The WfC: April Showers, Darkest Hours

97 Blood Elf Priest
Do you live like your past is a God?
We live like the future is dead and lost.

Too young, the elders had said. Small hands cannot grasp spears. Little feet are too soft for breaking boards. Youthful hearts, they cooed in unwittingly patronizing tones, were meant to overflow with Spring, not harden against Winter.

And she believed them, of course. All Pandaren, from cub to student to apprentice, are taught to respect the wisdom of years. Aoshi swallowed that little knot of disappointment each time she was handed a broom instead of a blade, and each time she was shooed away from morning kata that little knot grew. She did not recognize what that dark seed had bloomed into, until one night the Alliance came.

A pale-skinned, furless being on some four-legged steed uttered two words, swung his sword, and condemned the village to destruction. Metal figures lurched through thatch-roofed huts, skinny robed things waggled their fingers and threw fireworks that caught and burned. Two words were enough to invoke impossible brutality.

Elder Tao-Cai fell heavily, all the grace stolen from his ample frame. Elder Yllishabel captured a streak of misty lightning and lashed out at the metal people, but it merely scorched their silver shells. Elder Usuke was a flurry of fists and heels. They toppled around him. He too fell, fire licking up the dark fur that had tickled Aoshi's nose all her life. Those mighty arms would hug, no more.

The knot grew. Roots spread.

Something shifted with a crackle of pain, and then Aoshi was someplace else. A place with no sound, and no fear, and no hurt. There was only red, and two words.

She shouted them over and over, as she snatched up a spear too large for her little hands. They were her warsong, as her padded panda foot dashed a helmet into itself. Her heart filled with neither Spring nor Winter but something too deep and too insistant to regard something as meaningless as season.


It swept Aoshi up in its furious arms and shook her until all that remained was brutal purpose, and two words.

The village was a smouldering ruin when dawn came. The red in her vision seeped away, as the knot settled back into her bones like a flower closing upon itself. She gazed upon the work of the armored demons, and upon her own carnage. Metal demons lay in shattered heaps where children had once run and played. Not one amidst them stirred. Aoshi felt only the emptiness of where that knot had bloomed. She shivered and set to work.

Small hands that could not hold a spear could wield a shovel well enough. She was not strong enough to move the bodies, so she would simply dig beside them and push them in. A slow, difficult task, but necessary. Maybe if she planted them, they too would bloom.

It did not take long. Theirs was a small village. She packed provisions and took the curved blade from the broken gauntlet of the metal demon pinned beneath his four-legged steed. She could not remember delivering the horrible gash that split them both. It didn't matter. Two words mattered.

With no home, with no family, Aoshi shouldered her pack and set off into the wilderness where she had grown, with a blank heart and eyes forward. A column of smoke billowed silently from behind, the sole remainder wishing her well on her journey.

Months later, new home. No elders here, but much to learn. Fantastic people, skinny men with long ears, massive bull-people as strong as Yaungol. Little dead folk with incredible humor and stoop-backed blueskins with great teeth sweeping from cunning faces. Each with their own tales to tell. Aoshi never shared her own. When pressed, she would just smile her panda smile and stroke that burning knot deep in the core of her, repeating those two words.

“Me? Ah, I have no story to tell. I am just a Horde Sympathizer.”
Edited by Liore on 4/9/2015 10:43 AM PDT
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97 Blood Elf Priest

Fourtieth year anniversary. Table for one.

Gerrix Twinlever mustered a small, courteous smile. The Maitre D' wasn't buying it. Gerry couldn't blame him; what business would a run down old goblin in a tweed cap and too-tight wool sweater have at Silvermoon's finest restaurant that didn't involve dishwashing?

And here I am, without my dish-gloves, hey Anna?

The words almost trickled from him. As always they had, since time immemorial. Over his right shoulder, where she always stood. And Anna, she'd give his palm a little squeeze and admonish him to mind himself for once in his life. Then she'd smile that smile and Silvermoon would dim in comparison.

