[H/RP] The Verdant Gathering: HIATUS

100 Tauren Druid
Upcoming Locations/Dates:
The Verdant Gathering is currently on hiatus until Spring!

The Verdant Gathering is a reoccuring monthly Roleplay Excursion for individuals of the Horde who have a strong interest in preserving, interacting with, and defending the wild and natural Azeroth.
Affiliated with the World Keepers Guild ( http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15699672417 ) , a coalition of Shamanistic and Druidic efforts to protect Azeroth. Not reserved strictly to druid and shaman. All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!

  • When: 5PM Servertime, every month on weekends (Saturday or Sunday)
  • Where: Rotating Locations
  • Duration: 1-2hrs
  • Genres: Nature, Adventure, Quest, Social
  • Lead-by: Tarhoof/World Keepers

For any questions or feedback, message Tarhoof in game (or: Drigka, Gruagg, Brewsnout and Kaichuang)


What can I expect at a Verdant Gathering?
You can probably expect a lot of druids and shaman!
But really, here’s a breakdown of some of the event details regarding RP style, mechanics and focus.

* Talking! *
Of course :)

* Movement! *
No Gathering ends at the same locations that it begins! Be prepared to move your character around should you attend.

* Quest-like Objectives! *
Each gathering has a purpose for occuring and this often takes on a form similar to a quest. There is one or several objectives that RPers will be tasked with completing or participating in for the duration of the event.

* NPC Interaction! *
Through use of Raid Warnings, NPCs and Battle Pets are frequently utilized to speak and provide information pertaining to the objective of an event.
Raid Warnings are the preferred method for speech as they are not dependant on attendees to have any of the Addons that do allow talk-through NPC abilities.

* Dice Rolls! *
Dice rolling can frequently occur at the Gathering! This mechanic is used to distribute actions of particular importance randomly among attendees such as (but not limited to): finding an objective, being selected as a target by an enemy or NPC, etc. We even do some RP Battles using dice from time to time!

Dice rolls for TVG are very simple in their function, typically used in the order of Emoting your character's intended action and then Rolling to determine the outcome.

Edited by Tarhoof on 1/9/2016 8:30 AM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on October 15th @ Salty Sailor Tavern, Booty Bay

After convening at the Salty Sailor, the Gathered headed out to the off-shore Venture Co. oil rig site. It was in-fact back in use and the group took to putting each of the three primary rigs out of order.
Alighting atop the rig's elevated catwalks, primary control valves were found and promptly destroyed through a combonation of the team's innate powers and some old-fashioned smashing.

Two of the three rigs suffered dangerous leaks beneath the water from their mainline pipes. The Gathered purged the surrounding waters of corrupt and toxic oil manifesting within the waters with minimum injuries.

With the disruption of the final rig, an emergency reboot siren began sounding from on-shore. Upon investigation, the Gathered discovered the operation's main oil pump - and the Rig Controlbot responsible for overseeing the mechanics of the operation. The Controlbot displayed some reinforcements, so simply destroying it was difficult. But once the wily 'bot could be grappled in one place, an engineer among the group was able to tamper with its wiring and convince the Controlbot to permanently shut down the rig's operations.
Edited by Tarhoof on 1/8/2015 5:18 PM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on November 5th @ Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows

Those who Gathered were briefed in Stonard's inn, informed that they would be working together to find a way to bolster the Spirit of the Swamp to increase its defence of the area - by way of the very land itself.

The Spirit of the Swamp seemed apathetic and uninterested in anything the Gathered had to say in regards to the threat of the Iron Horde on its doortstep. The Spirit shared that the swamp is wild and untameable: a world unwilling to cooperate even when its existence is under threat. The Spirit eventually tasked the retrieval of proof that the elements, beasts and spirits of the swamp were all willing to come together.

The Gathered appealed to the vain Torrenus, a Water Elemental at the Purespring cave, and two shamans obtained vials of its essence as proof of elemental cooperation. The group next headed to the lair of Duskclaw in Misty Valley where the ornery Pantherlord would not cooperate until it was proven that the Gathered were strong enough to warrant the aid of the Beasts. Duskclaw sparred with a monk, a warlock and a deathknight before conceding and offering two of his claws as proof for the swamp's Spirit.

