Most famous Rogue RPer?

100 Human Rogue
11/16/2014 06:19 PMPosted by Gentyl
Arlston is the silent, watcher type.

Awww. Gen, you mentioned me!

Though I don't think I'm famous at all. I'm just overly creepy.

Seriously though, she's right. We're all rogues, but we're not dime a dozen. Some are vastly different than others. Harmarth is basically a fury warrior who sneaks and uses leather. Ettin is shady, quiet, and will shank your kneecaps off. It's all about who you 'want' to be.

I'm a big lore buff, and consider myself unrivaled in SI:7 lore, as I love rogues so much. If you have any roguish questions please feel free to shoot me a whisper. Otherwise, just bounce ideas around get some feedback and roll with it. You're a rogue, adaptation and planning is your strong suit.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
How is it that no one has mentioned Irilin? *sad face*
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100 Human Paladin
Pang and Sadiq come to mind on horde side. Good grief those guys are good and play fun characters.

Alli side, Duo was pretty famous. I wrote The Rogue for him after he and the Skulls rescued Gen once. Rogues are like anything else, you have all flavors. Twobits is a gnome rogue who is quite a lady's man and completely incorrigible. Ettin is fun. She's pretty cold-blooded. Arlston is the silent, watcher type.

Just decide what you want to do and play it out. Characters evolve and grow as you play them. On the plus side, people are willing to help others with their rp, so this is a good server.

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100 Blood Elf Rogue
I pick myself.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
11/27/2014 01:36 AMPosted by Reagan
I pick myself.

Of course you do.
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