Royal Library Salons [RP Events - Horde]

It had taken an aggressive round of spring cleaning (slightly out of season, and more performed under Arjah's watchful eye than by her actual hands), but the Royal Library was presentable once again.

The portico was freshly scrubbed, the pillows re-stuffed and dusted, and the brass servingware polished to a high shine. True, the angles on the marble steps did not quite line up with the columns supporting the roof, but Arjah drew the line at major structural renovations. It wasn't in the budget anyway.

All that remained was to fill the gleaming portico once more with charming company, high ideals, and the brightest minds of the Horde, or, failing that, at least with some good-natured boozers who could be counted on to donate a book now and then.

It was, in short, time to re-open the Royal Library salons.

Artichokes and Onions: A History of the Alterac Valley in Military Documentation

Long contested by two proxies only loosely overseen by their respective governments, the Alterac Valley has been a breeding ground for conflict -- and for genocide -- since before the Outland expedition.

Re-visit the generation-old conflict through the lens of historical documents, examining the early decisions and stratagems of Vanndar Stormpike and Frostwolf General Drek'thar. Includes an opportunity to handle a rare copy of the Alliance treatise still issued to new Stormpike recruits, preserved in the Royal Library's vaults.

Acting Head Librarian Arjah, a veteran of the conflict, will present briefly on the historical documents. Drinks and discussion will follow, with a free specialty cocktail (hint: it'll knock your socks off...and then set them on fire!) for any veterans bearing the "Eye of Command" collar decoration (Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6).

DATE: Thursday, 22 January
TIME: 7:30 PM [[Cenarion Circle Server/Pacific Time]]
LOCATION: The Royal Library portico (SE corner of Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon City)
ATTIRE: Semi-formal or military uniform where appropriate. Frostwolf Clan decorations encouraged.
Edited by Arjah on 1/20/2015 7:27 PM PST
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[obsolete info deleted]
Edited by Arjah on 1/20/2015 7:27 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Awww... I would come but that time clashes with the PVP Night time :( ))
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01/20/2015 08:46 AMPosted by Mormel
((Awww... I would come but that time clashes with the PVP Night time :( ))

((The who an'a what? People gotta post these things! I do try to avoid other scheduled events.))
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100 Goblin Warlock

((It's gotten several updates over the past few weeks but you might have missed it since it is specifically for Alliance. Regardless most of the people on the roster spend the vast majority of their time Alli side so I am kind of the odd one out in that my main is Horde.))
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((New time and date posted, since apparently lots of things happen on Tuesdays. We'll try this Thursday night!))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((But Thursday Night is Horde Cookie Night followed by the Gnome Punting Championships in TB!!!! :o ))

((Just kidding! ;P I should be able to make it for that time although, being an East Coaster, I'll probably only be able to attend for an hour tops before having to log for the evening.))
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100 Human Warrior

*Hastily writes Abominus a letter*
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Tonight! 7:30 server time! And Abominus is naturally welcome...his maggots have feasted on the flesh of Stormpike soldiers before, yes yes.
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Feeling rather pleased with the Salon, Arjah hastened to add a few copies of her own Alterac Valley verse, published a great many years ago indeed, to the Royal Library's lending selections for the week. It had come up at the Salon, and she had only just barely restrained the impulse to give an impromptu poetry reading...

On a Recent Victory in the Alterac Valley

by Arjah, of the Horde

How nimbly we, like children, slip and slide
Upon the snowy mountain slopes!
I slid and fell, but childlike, never cried,
Nor never thought how many 'fore me died,
But rose again, and laughing, joined the ride
Back up the mountain of our hopes.

The flag, the flag! Go up the hill; lay claim!
Oh run, you glist'ning youth, and play!
A mother now, and yet I joined your game,
And for a little while we were the same,
And never gave a thought to any pain
We gave each other on the way.

Oh come, my darling children, come inside -
The shadows deepen on the slopes.
Return to me, your faces flushed with pride,
And think a while on what you have denied
Those blessed children of the other side -
So swiftly too may go our hopes.

((Big thanks to everyone who came! More Library salons to come soon, so watch this space!))
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81 Blood Elf Rogue
A little blood elf wandered along reading a book in hand. She was about halfway through it and eager to finish all the pages. It covered a mix of explosives, treasures, and looking for adventure. She was entrapped with the words as her eyes darted along them. She eyed the book, the place she was walking to, and then glanced around for a spot to sit and read the rest before she continued about her day looking for a salon she had been told about.
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The Royal Library Presents...

Anapestic Antics: Limericks of the Wildhammer and Others

Celebrate that wittiest of ditties, the limerick, as The Royal Library cracks open The Wildhammer Book of Verse and shares some of its most outrageous selections!

Following a short discussion of the limerick form and readings from the Book of Verse, audience and Library members will be invited to share their own original creations. Bring a few of your own or make them up on the spot, and don't be afraid to let your ribald humor run wild. As an expert once said:

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

For beginners, remember: the traditional form is five lines in AABBA rhyme scheme and anapestic meter. In a "pure" limerick the first, second, and fifth lines contain three feet of three syllables each, and the third and fourth lines two feet of three syllables each, but as a folk form it tends to be flexible, and minor variations will be forgiven in the name of a good jest.

DATE: Thurs. 5 February
TIME: 6:00 PM [Cenarion Cicle Server/Pacific Time]
LOCATION: The Royal Library portico (SE corner of Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon City)
ATTIRE: Casual
BRING: One or more limericks to share, or an appetite for hearing them!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! I love limericks! They are so tasty an' chewy an' fruity!
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Salon tanigh'! Limericks!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((A recap of some of the evening's limericks will be forthcoming. I just have to dig out the log and see what I caught. (Unfortunately, I missed some from the beginning, but I got a good chunk, I think!)))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((I hope you caught Mormel's impromptu kitty limerick ;P ))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((looks like I turned on the chatlog too late to catch it. Sorry, Mormy ))
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Okay, the limericks I managed to get are over on the DotOrg:

If yours isn't there, and you happened to catch it on your log, or had it written down beforehand, let me know, and I'll be glad to add it to the list!))
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100 Undead Priest
I was most disappointed to see that my limerick was not captured. I am sure it was merely a coincidence or faulty equipment. Limericks about the Light and the Virtues of Chastity are sadly lacking in our times.

Sister Clottia
Church of Inverted Dawn
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100 Pandaren Rogue
02/07/2015 03:40 PMPosted by Clottia
I was most disappointed to see that my limerick was not captured. I am sure it was merely a coincidence or faulty equipment. Limericks about the Light and the Virtues of Chastity are sadly lacking in our times.

Sister Clottia
Church of Inverted Dawn

It was an error on my part--It didn't occur to me until halfway through to turn on the chat log so I could see them later. If you have it written down, I would be glad to add it to the compendium.
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