Fanfiction. Thar be ships ahoy!

100 Worgen Warlock
02/18/2015 04:46 PMPosted by Mormel
Pft. Ya all are just a buncha amateurs. No one knows wooin' like me! I can pass on my wisdom... for a price. :3

Typical goblin, overcharging for shoddy product.
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100 Goblin Warlock
*rolls eyes*

Like a lawn ornament would know anythin' 'bout product an' service quality.
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100 Orc Shaman
02/18/2015 04:46 PMPosted by Mormel
Pft. Ya all are just a buncha amateurs. No one knows wooin' like me! I can pass on my wisdom... for a price. :3
Did you rip the spine out of one of your mate's other courters to ensure you were the last orc standing?

Bralox thinks not.

Bralox :1, Overpricing Goblin:0
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh yeah! We'll I'm married with mistresses an' boy toys on the side!

Smexy Empress Mormel: 9999
Knuckle Dragging Orc: 1
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24 Gnome Mage
*Finds a comfortable chair with a large bowl of popcorn, watching the massive orc and petite goblin’s exchange, all the while munching away*
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98 Night Elf Druid
What... happened to this thread?
I'd like to submit Disc..Disca.. Ettin-Druid and Mithara. Many fuzzy babies, yes. Cubs to cuddle!
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Oh FINE then...if'n ain't nobody gonna explain or show what a "woo" is precisely, I'll suppose I'll contribute to the "who's matin who" game....
...uh...dang. I got nuthin.
Mormei and Rakeri I guess?
It'd be entertainin' if nuthin else.
And keep 'em busy and outta hopes.
Edited by Plainswander on 2/19/2015 1:46 PM PST
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100 Human Rogue
02/19/2015 01:46 PMPosted by Plainswander
Oh FINE then...if'n ain't nobody gonna explain or show what a "woo" is precisely, I'll suppose I'll contribute to the "who's matin who" game....
...uh...dang. I got nuthin.
Mormei and Rakeri I guess?
It'd be entertainin' if nuthin else.
And keep 'em busy and outta hopes.

Or they accidentally work together and blow up the world. One or the other, not like we would notice either way!
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24 Gnome Mage
Who's that lady who does the sermons every Wednesday? Hmmm, no matter, but I think she'd look just grand with a boomkin, don't you all think?
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/19/2015 01:46 PMPosted by Plainswander
Oh FINE then...if'n ain't nobody gonna explain or show what a "woo" is precisely, I'll suppose I'll contribute to the "who's matin who" game....
...uh...dang. I got nuthin.
Mormei and Rakeri I guess?
It'd be entertainin' if nuthin else.
And keep 'em busy and outta hopes.

Me!? With skull beard midget face over there!? Are ya udders in a knot or somethin'!?

Just... nuts.
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02/19/2015 03:54 PMPosted by Mormel
Me!? With skull beard midget face over there!? Are ya udders in a knot or somethin'!?
Further proof of the mental inadequacies of goblins.
That ain't a dang udder ya vegetocephalic blender brain!

But damn darlin'...I do have ta give ya props on that outfit, the green really brings out the green.
Edited by Plainswander on 2/19/2015 4:34 PM PST
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02/19/2015 03:42 PMPosted by Edolie
Who's that lady who does the sermons every Wednesday? Hmmm, no matter, but I think she'd look just grand with a boomkin, don't you all think?
They're violent, untrustworthy, and xenophobic to the point of.....well, they're just yikes. Who'd a thought something so pink and fragile could be so dangerous?

They do make pretty good whiskey though.
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93 Human Death Knight
Violent?! Okay, I am. Untrustworthy? Hardly! Xenophobic? I happen to dislike everyone, no matter where they're from.

That one woman from the Watch was pretty cute... Too bad she's guard.

...She could infringe on my rights anytime.
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100 Human Rogue
*Edges slowly out of thread*
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100 Orc Shaman
02/19/2015 08:14 AMPosted by Mormel
Oh yeah! We'll I'm married with mistresses an' boy toys on the side!

Smexy Empress Mormel: 9999
Knuckle Dragging Orc: 1

Oh yea?!? Bralox can reach top shelf.

e: Mormel and Drakehide
Edited by Bralox on 2/19/2015 7:57 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/19/2015 04:31 PMPosted by Plainswander
But damn darlin'...I do have ta give ya props on that outfit, the green really brings out the green.

Oh... well thanks for noticin' my smexyness *winks*

02/19/2015 07:57 PMPosted by Bralox
Oh yea?!? Bralox can reach top shelf.

e: Mormel and Drakehide

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100 Human Warrior
02/19/2015 04:55 PMPosted by Slithengar
...She could infringe on my rights anytime.


Lessee... Crack pairings... Gentyl and Imperon. Still a better love story than Twilight?
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100 Worgen Warlock
02/19/2015 05:09 PMPosted by Arlston
*Edges slowly out of thread*

OHHHH NO YOU DON'T. If I have to suffer these indignities, SO DO YOU! *blows out Arl's kneecaps - BOTH of them!*
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98 Night Elf Druid
Do we get to nominate ourselfs? *looks around with freshly caught rabbit in mouth* I has mating rabbit!
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100 Human Rogue
02/19/2015 09:33 PMPosted by Rakeri
*blows out Arl's kneecaps - BOTH of them!*

This pain is nothing compared to the horrors of my eyes.
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