Orc woman dragging a Rylak around on a chain with many lackeys at her command.
They split up on the decks of the ship, placing bombs in all the cracks and crevices they could find before moving onto the second boat to do the same. They met back on the pier and Mooshki had the honour of detonating the explosives, sending the boats and remaining orcs to the bottom of the ocean in a glorious fireball. Unfortunately the fel rylaks aboard could not be saved in time. But they are free now of their life enslaved, and at peace.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this will be a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 8/28/2015 8:46 PM PDT
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday, October 3rd @ Wetlands, just north of Slabchisel's Survey (58,65)
The Shaman of the Earthen Ring have felt an elemental shift of water occurring in the Wetlands of the Eastern Kingdoms. A Verdant Gathering has been called in response and tasked with re-aligning the balance before overzealous water spirits completely overwhelm the marshy valley.
Keeper Gruagg will be awaiting those who heed the call just north of Slabchisel’s Survey camp. Seek out the banner of the World Keepers just off the road.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Special invite for Shaman characters!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday, October 3rd @ Wetlands, just north of Slabchisel's Survey (58,65)
The Shaman of the Earthen Ring have felt an elemental shift of water occurring in the Wetlands of the Eastern Kingdoms. A Verdant Gathering has been called in response and tasked with re-aligning the balance before overzealous water spirits completely overwhelm the marshy valley.
Keeper Gruagg will be awaiting those who heed the call just north of Slabchisel’s Survey camp. Seek out the banner of the World Keepers just off the road.
With the water levels rising at a rapid pace, those who Gathered attempted to communicate with several rogue elementals patrolling the swampy rivers, but were met only with hostility. Eventually, a diminutive, mute elemental made itself known and indicated that it wanted the group to head to the northwest into Mosshide Gnoll territory.
Upon arriving at the Mosshide encampments it was clear that Dark Iron trappers had recently descended upon the tribe and were capturing them like beasts. The Gathered fought their way through the dwarves, following their small Elemental guide to a specific gnoll that it was seeking. Upon interrogation, the caged and cowardly beast to revealed that he and his fellow tribesman had been involved with the swamp’s water elementals. The gnoll also relinquished to the group a stone that was quickly identified as a fractured Elemental core.
Taking pity on the beast, the nervous gnoll was set free to fend for himself.
The Gathered continued north by lead of their elemental guide, who brought them to a shrine of Neptulon hidden in the valley’s cliffs. Within the shrine’s influence, the little elemental was finally able to speak clearly to the group and revealed itself to be an entity known as Gurgus the Swamplord.
Gurgus explained that the Mosshide Gnolls had been persuaded to steal and shatter his own Elemental Core as aid to another water elemental calling itself Torrention. Gurgus pleaded with the Gathering to return south to Thelgen Rock and confront Torrention - who contained the second piece of Gurgus’ Core. So long as Torrention kept the Swamplord's core fragment it would continue to empower his reign over the Wetlands’ waterways.
The Gathered made haste to the underground cavern where Torrention dwelled and confronted the usurper. He put up a brutal fight but finally fell to Sendreial’s holy blade and relinquished the Core fragment. With the shamanistic focus of Gruagg, Coalheart and Lairina, Gurgus’ core returned to him in whole.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Special invite for Shaman characters!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 10/4/2015 12:55 PM PDT
Spiritward Parade:
A modest collection of ghoulish parade participants marched! Grim visages were conjured to disguise, allowing such things as Nerubians, wights, podlings and even the memory of Deathwing to shriek down Orgrimmar’s main thoroughfares.
Keeper Gruagg lead a traditional shamanistic chant while the Gathered made horrible faces and screamed their most terrifying roars to ward off any evil entities or spirits lurking in the corners of the city.
With the ritual complete and the honor of the Horde's ancestors secured, the parade ended outside of Orgrimmar’s main gate where the revellers cheered to Hallow’s End and the coming of winter!
Next gathering: 3PM on SUNDAY, November 22 @ Akeeta's Hovel, Spires of Arak
Rumors of a darkness within Skettis, circulating out of Rehgar Keep and the arakkoa allies within the Order of the Awakened, has reached the ears of the World Keepers.
