02/16/2015 06:04 PMPosted by TyvianNoikona and Ardam. I agree.
Many babies.
<stabs> Grim
02/16/2015 06:16 PMPosted by Freediction*nods* Many Babies.
<stabs> Freediction
02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by AzheiraNoikona, I wonder if we should be offended.
<stabs> Zephilyn
02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by AzheiraThere is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!
No Grim woo'd or attempted to, we all saw it. How people mistake a woo as a physical manifestation is beyond me. Hmm... how did Grim woo? Was it with a rose or another type of gift?
Edited by Noikona on 2/18/2015 11:53 AM PST