Homosexuality in Roleplaying


80 Blood Elf Death Knight
Eld, you disagree with everything, that is why we call you a troll.

And the reason we reference non existant lore is because it doesn't exist, we are filling in blanks.

And much of the feralness was lost when we met malfurion, after playing part of the Sentinel campaign in WC3 (back during wrath, yes I jumped on that wagon a little late I was like 'Damn I wanna rp a night elf'. Then Malfurion came and after that they seemed to screw the whole feral concept, the druids of the claw looked like sleepy lumber jacks and the talon never really seemed feral at all. And in game they seem all to peace loving, there's the occasional radical who might have you do quests to kill a crap ton of things, but then he's chided for being too radical so his leader takes over and he has you planting seeds.
85 Orc Mage
12/30/2010 6:06 AMPosted by Eldamar




And I really wish it was implemented.

I would only play as Night Elves...
Edited by Iralius on 12/30/2010 6:40 AM PST
85 Night Elf Warrior
12/30/2010 6:33 AMPosted by Iralius




And I really wish it was implemented.

I would only play as Night Elves...

Most of it survived. Just not as purely as the concept art.
85 Orc Mage
12/30/2010 6:41 AMPosted by Slaye




And I really wish it was implemented.

I would only play as Night Elves...

Most of it survived. Just not as purely as the concept art.

Well, yes I know some of it survived.

But the idea it has for them in the concept is just... it's wonderful!

I've always liked the idea of more savage/feral/what have you elves over the more sophisticated type, which Night Elves are definitely more along the lines of the latter with only touches of the former.
85 Night Elf Mage
12/29/2010 11:40 PMPosted by Feydran
I don't think Night Elves are feral at all in terms of their society if you really read into all their established lore. In fact, they are quite reserved about courtship habits in a manner that would conflict with promiscuity. While we're arguing about a fictional race, I think it's more logical for elves with near immortality to have less biological instinct for sexual reproduction than "short" living races like humans, thus proving the "would've got bored in 10000 years" point moot.

Well it should be noted that Night Elves come in two varieties. Kaldorei and Highborne. It is recorded that the Highborne were very hedonistic in many ways. Thus implying that to the Kaldorei the Highborne were "promiscuous" and thus implying the Kaldorei were a bit more conservative. As to what that actually means I have no idea but still it is a point.
86 Blood Elf Paladin
I have no problem with it, as long as you're not really OUT THERE with it.
85 Blood Elf Mage
I find Homosexuality to be verily accepted lore-wise. Especially due to the recent additions pertaining to Cataclysm recently. There are multiple situations where homosexual relations are inferred, or even at times, (The Day Deathwing Came) you may choose to have the idea of a homosexual relation in a certain case. In terms of RP, this should be reflected. Especially in a fantastical setting, it is very acceptable to portray a homosexual individual. Think of all the tales in history. Legends and folk-tales where men and women fancied the same gender. Why would there be any issue in such a light for a character to find love, angst and lust within other men or in cases, women. Just as in real life, a character has a mind of its own.
90 Goblin Warlock
wow u guys are gay lol
80 Blood Elf Death Knight
There's about two months on this board.
70 Troll Death Knight
I havent read through the whole thread, but here are my two cents.

There is no issue with RPing as a homosexual, there are just concerns about relationships in general. Roleplaying any romantic relationship can be difficult and I have seen SO many players mess it up.

there may be characters who are rped as being homophobic, but there is no reason lore-wise why one could not rp being gay.
85 Orc Warrior
I RP Tali's philosophy as, "It's about the spirit of the person in question, not the race or gender."

I do that for most of my tauren characters. Heck my shaman took another female as a mate after about two years of us RPing together and the relationship slowly growing and growing to the point where they fell in love, it was great.

All depends on how you play your characters. If the majority view is it's ok, then it's ok.
85 Worgen Druid
12/28/2010 4:55 AMPosted by Raikoyagami
I gotta say, Blizz should seriously consider publishing a book detailing many facts of the different racial societies, cause now i'm very interested in it.