“You are Master Twinlever?”

The young elf in his vest and slim-tailored tux pants hid his disgust well, but Gerrix could see the revoltion in those pupil-less green eyes.

Dont trust nothin without pupils, Anna. Hows they supposed to see anyway, hey?

Gerry smiled over his shoulder, but she wasn't there so he swallowed and nodded and doffed his cap. After further deliberation the Maitre D' decided discretion was the better part of valor and encouraged the old goblin to his reserved table before any other guests could mistake him for a customer.

The table was lavish and private, hand carved duskwood with velvet cushions and set up for two. Arranged specifically with a view of the stars, lit only by a pair of tall candles. The wax glued them to the high-thread cloth, the pair of flames flickering and dancing as one. Setting his cap on a hook, Gerry watched them. He swallowed again. A waitress buzzed over and began disassembling the napkins, forks and plates where Anna would have sat. He insisted she leave everything where it was and suffered for not the last time a confused, patronizing smile.

Fourty years. God-damn you were beautiful.

I made it. Told you I would, didn't I? I wasn't the best provider Anna, but I vowed I'd make a good husband. That means keeping my promises, hey?

Appetisers came. He ordered for them both. Immaculate hors d'oeuvres went down slowly with a tall flute of wine. Anna's food went untouched. When Gerry had finished his course, the perplexed waitress hesitated a second before clearing both placements. He offered her a sad nod of approval. Now you're catching on.

You were so beautiful. An' I don't just mean way back. You aged beautiful. It stuck to you like the dark in your hair. You couldn't shake it. Not after the honeymoon, not after the kids came and went. You were so beautiful. Not even the hospital sheets could change that.

Dinner. Two plates. Steak for him, fish for her. Gerry ate silently, with purpose. He wasn't even hungry. But a good husband keeps his promises. The waitress came when the time was right. This time, she looked upon him with a sadness and pity that cut so deeper than the disgust from before.

What I'm sayin' is. I kept my promise. I made it to our Fourtieth. Just like you wanted, hey Anna? But now that I'm here, I don't want to do this anymore. I can't. I can't do this anymore. I've been fixin a lot of people, that's what a doc does, but I can't fix this. I can't fix this hole you've left in me. I don't even want to. I just want to fill it again, with you.

Dessert, ah dessert. Gerrix had no sweet tooth. But when a cheesecake whipped into melting, sugary majesty was set before him he ate up every bite. Well, half at least. A cup of kafa. At least the elves could do this much right. It was robust and dark with an overtone of rich almond that filled his mouth with warmth. The waitress was notably absent, replaced instead by a young fella with apology in his well-practiced courtesy. Yes, that will be all thank you. Yes, I will take my check now. Good job on the kafa. Imported, hey? Very fine.

What I'm sayin', is. Is. I'm comin, baby.
Edited by Liore on 10/3/2014 12:35 PM PDT
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Field Medics don't get as much pay as their private practice counterparts, and that's just fine. Its not for the gold. Imagine that, a goblin that loves healing more than currency. What a world. So it took Gerry the better part of a year to save up for this one night, once a year, where he took Anna out to someplace real nice. She died five years ago. But that didn't stop the tradition. As the bile bubbled in the back of her perfect throat he promised he would join her. She twisted that promise, clever girl, and on her death bed got him to swear he'd at least give the world another chance. Five more years to try and find happiness.

But nothing could compare to the pale morning light tangled in her hair.


Gerrix Twinlever waddled from the restaurant, settling his tweed cap back on his bald green head. He checked the hour on a silverite pocket watch, and saw it was midnight on the nose. Stunted steps carried him inexorably towards the Shepherd's Gate, the well-manicured garden outside the City proper. He selected a bench and climbed upon it. He patted his wool-clad belly and discovered he felt nothing at all, like sewing up a squirming soldier in the field. Business as usual.