The Gathered soon returned to the heart of the bog, ready to show the proof of their cause. However, the Spirit revealed that the source of its lethargy was caused by some phantom pain deep in its roots. Now trusting the group upon its return, the Spirit of the Swamp pleaded for the adventurers to seek out the "thorn" that caused its agony. Only then could the Spirit rally the forces of the wilds. A shaman located the supposed "thorn" deep in one of the banyan roots which was revealed to be a mysterious, foreign piece of metal fringed with a strange fungus.

Free of its pain and presented with the tokens of cooperation, the Spirit of the Swamp surged with renewed strength and summoned the true power that lied within the wild swamp! The Gathered bore witness to the churning swamp waters, battle cries of the beasts and the very trees creaking to life at the Spirit's call, vowing to rise up and crush any invaders who dare venture too far north into the Swamp of Sorrows.
Edited by Tarhoof on 1/8/2015 5:17 PM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Beams loves these events, Tarhoof puts a ton of "prep work" into them, and the group that gathers are always very entertaining.

Thanks Tarhoof, keep up the good work !
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100 Tauren Druid
Thanks for the shoutout, Beams!

Next gathering: 9PM on November 26th @ The Sheltered Den Inn in Wor'gol, Frostfire Ridge

The Shamanstone of central Wor'gol blessed the group with a very crude understanding on the Furies' dialect of Kalimag, the elemental language. After unsuccessfully attempting to parley with several air furies, one in particular tolerated the group long enough to direct them toward the discovery of a frozen orc shaman deep within a cave on Frostfire's frozen hills.

A Songfury Shard was recovered from the deceased orc's hand and, after paying due respect, the group headed toward the base of the Blade's Edge mountain where they hoped an audience among the fire furies would be possible. Although easier to understand when the Fiery Blaze spoke, it was quick to test the mettle of the gatherers by way of the flames. Several endured an excruciating flash of molten heat until one such tauren managed to withstand the pain without falter. This impressed the fury, who granted the gatherers the opportunity to ask about his kind.

The blaze revealed much about the furies' view on balance and maintaining their wild existence. It also let-on to a Goren problem further east in Frostfire. The word "goren" was also gleaned from the reluctant air furies. Travelling to the Cracking Planes, the gatherers spoke last with an Ice Fury - which was the most tolerant to their inquiries. The ice fury confirmed that the Goren were gorging on not only earth and ore, but furies! And once a Goren consumed a fury, the fury could not be reborn. This cast goren as putrid scampering prisons for the elements.

The gatherers continued their journey east to a steaming cave where upon they encountered a massive goren and its hive. Within the cave was a fissure in which all the elements of frost, fire and wind converged where these Kram'akan goren were consuming furies before they could ever properly manifest. Two shaman among the group - one native to Draenor and the other of Azeroth - worked together with the aid of the Songfury shard to seal up the elemental fissure before collapsing the entire cavern.
Edited by Tarhoof on 1/8/2015 5:17 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Upvoted and /bump for roleplay.
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 3PM on SUNDAY December 14th @ Firestone Point, Southern Barrens

The Gathering encountered the vengeful Mankrik just outside Razorfen who shared information that a young tauren named Rivermane had ventured alone into the 'fen only days earlier, seemingly seeking the same herb that the Gathering was tasked with finding. Mankrik imparted some advice for finding the reagents within the bramble maze before sending everyone on their way.

Many of the quilboar were slain in the gatherings' passing - none of them interested in speaking or aiding 'intruders' on their territory. The only exceptions were a few dying Death's Head Cultists who, when questioned about the Charred Atrovine, would merely curse the gathering and speak riddles about the "Skull of the boar" or the "roots of Agammagan's eye". While searching the thick patches of bramble, the gathered managed to stir a handful of the Tailspur adders from within the brush, successfully wrangling them into baskets... after a few faceplants or failed attempts.

Delving deepest near the entrance to Razorfen Downs, the group headed into the maw of the fallen Agammagan just as a massive force of quilboar were finally responding to their presence. Keeper Gruagg kept guard at the maw while the remainder ventured further yet, only to discover the unconscious body of Treyok Rivermane. The lost tauren was nearly strangled to death in the clutches of an overgrown Charred Atrovine. Its thorny tendrils had completely filled the interior of the Skull of Agammagan and the gathered struggled to contain the wild plant. It managed to absorb shaman fire and thrash several off their feet before a brave mage dealt the final blow that would incapacitate it.

