*looks down at the crayon sketched sign that says 'I AM FURRIOUS!"*
01/29/2015 12:27 PMPosted by LioreThere is a sector of our magnificent humanity that is rallying in protest against mascots, because they feel the act of dressing as the team animal or vegetable or marital aid or whatever is purposeful mockery of furry folk.
Right now this is happening. You're eating your toast browsing this page and someone somewhere is legitimately angry at the high school mascot.
01/29/2015 12:27 PMPosted by LioreRight now this is happening. You're eating your toast browsing this page and someone somewhere is legitimately angry at the high school mascot.
02/03/2015 01:23 PMPosted by MormelThe only kitty attacks you need to know Liore is how to dewclaw someone and how to give them cat scratch fever.
*sets Finn on fire*
That's not how ya kitty! >:3
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