I see. thank you. I was hoping to try a cold blooded assassin type who doesn't show emotions and rarely speaks because that would be easy to do
It would be easy to do, but you'll want to be careful with this. In hindsight it's incredibly easy to create a concept like this and apply it in character, but you'll quickly find that the quality of RP may deteriorate simply due to the fact that a character such as that is bound to become boring. I understand that things like this are subjective, but it is more of a fact in this case that that character would become a very monotonous, flat assassin that doesn't really exhibit any particular traits that shows it as anything aside from generic.
Too, it automatically takes away from certain situations that could spark RP otherwise. Your character doesn't have a sense of pity, nor can he or she truly understand the value of mercy, both of which can be very important to building an RP. That said, your character is your own, and I hope you don't take this as anything but friendly advice!
At any rate, I wouldn't ask for "famous" roleplayers. I've found that the case is that the more renowned people tend to be so because they are active, or play characters that are less 'good' than they are funny or strangely unique. Just ask for some advice straight up, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of good answers. In this case, you can't really take one class and apply it to every race and situation. There are many different types of paladins, many flavours of a warrior. There are enchanters and conjurers, evokers and illusionists. There are blood mages, shadow mages, things of a nature that go beyond 'mage' and 'warlock'.
A rogue is probably the most varied. Assassins, pirates, or even simple cutpurses, what makes a character a rogue is completely up to you.
What you need to learn are the basics. To that, I suggest referring to the list on the Story Forums or even just playing Warcraft 3 and looking around Wowpedia for information that even a rock should know. Once your character knows that stuff, a lot of the details don't matter. What does he care about the state of Dalaran? King Magni is a big statue? Does that make you any money? Nah, so who cares? The most important part is writing a character that's yours.