The pistol slipped from his shoulder holdster with a creak of leather. It cocked with a metallic click, and the barrel was startlingly cold when he pressed it up just above his trachea.

I'm comin, baby.

The trigger barely resisted. Gerry gave it a good squeeze and held his breath. Someone screamed. Sudden commotion moved by the garden. Two figures moved from the cover of night and slouched beside a street-lamp. An elvin man and a lady orc. Both clearly hurt, but the woman left a smear of bright red where she leaned against the tall marble post.

Gerrix watched them, weighing his options. The trigger half-squeezed, the hammer half-cocked. But instinct and training and damn common sense said that woman wasn't going to make it into the city. The elf was swimming out of consciousness himself, panting with labored exhaustion. How long had they been running?

The instant he asked himself that question, Gerry knew he'd chosen. He thumbed the hammer down slowly, harmlessly and slipped his gun back into its home. Heavy little feet carried him over to the pair, who were unresponsive. Wishing he had his kit was about as useful as patiently watching them die; he patted down the male and found some bandages, a mending poultice, and a small metal insignia with three letters fashioned upon it on the breast of a phoenix emblem.


Coterie. Gerrix sighed with resolve, and set to stabilizing his two patients.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Guild Mission Statement:

The Wayfarer's Coterie are a member-driven guild, with a focus on raiding and roleplay and a strong community interest. We're a mature group, most of us having been a part of Cenarion Circle since vanilla WoW. Each member of the guild brings their personality and experience into the mix, and each member is considered valuable and a part of the whole. We offer a generally easy-going attitude as a whole, and operate on a level of maturity that lends itself more to humor and less to drama. We spend less time looking out for individual interest and more for the group, that way everybody is covered.


How you came to us doesn't matter. We've all got our pasts, but its on you to decide how you navigate your future. The members of the Coterie do not have an official heirarchy. There are no captains to pull rank on you, or officers to boss you around. You come and go at your own convenience. You have your own stories to tell, and you want to develop on your own terms, not play the set-piece in someone else's theatre production. Or maybe you find that you don't mind just coming along for the ride, where nothing extravagent is expected of you but to be true to your character and develop long-lasting friendships with some of the greatest people you'll ever meet. The options are aplenty, but no matter how you choose, you will be in good company with us.

Old Bloodwing runs the whole show. You're free, until he calls you. That's the only catch.

Coming into WoD, there will be more community-based guild events. DnD style storytelling, in character raids. I have much planned, much ground to cover, and I like to shape my stories around the characters participating. These will be our goals coming into the new expansion, giving role playing members the opportunities to work in a setting that is adaptable to their personal needs.


WfC's raid team is composed of friends who are excited by excellent teamwork in the face of challenging content. We raid regularly and take it very seriously, although our general style is playful and irreverent. We intend to stay current with new content as it is released and recruit mature, fun, skillful (or willing to learn) players with the same goals.We actively raid 10-man content with every intent to progress through the raid game. Just because we raid seriously does not mean we are going to be pushing to be #1, but we will be pushing to stay current and most important, have fun with our fellow friends.

The new raid environment will leave room for more players to join, but for the moment we are not looking to expand beyond a 15 man team. As we progress and if we decide to push into Mythic content, we will be more than willing to expand to a 20 man team.

Fun is more important than anything. I personally find clearing content to be exciting, rewarding, and builds relationships. Nights that are designated as raid nights will be undertaken with a business-casual mindset. We are focused on clearing content, not social hour. As Finnie put it, you can wear jeans if you'd like but you'd better have a !@#$ing tie.

Rank Expectations:

Patriarch – That's me. From me, you can expect vision and goal-oriented focus. I have plans and I intend to get us there as a whole. I am open to ideas and viewpoints, in fact I require them.

Council – Officer ranks. Long-time Wayfarers who have helped us grow into success. Expect fair treatment and useful advice. Less overlord, more cool uncle. Class officers.

