Here ya go.
His voice is obviously homosexual, or at least effeminate, but they took it away.
Well, It was not necessarily a homosexual voice. Granted it was a stereotypical 'Fabulous voice' It was not necessarily gay. I do know a straight guy who talks very fabulously. Though i do think even the new one it still kinda fruity to an extent. Which brings me to another question...
Anyone remember the male orc vendor in Caverns of Time? Man i miss that guy. Always made me laugh. A male orc with the female's voice. Just think, if the Devs wanted to they could be mean and replace everyone's voice with *shudders* Gnomes.
But, back to topic, about some of the previous statements such as,
I'm not an RP-er (I'm just wandering around the forums bored)...
but I'd like to specifically bring up that first issue of homosexual relations "fitting" a race. I'm sure it's an often-brought-up point when discussing homosexuality in RP here on WoW.
It seems like the races you can "picture" having a gay population are those that aren't so gruff, primitive, or warlike. Dwarves, trolls, orcs. However, I believe this is somewhat subtly due to a misconception of homosexuality in general. No race is beyond the possibility of homosexual relations; if they can fall in love, they can fall in love with one of their same gender. While you may not think of orcs as a "loving" or "sensitive" race, surely they form partnerships of this kind. Gay partnerships need not be any different, and are as such just as plausible here.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, make sure you aren't associating gay relationships with specific character traits for those involved in them. Homosexuals exist in all shapes and sizes.. and demeanors!
(As a sidenote, I'm not saying this is the only reason to consider the plausibility of homosexual relations in RP. For example, culture might play a role. However, I think history has shown us that even in times/places where gay relations are harshly punished, they exist. Perhaps less frequently, perhaps it's more complicated... but that gives you more to roleplay with, right?)
He is entirely right. who is to say two orcs didn't fall in love while defending each other on the battle field? Some times its the slightest spark that can fester, and blossom into something much much more. Example being, I have a lesbian worgan. Her story is that of exile. when the world shun her, the only person at her side was her sister. Through time they grew to count on no one but each other. To the point of more than just sisters, or friends. Now that is a very controversial relationship indeed. Trolls would have a field day. (A: Furries B: Alliance C:Homo-sexuality D: Incest Need i say more?) So its not all impossible for an orc to have a gay relationship, Or for *Shudders* Gnomes. The most advanced or the most .... Orcish. It dose not matter Love is love. And to those who do honestly live a gay lifestyle you'll notice that gay people are in every walk of life. From mailmen, to rocket scientists. All the way down to Cowboys and Indians. (I !#%# you not, i know a few Indians. Don't kid yourself, its in EVERY walk of life.)
The biggest thing is simply finding the proper partner to role play it with, Finding a good venue and making sure to keep any (If there is any) Overly dramatic RP to party/whispers. Just because your fighting for your life against <insert epic monster/boss here> Dose not mean your going to be shouting your affinities at the top of your lungs. It could be done in whispers if you honestly desired to RP during boss fights. (I have. its rather.... intense XD )
Key things to look for in RPing Gay relationships.
Partner; Some one who is understanding and wont have a break down and kill your rep.
Location; The blood elf bushes can only handle so many people. Pick a discreet area.
Direction; You don't want an aimless relationship. That kills all sense of story and immersion.
Reason; Why is your character missing a thumb? Every detail has a reason.
Passion; Whats the point of having a relationship if its just for the sake of having it?
And above all else. DISCRETION; Not everyone wants to see you doing your thang.