After an orcish woman and pandaren chef finished tending to the boy's immediate wounds, Rivermane revealed his naive impatience. His own father had grown ill after returning from the Blasted Lands and he believed he could retrieve the atrovine on his own. The gathered helped escort the wounded Rivermane to the edge of the 'fen where his wyvern came to fly him to safety. With snakes in baskets and mulched Atrovine in hand, the group returned to Mankrik to share details of their findings before sending the reagents off to Thunderbluff.
Edited by Tarhoof on 1/8/2015 5:16 PM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on January 7th @ The Broken Spine (just outside Beastwatch), Gorgrond


The Primals and Breakers persist as a key point of study for the Earthen Ring and Cenarian Circle members stationed in Draenor. Prime Keeper Tarhoof of the World Keepers coalition will be leading a Verdant Gathering into the southern Botani regions of Gorgrond to carry out dangerous field research, which includes obtaining flora samples while continuing to pursue a peaceful resolve with the lesser Primals.

Fellow druids, shaman, researchers, hunters and any others who are interested should seek out Tarhoof and the World Keepers on the 7th of January at 9PM((Server)) at The Broken Spine, the ruined wall just outside of the Beastwatch outpost in Gorgrond.

The Gathering set off to explore the eastern jungles of Gorgrond, quickly encountering the bizarre life forms they sought research samples from on behalf of the Cenarian Circle. After gathering vines, blossoms and shrubbery from Living Weeds and vine-like plant-hydras, Dovebreeze the druid uncovered evidence of a mammalian hoof within the remains of the latter. Venturing further into the Botani territory known as Razorbloom revealed the grim truth behind this evidence.

Dying creatures, both animal and orc alike, were found trapped in shallow, stagnant ponds while aggressive plantlife grew from within their dying bodies. Most notable was a herd of dying Riverbeast, and after putting the poor creatures out of their misery, a small group of Riverbeast calves were found struggling to stay alive in the tangle of the reedy ponds. While not yet bursting apart with roots like their parents, the calves did show evidence of the floral mutation, namely by a fungal growth around their eyes and nose. Entrusting the monk Grogorus and Anoko Sunhoof to bear the weak creatures, the Gathered quickly set off to make contact with a supposed 'neutral' Botani contact known as Malkor.

Druid Tarhoof had some past dealings as of late with Malkor and, after a tense encounter with him at the ruins of the ancient ogre bastion where he dwells, Malkor agreed to help purge the calves of the infection they carried... on one condition. The group had to travel to Malkor's old home in Evermourn Springs to recover what he referred to as his 'tools'. This vague description turned out to be a bag of empty seed casings and a slimy, preserved gland from an unknown creature, both discovered by Orrokogg and Lilyia.

Assumed a defector, Malkor insisted he no longer upheld the duty to spread this weaponized floral infection, though his kin continued on doing so. But with this past experience he was able to draw the infectious spores from the riverbeast calves. The particles manifested into a single, massive spore, which the Gathered worked together to dissipate completely by sword and spell. Thus ensuring both the calves and themselves were spared from becoming the new host for this dangerous mutagen.

With the immediate threat on the riverbeast calves' lives averted, they along with the collected research samples were taken north to Skysea Outpost, where upon the young calves would be transported to Talador, remaining out of reach of the Botani.


OOC Event Notes
* Attendees are encouraged to bring along any Riverbeast calf companion pets they may have. Examples:
    Albino River Calf (Steemwheedle Preservation Society rep)
    Mudback Calf (pet battle in Gorgrond)
    Flat Tooth Calf (pet battle in Talador)

* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 1/8/2015 5:16 PM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on January 28th @ Timbermaw Hold (accessible from Moonglade, Winterspring or Felwood)


A mounting aggression between the northern Kalimdor Furbolg tribes has been linked to reports of restless and malevolent spiritual activity in wildernesses of Winterspring, Felwood and even the Cenarion capital of Moonglade. The most recent assault made by both the Winterfall and Deadwood tribes against Timbermaw Hold, last bastion of uncorrupt furbolgs, has forced the reclusive den-dwellers to seek the aid of outsiders as they struggle to calm the wayward spirits of their charge.

The World Keepers and their allies seek to answer the Timbermaw's call for help, offering the talents of their own spiritualists and mystics to seek out and quell the source of the spiritual unrest.
Heed the call on the 28th of January at 9PM ((Server)) within the heart of Timbermaw Hold!


An all-out invasion into Timbermaw Hold, only days before the Gathering, had left the furbolgs without possession of a most ancient artifact: the Totem of Whispering Beasts. This totem was bestowed with powers to maintain spiritual serenity by the first Druids of Azeroth. At the request of the Timbermaw bears, it was up to the World Keepers and their gathered allies to recover this vital talisman.