86 Blood Elf Paladin
That logic just doesn't make sense to me. Most of the heroic NPCs are married or dating. People fall in love--it happens. Real life soldiers marry all the time, because they know there will not always be a need for their services.
Edited by Galethiria on 1/4/2011 7:00 PM PST
44 Undead Rogue
12/26/2010 4:11 PMPosted by Allein
Addendum; I personally think all the Night Elves we see around have more viability in lore than anyone else (says the "Dark" draenei, bit of an anomaly myself)... After all they guarded while the men gender slept for thousands of years.

I'll say that again.

The women stood around for ten thousand years while the men slept.

Tic Tac Toe can only amuse one for so long, you know? Before Sentinels start looking each other in more... appreciative ways.
Wonder what would happen if two male druids got in an sexual position when they went to sleep just as a joke and woke up in that same position and not remembering that joke. Of course, the chance that any druid would behave so immaturely is highly unlikely.

Now my take on gay thing is pretty much this. You can be gay, you can be subtle or obvious about it as long as you don't try to be special about it. I have a bisexual character(blood elf... what ya know.) that isn't obvious about his sexuality. Actually it was rather funny when the guild found out that he was gay when a troll said she was interested in somebody and my character shared that interest far too much and didn't defend himself when all the gay accusations flew out.

I also got a Draenei death knight that cares more about the personality then gender. Now now, a young man playing a female bisexual draenei makes it hard to defend myself and say I'm not perverted. I'm not... something taller then me with tail, hooves, and horns is not attractive in my book. (but I wont stop you once you through your accusations when I'm on a female human toon. MMmmm... they got the good sizes)

Edited by Twiit on 1/4/2011 7:53 PM PST
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/04/2011 8:15 PMPosted by Hyolia
In game, don't advertise the fact, and like Dragon Age, nobody canon in Warcraft would be truly homosexual but some might exhibit signs of bisexuality (not including, for example "Magical Seduction" from succubi or kissing the frog princess, since those are due to Blizzard going for game balance and being lazy, respectively).

In forum RP, pretend you're in the military: don't ask, don't tell. It's a turnoff for a lot of people, far more so than heterosexuality is (especially since, biologically, heterosexual relations are needed), and can easily drive away contributing RPers if you actually RP the relationship much beyond mentioning it. Even straight relations need to be RPed carefully and infrequently in the forums. Most of us are here to read stories and contribute as a character, not read a romantic pairing fanfic made by two people where other people aren't allowed to post interruptions and such. People would not be out of line to ask the two to cut the lovey dovey stuff and get back to whatever plot the thread has, or if it's a tavern RP, ask to tone it down.

It still annoys me that people constantly say "It cannot happen."

There is no proof that it -cannot-. There is much speculation and many hints that it can.
100 Night Elf Hunter
12/31/2010 8:53 PMPosted by Mulakah
I have a hard time accepting homosexuality from a biological standpoint. If the statistics are correct, thousands of homosexuals commit suicide annually in North America. That said, according to the theory of evolution, or more specifically natural selection, traits become more or less common in a population due to consistent effects upon the survival or reproduction of their bearers. So, if homosexuals are constantly decreasing due to suicide, why are their genes still persistent? Why haven't they gone extinct? Moreover, if homosexuals are unable to conceive, how are their "gay" genes passed on?

Because there are a lot of things that can affect gender and sexual orientation. Just as the presence of a Y chromosome is not a gaurantor of being born into a male body. Men who in other circumstances are regarded as "straight", in instance will engage in intercourse with anything, including each other or inanimate objects if women are not available. More than likely there isn't a homosexual gene that's coming into play but a pre-natal adjustment of our overall gene for human sexuality.

So if you went now and exterminated every homosexual person on the planet before they could pass on their genes, you'd still have homosexual expression in the next generation.

As far as roleplaying a homosexual character. It falls on the "writing what you know" category. If you are going to roleplay one as a straight person who has little to no awareness of the homosexual community, it's going to show in what will be a terrible, or possibly even insulting performance.
Edited by Drahliana on 1/5/2011 5:35 AM PST
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