02/18/2015 08:21 AMPosted by
Mormel Don'cha worry ya big lug. I can show ya this "woo" thin' just fine.
*winks while thrusting her hip out to one side*
Okay, no, see, that's CLEARLY a hip joint. I may be a "big dumb tauren", but I know basic physiognomy.
Anyway, according to those people over there, a "woo" is apparently a discrete thing, and your hip is clearly part of you.
Unless you're modular.
You're not, are you?
I mean, at this point, I don't think I should take anything for granted.
02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by
Azheira There is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!
Well, see, NOW you're just being inconsistent and confusing. Frikkin elves. Show me the woo dangit! Druids don't handle curiosity well!