A deadly encounter with the chieftain of the Deadwood furbolgs, Bloodmaw, revealed that not only had the totem been split in two, but its powers were being twisted by the corrupted tribes. They were using their own dark mysticism to create monumental "Screaming Pillars". These giant totems somehow converted the torment of the spirits into a usable rage-amplifier. With the first fragment in hand and Bloodmaw defeated, this "screaming pillar" was quelled for the present.

A young furbolg named Drizle was also rescued from the Deadwood village of Felpaw, who shared that the other half of the Totem of Whispering Beasts had been taken by the Winterfall tribe. Drizle shared that they were regrouping at the old Timermaw Post, east to Winterspring.

However, there was no totem fragment to be found there - only the dying body of the former Winterfall Chieftain. Insight obtained from communing with the tormented spirits in the air, combined with evidence from a crude note found on the fallen Chieftain, revealed that the cub Drizle was not who he appeared to be.

As a result, this delay seemed to have served its purpose. For when the Gathered arrived at the totem's true location - Winterfall Village - they were too late! The mightiest of the Winterfall warriors, Grolnar, had already completed whatever final form these befouled "Screaming Pillars" imbued and the result had transformed into a massive, raging monster! Though he wielded the very spirits themselves, the gathered triumphed in the end and the behemoth fell.

With the last totem fragment reclaimed, the group was able to calm the final Screaming Pillar. The Totem of Whispering Beasts was restored and the Great Owl Spirit of Moonglade appeared before group. The ancient spirit revealed that this very totem was its bridge between mortal and spirit realms, and through it would resume the task of calming the spirits with its guidance.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 2/19/2015 7:23 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
A little bump for tonight. Summons will be available too!
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on February 18th @ Nighthaven, Moonglade


The Verdant Gathering is called to Moonglade in celebration of the Lunar Festival, the druidic holiday of honoring Azeroth’s moon, Elune, and the age-old victories against the Burning Legion! Along with partaking in the traditions of dance and fireworks, the Gathering will be touring through Moonglade to honor the sacred sites of the ancient druids, including the barrow dens.

Prime Druid Tarhoof, returning from Draenor to Azeroth for the occasion, promises this to be a reflective break from the precarious nature of the most recent Gatherings.

Celebrate this new Lunar year with the Gathering on February 18th, 9PM (Server)!

With a mandate from the Nighthaven druids, the Gathering undertook the task of a pilgrimage to the Stormrage Barrow Dens. The paladin Lilyia and two pandaren, Konya and Rinsu, were tasked with carrying each an ancient, rune-covered Moonstone among the group as it traversed through the glade, seeking the blessings of the elder spirits dwelling within its forest.

Along the way to the site of the Barrow Dens, the chosen trio presented their ancient Moonstones to the Great Beast spirits, as well as gaining the graces of Remulos the Keeper. Once escorted deep within the dens, the stone-bearers unleashed each blessed artifact and illuminated the tunnels with brilliant moonlight from Elune/Mu'sha.

Only in the third den did the gathering encounter some trouble, whereupon the Emerald Nightmare continues to leak into Azeroth. With the druidic focus of Tarhoof and Beams, a short moment without the Nightmare's dampening allowed Konya to release her Moonstone's blessing, thus ensuring that the slumbering druids occupying the dens could partake in the moonlight of the Lunar Festival within their dreaming meditations.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 2/19/2015 7:21 AM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
Beams has already started packing " Scooby snacks" for his trip to Moonglade tomorrow night.
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 9PM on March 25th @ Wor'var, Nagrand


On mandate from the Earthen Ring, a Gathering has been called to take advantage of the Highmaul Clan’s recent state of disarray and pursue the opportunity to liberate from them samples of Gorian Runestones.

With the aid of the Frostwolf Farseers, it is the hope that the boon of an incursion into the remnants of Imperator Mor’gok’s Overwatch may reveal any links to shamanism that these stones and gems possess.

Prime Druid Tarhoof of the World Keepers leads the charge from Wor’var, Nagrand at 9PM ((Server)) on the 25th of March.

The gathered set out from Wor’var for the Overwatch, dispatching several Warsong patrols along the way. The ogres were expectantly reluctant to relinquish the remains of runestones and gemstones, and so many fell before the seasoned fighters among the gathered.