Colleague – Veteran ranks. You've been with us a while. Reliable and knowing what to expect, you are the bread and butter of our organization. From a Colleague, you can expect patience and eagerness to help.

Lost Soul – Beginner ranks. Welcome home. From you, we can expect greatness as you establish yourself with us. Be respectful, be clever, be free.


WfC is currently opening recruitment for WoD. With a focus on Heroic content, we will be putting together a raid team of 15 members (more or less, dependant on several factors). Roleplayers of any background and disposition are welcome to join.

All recruitment is done through me, via a brief interview. I look forward to meeting you, and seeing what you're all about.

Update 10.16.14: All permanent raid slots will require a Proving Grounds: Gold rating for that slot.

We cannot give without receiving. We cannot share what we do not have inside. It is this quiet, the peace between breaths, that makes us what we truly are. Gives us strength for all our journeys.
Edited by Liore on 10/16/2014 4:43 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock

Can I haz ur stuff!?!?

Also... your eyebrows and ears are sticking out of your helmet again.

In all seriousness... even though I don't see PVP mentioned if anyone in the Coterie feels like running random BGs just give me a whisper.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
I'm beginning to think these things weren't made for cool people.

I'll bg with you. I like the frantic pace and unbalanced unfairness of PvP. A couple of the others do too if I recall.

Pretty excited for Ashran.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Sounds good. I also hope Ashran lives up to Blizzard's expectations.
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I too wish to participate in the P V-ing of P.

Also, join our ranks! I promise not to be too strange!

Though...I tend to break all of my promises...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
10/04/2014 12:08 PMPosted by Mormel
Sounds good. I also hope Ashran lives up to Blizzard's expectations.

Hoping it gets hit with a nerf bat first. There are people running around with 150 million HP who one-shot people at will. I'm pretty sure that's not intentional.
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/07/2014 10:08 AMPosted by Ketiron
Hoping it gets hit with a nerf bat first. There are people running around with 150 million HP who one-shot people at will. I'm pretty sure that's not intentional.

Oh goody. Well if that continues then almost no one will play in it.

10/07/2014 09:11 AMPosted by Finnaeus
I too wish to participate in the P V-ing of P.

I don't know... we usually don't allow troll trees on the team because of all the parasites they have.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
10/07/2014 11:59 AMPosted by Mormel
Oh goody. Well if that continues then almost no one will play in it.

Actually, I found the answer to that - apparently it's a gear glitch. Something about getting two trinkets or rings or some such that boosts your ilvl, apparently it doubles up or something.
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100 Goblin Warlock
WoD is buggy!? Get out of here! >:(

Well... at least it might get patched. Soon. Maybe...
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97 Blood Elf Priest
I'm impressed. Usually at this point we've devolved to name calling and nose picking.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Sorry. What was that Lioser?

/picks nose
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10/09/2014 11:12 AMPosted by Mormel
Sorry. What was that Lioser?

/picks nose

So what is it called when the booger picks a booger? Sounds like nepotism to me.

10/09/2014 11:08 AMPosted by Liore
I'm impressed. Usually at this point we've devolved to name calling and nose picking.

We're trying to be professional here! We need raiders!
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/10/2014 09:33 AMPosted by Finnaeus
So what is it called when the booger picks a booger? Sounds like nepotism to me.

More like filicide but we don't talk about that.
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It's not also cannibalism, I hope.

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100 Goblin Warlock
Questioning cannibalism? That's rich coming from a troll. :3
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
10/10/2014 10:57 AMPosted by Mormel
Questioning cannibalism? That's rich coming from a troll. :3

As much as I hate to admit it, she's got a point, Finn.
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10/10/2014 12:34 PMPosted by Ketiron
10/10/2014 10:57 AMPosted by Mormel
Questioning cannibalism? That's rich coming from a troll. :3

As much as I hate to admit it, she's got a point, Finn.

But alas, I'm not a real troll.

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