Fanfiction. Thar be ships ahoy!

100 Human Warlock
Noikona and Ardam. I agree.

Many babies.

*Looks at Aribet*
Who're you?
*Looks at Fred?*
Who are you and why do I care?

*Looks down at Raven*
Good girl.
Edited by Tyvian on 2/16/2015 6:05 PM PST
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02/16/2015 04:48 PMPosted by Derscha
So, when are Derscha and Plainswander going to meet up for a nice stack of pancakes and bond over complaining about couriers?
Yer a cute lil' gnomette Derscha, real cute.
But....well, ah been hurt before darlin, ah don't think Im ready yet...ya know?
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100 Worgen Druid
*nods* Many Babies.

*gasps* Grim. I'm hurt.
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100 Human Warlock
02/16/2015 06:16 PMPosted by Freediction
*gasps* Grim. I'm hurt.

Mission accomplished. Kitty.

*Swoops in while Fred's feelings be hurt and woos Aribet*
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97 Night Elf Monk
<Dispassionately eyes Grim for a minute, wondering why he feels the need to cover his face with such a grotesque mask. Her eyes grow wide with astonishment at his woo.>

Edited by Aribet on 2/16/2015 6:58 PM PST
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97 Night Elf Monk
((Dangit, Tyvian! You posted like 2 seconds before me! I had to change my post.))
Edited by Aribet on 2/16/2015 6:58 PM PST
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02/16/2015 06:55 PMPosted by Aribet
Her eyes grow wide with astonishment at his woo.

See that up there?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Clearly Plainswander has been taking lessons from Arlston and Kordrion. Thinking that's a metaphor...sheesh.
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...wait, you're telling me a "woo" is a literal thing?
Are you saying that woo, is not, in fact, a term used to describe something, but is a actual, palpable, concrete thing?
Man, you elves and humans are leagues weirder than I ever suspected.
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100 Worgen Warlock
You're just discovering this NOW, tenderloin?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/17/2015 11:52 AMPosted by Plainswander
...wait, you're telling me a "woo" is a literal thing?
Are you saying that woo, is not, in fact, a term used to describe something, but is a actual, palpable, concrete thing?
Man, you elves and humans are leagues weirder than I ever suspected.

<Blinks once. Twice.>


<Glances at Noikona.>

You were right. Time to go.

<Flees the thread.>
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/17/2015 11:52 AMPosted by Plainswander
...wait, you're telling me a "woo" is a literal thing?
Are you saying that woo, is not, in fact, a term used to describe something, but is a actual, palpable, concrete thing?
Man, you elves and humans are leagues weirder than I ever suspected.

<Blinks once. Twice.>


<Glances at Noikona.>

You were right. Time to go.

<Flees the thread.>

*is already a hundred paces in front of you*
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100 Draenei Paladin
<Blinks once. Twice.>


<Glances at Noikona.>

You were right. Time to go.

<Flees the thread.>

*is already a hundred paces in front of you*

The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Avalanche? What avalanche?

*hides the industrial-strength flamethrower he was using to melt the snow to cause it*
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I wanna see this fabled "woo" thinger y'all's talkin about. Really now, don't leave me hangin, it's fer research ya know.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Don'cha worry ya big lug. I can show ya this "woo" thin' just fine.

*winks while thrusting her hip out to one side*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Noikona, I wonder if we should be offended.

02/18/2015 07:04 AMPosted by Plainswander
WAIT! COME BACK!!I wanna see this fabled "woo" thinger y'all's talkin about. Really now, don't leave me hangin, it's fer research ya know.

There is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!
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02/18/2015 08:21 AMPosted by Mormel
Don'cha worry ya big lug. I can show ya this "woo" thin' just fine.

*winks while thrusting her hip out to one side*
Okay, no, see, that's CLEARLY a hip joint. I may be a "big dumb tauren", but I know basic physiognomy.
Anyway, according to those people over there, a "woo" is apparently a discrete thing, and your hip is clearly part of you.
Unless you're modular.
You're not, are you?
I mean, at this point, I don't think I should take anything for granted.

02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by Azheira
There is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!

Well, see, NOW you're just being inconsistent and confusing. Frikkin elves. Show me the woo dangit! Druids don't handle curiosity well!
Edited by Plainswander on 2/18/2015 11:30 AM PST
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