Fanfiction. Thar be ships ahoy!

100 Draenei Warrior
02/16/2015 06:04 PMPosted by Tyvian
Noikona and Ardam. I agree.

Many babies.

<stabs> Grim

02/16/2015 06:16 PMPosted by Freediction
*nods* Many Babies.

<stabs> Freediction

02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by Azheira
Noikona, I wonder if we should be offended.

<stabs> Zephilyn

02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by Azheira
There is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!

No Grim woo'd or attempted to, we all saw it. How people mistake a woo as a physical manifestation is beyond me. Hmm... how did Grim woo? Was it with a rose or another type of gift?
Edited by Noikona on 2/18/2015 11:53 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/18/2015 11:29 AMPosted by Plainswander
Frikkin elves.

Shows what you know. I'm not actually an elf.

<Points at Grim.>

He's the one who started the woo. Ask him.
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97 Night Elf Druid
<stabs> Grim

<stabs> Freediction

<stabs> Zephilyn

Geez, Noikona, there you go, leaving a bloody trail behind ya. No wonder the Watch likes to hang out with you so much.
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97 Night Elf Monk
02/18/2015 11:33 AMPosted by Noikona
how did Grim woo? Was it with a rose or another type of gift?

<Moves a little closer to Freediction.>

Can we go now?
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02/18/2015 11:45 AMPosted by Azheira
Shows what you know. I'm not actually an elf.
Now lessee here. Pointy ears, skinnier than one a them pinkie-sack humans, and with a distinctly airborne nose.
Unless yer a goblin wut done got caught in a taffy-pullin bleach machine, yer an elf.

02/18/2015 11:45 AMPosted by Azheira
He's the one who started the woo. Ask him.
What was you using fer a woo? Somebody mentioned roses....did ya grow it yerself? Is it mechanical? Maybe made of wood? Any reciprocatin' double action woo-joints involved?

02/18/2015 11:50 AMPosted by Aribet
Can we go now?
Yer going to the woo-shack ain'tcha? Can you bring me back one? Fer research ya unnerstand.
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100 Draenei Paladin
02/16/2015 06:04 PMPosted by Tyvian
Noikona and Ardam. I agree.

Many babies.

<stabs> Grim

02/16/2015 06:16 PMPosted by Freediction
*nods* Many Babies.

<stabs> Freediction

02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by Azheira
Noikona, I wonder if we should be offended.

<stabs> Zephilyn

02/18/2015 10:39 AMPosted by Azheira
There is no 'woo'! The 'woo' is a lie!

No Grim woo'd or attempted to, we all saw it. How people mistake a woo as a physical manifestation is beyond me. Hmm... how did Grim woo? Was it with a rose or another type of gift?

Wait a sec!??! You didn't even quote my quote! *cough* Stab Azheira...*cough* *gurgle* I...didn't do anything.... *cough* *dies*
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/18/2015 12:06 PMPosted by Zephilyn
Wait a sec!??! You didn't even quote my quote! *cough* Stab Azheira...*cough* *gurgle* I...didn't do anything.... *cough* *dies*

*smiles victoriously, pulling out her Cremating Torch*
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90 Human Paladin
02/18/2015 12:01 PMPosted by Plainswander
Now lessee here. Pointy ears, skinnier than one a them pinkie-sack humans, and with a distinctly airborne nose.

What pointy ears? And who are you calling a pinkie-sack? suede jacket that will go perfectly with the leather pants I just bought.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/18/2015 12:06 PMPosted by Zephilyn
Stab Azheira

She already tried that. Didn't work out so well. Ever notice her limp?
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100 Human Warlock
02/18/2015 12:01 PMPosted by Plainswander
What was you using fer a woo? Somebody mentioned roses....did ya grow it yerself? Is it mechanical? Maybe made of wood? Any reciprocatin' double action woo-joints involved?

Skill. Pure, effective, unadulterated skill.

A woo is an art form, it's a tantalizing feeling of...
Well, you'll just have to let somebody "Woo" you, so that you can woohoo!

Azheira, please, entreat the deli-"kind" Tauren.
*smiles victoriously, pulling out her Cremating Torch*

Now Noikona, don't be teasing us with a good time with how adventurous you like to be.
Edited by Tyvian on 2/18/2015 1:01 PM PST
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97 Night Elf Monk
02/18/2015 12:01 PMPosted by Plainswander
Yer going to the woo-shack ain'tcha? Can you bring me back one? Fer research ya unnerstand.

<Leans over to Freediction.>

What's a woo-shack? Is that anything like snack shack? Why would he want to research one? He seems a little obsessed with woos. Do you think he needs an intervention?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/18/2015 12:59 PMPosted by Tyvian
Azheira, please, entreat the deli-"kind" Tauren.

No. I am otherwise occupied, thank you very much.
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100 Human Warlock
<Leans over to Freediction.>

What's a woo-shack? Is that anything like snack shack? Why would he want to research one? He seems a little obsessed with woos. Do you think he needs an intervention?

Looks like he needs a true woo with you. Or he'll be a blue hue he didn't woo or give you a chu. He's long overdue that's he can accrue the reason that woo is taboo. Who will renew this Tauren's desire to woo?
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100 Draenei Warrior
<Leans over to Freediction.>

What's a woo-shack? Is that anything like snack shack? Why would he want to research one? He seems a little obsessed with woos. Do you think he needs an intervention?

Looks like he needs a true woo with you. Or he'll be a blue hue he didn't woo or give you a chu. He's long overdue that's he can accrue the reason that woo is taboo. Who will renew this Tauren's desire to woo?

<blinks> Aribet is going to woo Plainswander, isn't it dangerous to cross the woo's
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97 Night Elf Monk
<Has decided to ignore all mention of woos.>

Ms. Momlir. I see you have left a trail of blood behind you. Your cell in the Stocks is waiting.
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02/18/2015 01:05 PMPosted by Azheira
No. I am otherwise occupied, thank you very much.
Besides, I'm sure they's nice an all, but really an fer true, fragile little elf? Not really my "thing", ifyouknowwhatImean....
Go gnome or go home, s'what I always say.
Or did.
...a long time ago.


DagNabbit, now I'm all depressed.

An' grim? it's true, I wish to understand the workings of the woo.
But what they'll do won't make me blue, for I submit to you, that what they do is not the woo, for the true woo clue I will pursue, even unto the cloudy blue.
Woos a thing, not a deed of which to sing. And though it may sting, I'll keep searching until to me someone the woo shall bring.
it might be metal, it might be wood, a thing maybe fel, or blessed by light and good. But I'll not rest until the day comes that can I point to and say "here is when the WOO I understood!"
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34 Gnome Rogue
<Eyes Plainswander. Sniffles.>

You're just a big...<mutters something inaudible, but sounds a lot like smokin' hot slab of beef>...bag of wind. You talk of gnomes but you left me hanging. Hanging!

<Shuffles away all dejected like.>
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100 Orc Shaman
Bralox tried to Woo once, he gave pretty orc lady sharp set of knives.

Bralox mated now.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Pft. Ya all are just a buncha amateurs. No one knows wooin' like me! I can pass on my wisdom... for a price. :3
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