The gathered needed to search through great mounds of stones among the haphazard ruins, for the artefacts that still contained traces of magic were thrown in with duds and rocks. A sufficient amount were found, including unique runestones from three Highmaul magisters discovered scrambling to maintain their control of the Overwatch.

With runestones in hand, the Gathered turned north for the Throne of Elements to rendezvous with Farseer Drek’thar. After the Farseer’s assessment of the runestones, the blind orc reached out to the elements and managed to “awaken” a fraction of Earthen spirits from within the otherwise arcane artefacts. It was possible to reach deeper into the spirits of the ogre stones, but not from the Throne, thus Drek’thar requested that the gathered take the “raw” manifestation of an elemental up to a reclusive Elemental cave situated in the Elemental Plateau near the mouths of the Skysong waterfalls.

Within this cave, the Gathered used what little knowledge they could glean from a Magister’s scroll found within the Overwatch to fully awaken the runestones and the elements of earth. With no shaman among them, the attempt went awry and the manifestation morphed into a terrible Voidstone elemental.

Using their might once more, the terrible construct was subdued by the Gathering, and the crumbled runestone remains went on to form into a small, quiet elemental. The peculiar hybrid of arcane and shamanistic elements was returned to the Farseer and the Earthen Ring for further study.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome! Keep in mind this will be a dangerous excursion with level 98+ enemies.
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 4/5/2015 10:54 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 3PM on April 18th @ the Caer Darrow bridge, Western Plaguelands


Despite the Cenarion Circle’s best efforts over the years to cease the spread of infected wildlife within the Western Plaguelands, the desperate acts of a dwindled Scourge cult has recently fractured these efforts.

This particular band of cultists have since been apprehended, but their latest fanaticism has turned loose a potent plague-bear bound for the mountain ranges of the Hinterlands. The bear must be found and dealt with before the plague that it carries gains a foothold outside of the quarantined Plaguelands.

The Verdant Gathering has been called together ((on April 18th, 3PM server time)) to meet near the bear’s last known sighting: on the banks of Darrowmere land near the Plaguemist Ravine and the old Caer Darrow.

The Gathering tracked the rogue plaguebear known as 'Sorehide' south through the Plaguemist Ravine. They came across the destruction of a dwarven ale caravan left in Sorehide's wake, from where Orrokogg and witnessed accounts by one Rhapsody Shindigger directed the group deeper into the Hinterlands.

The group had with them four capable trackers, and between them they concluded the presence of a diseased, slimey residue among all of the bear's tracks. The footprints lead them toward the Witherbark Troll ruin of Zun'watha, where among they uncovered much carnage and signs that Sorehide had been there. The huntress Nzeena found a stone tablet referring to "da Wandering Death, so too shall Her venom rot in da veins of our enemies.” The orcish hunter Loktoa also discovered a collection of animated pustules covered in gore and bear fur, one of such pustules opted to follow the group as they ventured northeast toward the Quel'danil lodge.

The tracks ended near the High Elven outpost however. Orrokogg found that the tracks turned to signs of struggle and then, very visibly: drag marks. The gathering followed these marks toward another Witherbark ruin, Agol'watha, which was found to be in worse shape than the previous ruin. It was a bloodbath: dead trolls everywhere and a destroyed cage where the dying words of a Vilebranch Broodguard revealed that his tribe intended to feed Sorehide to their patron Loa, Shadra the Venom Queen.

The hunters deemed it evident that Sorehide had escaped her troll captors however, and the gathered followed her tracks finally to a cave further east along the Hinterland river. The cave was overrun with pustular, animated boils not unlike the ones found at Zun'watha and Tarhoof remained at the cave's mouth to ensure the group would not be overwhelmed from the outside-in.

Sorehide was cornered in the belly of the cave. Loktoa skilfully immobilized the flesh-rotten beast with a net while the druids Orrokogg and Paizei'karim successfully drew the plague from Sorehide with their combined natural magics. Sorehide was let free once she was deemed cured and allowed to return to the Western Plaguelands.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 4/18/2015 2:37 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
DATE CHANGED: Now occuring on Saturday, April 18th (I am unable to run it on Wednesday on short notice, sorry!)
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 3PM on Saturday May 9th @ Southwind Inlet, Frostfire Ridge


The Gathering is called to lend their aid in a comparative study between Draenor’s Zangar Sea and what we know as Zangarmarsh in Outland. At the head of this study are the veteran druids of the once Cenarion Expedition. It is their request that samples be collected all life forms discovered while exploring Orenai Bay and the trench between Frostfire and Nagrand.