The concern for the source of this ominous presence harkens the call for a Verdant Gathering, meeting at three o' clock near Akeeta's Hovel in the Spires of Arak on Sunday, November 22. Gathered allies will seek answers as they investigate the grounds and attempt to harmonize with the earth there.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this is a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 3PM on SUNDAY, November 22 @ Akeeta's Hovel, Spires of Arak
Rumors of a darkness within Skettis, circulating out of Rehgar Keep and the arakkoa allies within the Order of the Awakened, has reached the ears of the World Keepers.
The concern for the source of this ominous presence harkens the call for a Verdant Gathering, meeting at three o' clock near Akeeta's Hovel in the Spires of Arak on Sunday, November 22. Gathered allies will seek answers as they investigate the grounds and attempt to harmonize with the earth there.
The earth within Skettis’ ruins bore ill tidings when the communion commenced and guided the Verdant Gathering to discover a sharp shard of material hidden away beneath the dirt. This unnerving shard, so deep a purple it was almost black, was one of many fragments precious to the enslaved Outcast Arakkoa - who continue to suffer at the whim of the Adherent forces that occupy Skettis.
One such enslaved Outcast assured the group that their questions regarding the ruins’ rumors could be answered by The Father - an entity claimed to supercede even that of Anzu for some sects of his cursed kin. The Outcast guided the Gathering to retrieve a total of three dark shards from caches kept hidden by himself and the other prisoners. As the Gatherings’ time in the ruins grew longer, they found themselves second guessing if they heard whispers in their ears - a symptom made worse anytime an Outcast shard needed to be handled.
All efforts converged at the top of Skettis, beneath the great, giant Dreamcatcher heavily guarded by the Adherents who remained unaware of its true purpose - not unlike the Gathered. The Father would only be able to speak clearly once the shard fragments were strung into the threads of the Dreamcatcher, a task completed by Cidian.
However, Keeper Tarhoof suddenly slew the Outcast prisoner ally before turning on the Gathered. It was soon apparent that the ‘Tarhoof’ that accompanied the expedition was in fact an imposter; a Iskar-loyalist and member of the budding Dark Conclave named Arrakis.
Mor’ganosh, Cidian and Sendreial threw all their might at Arrakis, who began channelling the overwhelmingly dark energy now pulsing from the activated Dreamcatcher. Maddening voices and overbearing dread filled the ruins until the three subdued the terrible imposter. The dark energies Arrakis attempted to wield proved too great for his mortal body to contain, forcing gruesome mutations upon him as he perished.
Cidian retrieved Tarhoof’s staff from the corpse, determining the scents of Tanaan Jungle upon it and confirming the betrayer’s dying words of ‘Kra’nak’.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this is a dangerous excursion with level 100 enemies!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 11/28/2015 10:49 AM PST
Next gathering: 5PM on SUNDAY, December 13th @ Shatterspear War Camp, Darkshore
A Southsea Freebooter ship known for smuggling live cargo has been recently sighted by the Cenarion Circle. Intel from the Druids of the Talon suggest the vessel, known as "The Red Howl", is charted to pass through the Darkshore-Teldrassil strait in the coming days.
The World Keepers intend to intercept "The Red Howl"’s suspected shipment of poached goods before it has the chance to reach open ocean. All allies of nature, and enemies of pirates, are rallied to meet at the Shatterspear Warcamp in northern Darkshore on the thirteenth of December at five drums.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Next gathering: 5PM on SUNDAY, December 13th @ Shatterspear War Camp, Darkshore
A Southsea Freebooter ship known for smuggling live cargo has been recently sighted by the Cenarion Circle. Intel from the Druids of the Talon suggest the vessel, known as "The Red Howl", is charted to pass through the Darkshore-Teldrassil strait in the coming days.
The World Keepers intend to intercept "The Red Howl"’s suspected shipment of poached goods before it has the chance to reach open ocean. All allies of nature, and enemies of pirates, are rallied to meet at the Shatterspear Warcamp in northern Darkshore on the thirteenth of December at five drums.
OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
/bump for today's event!
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