New RP Player Looking For A Home

100 Tauren Warrior
Hello everyone! My in game name on Cenarion circle is "Azsharand". I played World of Warcraft from the Beta of Vanilla through Cataclysm. I decided to take a break through most of Mists of Panderia (excluding the last 2 months or so ) and have decided to make a return for Warlords of Draenor.
I am very interested in the RP side of WoW and would love to join a mature guild that would be patient wiht a player like myself. I am new to RP but am very open to learning and immersing myself into the RP side of WoW. I am going to playing a Night Elf hunter.
If any guilds ( or players ) would be willing to give me a shot, please do not hesitate to post here and add me in game. I will be checking this post multiple times a day. Thanks everyone!
- Azsharand
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100 Gnome Priest
Hello and Welcome!

Conclave will welcome you with open arms if you ever find yourself Ally Side!
We're a group of scholars, researchers, archaeologists, and adventurers who work to collect, record, and safeguard the many histories and secret knowledges found throughout Azeroth. We accept all types of characters and players, and we're very beginner friendly, full of good natured, helpful and knowledgeable players.

Regardless of faction, we have something lovingly called the MACRO OF DOOOOOM which lists all available guilds I'm somewhat lazy so I'll let someone else post a link to it. I think there is even a thread that was recently updated so you might find it's still on the second or third forum page, or there abouts.

Alliance side I can say that there is a wealth of great people and helpful RP guilds. Horde side I'm just now beginning to learn, but I can say that there are great people over there too! Which ever side you're on be certain to join their OOC chat channel and make yourself known. :D

/join allianceooc
/join hordeooc

Hope to see you online!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :)
Edited by Caileanmor on 12/22/2014 1:16 PM PST
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100 Orc Warlock
RP Guild Macro Archive:

((Throm'ka. Cail here. Horde side alt. Here is a link to that guild macro. Turns out its still on the first page :) ))

Stabs a wickedly twisted ritual dagger into the earth with a fierce grunt. Her intense gaze fixed on you from behind her skull face-shield.

"Join Modas or suffer." She growls. The orc warlock vanishes, swallowed in an inferno of fel green flames. With a mad scream of pain mixed with glee she proclaims: "GAR'MAK!"
Edited by Gorehand on 12/22/2014 1:14 PM PST
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100 Tauren Warrior
I would love to join your guild! Or any other for that matter :p Just want to find a nice home on the Alliance. Somewhere that will be patient with my while i learn the ropes o RP'ing in the World of Warcraft =)
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100 Tauren Warrior
Still looking for a good roleplaying guild guys!
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100 Human Warrior
There is a wealth of lovely guilds alliance side for you to choose from! It depends on what sort of character you'd like to roleplay, or what environment you're looking for. Cail has already suggested Conclave, which is a very friendly guild full of lovely people. I will follow his example with my own shameless plug:

My main's guild is the Stormwind Union, home of the Stormwind Watch. If you've ever been interested in roleplaying as an alliance guard, this may be the place for you! If you are not looking to be a guard, there are many other support positions as well as plain ol' law abiding citizen roles you can join as.

There are many other guilds out there with different roles in our community. I'd suggest you figure out what character you're playing. Join AllianceOOC, the people in there are very friendly and helpful and many of them will be eager to tell you more about their various guilds :)

Welcome to CC!
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100 Human Paladin
Welcome Azsharand! Glad to have you aboard!
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100 Tauren Warrior
Thank you Genevra!!!
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100 Human Paladin
Hello, Azsharand,

Pia Presidium loves to help new roleplayers.

We're sort of like the knights templar with a sense of humor and sometimes a keg. Basically, protectors of the land.

Join allianceooc and get to know people.

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100 Gnome Priest
Welcome aboard!
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