It is the Circle’s hope to further their understanding of the circumstances that lead to this lush body of water’s deterioration.

The Cenarion Circle will be providing the adequate elixirs to ensure both breath and communication will not be inhibited between those in the dive team.

Those willing to lend their aid are called to gather on the 9th of May at 3PM ((Server Time)), embarking from the Southwind Inlet off the coast of Frostfire Ridge.
WARNING: It will be cold, and it will be wet. However, the waters will warm further south into the Bay

A sizeable variety of specimen were successfully extracted from the lush seabed of the Zangar strait: an eel, crab, two different species of snail, spore scrapings from the underside of the giant mushroom caps, and several unknown species of fish. The lumbering Fungal Giants that wander the ocean floor were seemingly hard of sight, but no less hostile. The group had to dispatch a handful of them, but made due to gather skin samples from those they felled.

The group’s most promising find was a juvenile Hydra found upon some dense weeds,. It took some considerable effort to subdue, but nonetheless was wrangled into a large crabtrap-like cage.

The course for gathering specimens derailed when the group came upon a sunken Iron Horde wreck - believed to be the same ship that went down with Orgrim Doomhammer and Vindicator Maraad. The team set to investigate the damaged hull for anything of interest - sea life or not. After uncovering the damaged emblem belonging to one of Orgrim’s Grom’kar Elite, a creeping sense of unease alerted the group to a spectral Deadeye sentry spying in the deeps!

The eye was destroyed, but left the group wondering what interest the Bleeding Hollow Clan would have with the ruined ship.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Draenor.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 6/1/2015 7:46 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
Next gathering: 3PM on Sunday May 31st @ base of Twilight Grove, Duskwood


Something stirs in Duskwood - the creeping whisper of a presence reported to be felt by a handful Druids posted in Azeroth. With the frequency of reports growing, the Circle seeks the aid of the Verdant Gathering to investigate the rumors of its source: the Twilight Grove.

The Gathering will rendezvous at the southern base of the Grove (48,60), north of the Yorgen Farmstead, at 3PM on the 31st of the month.

A young dragon named Scolastus was discovered within the Grove and pleaded with the group to aid him upon their arrival. He explained that the uneasy air within the Grove was cause from his elder brother, a green named Illuderar, who was lost within the Emerald Dream. Previously thought to have died in the War Against the Nightmare, Scolastus claimed that his brother ‘s voice had only recently reached him.

Though suspicious of Scolastus’ story, the Gathered agreed to help the brother dragons. They set to tracking down the location of an ancient druidic artifact known as the Emerald Dreamcatcher, a tool that Illuderar claimed would act as a beacon of sorts to guide him out of the Dream.

The Gathered managed to decipher the location of the artifact far in the hills of northeastern Duskwood by way of Scolastus relaying his brother’s directions. It was discovered to be shattered, three fragments unearthed by Beams, Orrokogg and Murajin. Hoping that the Dreamcatcher would still function if brought back to the Twilight Grove, the convoy returned hence to an even stranger presence suffocating the air.

When the shards of the Dreamcatcher were brought to the deactivated Gateway, it warped back to life and the Shade of Illuderar burst through into the physical realm. He was quick to denounce his intentions as noble and cast his younger brother aside as he took to dispatch the Gathered. In such great a number, the force and might of the group managed to subdue and dispel the Shade of llluderar before he could escape and seek his physical body.

With the unnatural magic cleared from within the Twilight Grove, and the Dream Gate deactivated, the Gathered consoled Scolastus in wake of his brother’s cruel betrayal. It was agreed that each shard of the Dreamcatcher would be taken away. One was taken to Moonglade with Tarhoof, the second would reach Ysera in Northrend by way of Adahali and Scolastus. The third would be kept abroad in the care of travelling druids until the Archdruids at Nighthaven could decide the artifact’s fate.


OOC Event Notes
* This event takes place on Azeroth.
* All classes and levels of RP experience welcome!
* GryphonHeartItems is not required, but it will make the event 20% cooler for all attendees who have it!
Edited by Tarhoof on 5/31/2015 5:38 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
If you haven't made it out to one of Tarhoof's Verdant Gathering events, you don't know what you're missing! Well-led and highly interactive, definitely something worth getting involved in!
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100 Tauren Druid
Once again Tarhoof put together an EPIC event.
If you have not attended a VG, you are missing out on how great RP, on ER, can be.

Keep up the good work Tarhoof !
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