Homosexuality in Roleplaying


86 Blood Elf Paladin
01/04/2011 8:15 PMPosted by Hyolia
In game, don't advertise the fact, and like Dragon Age, nobody canon in Warcraft would be truly homosexual but some might exhibit signs of bisexuality (not including, for example "Magical Seduction" from succubi or kissing the frog princess, since those are due to Blizzard going for game balance and being lazy, respectively).

In forum RP, pretend you're in the military: don't ask, don't tell. It's a turnoff for a lot of people, far more so than heterosexuality is (especially since, biologically, heterosexual relations are needed), and can easily drive away contributing RPers if you actually RP the relationship much beyond mentioning it. Even straight relations need to be RPed carefully and infrequently in the forums. Most of us are here to read stories and contribute as a character, not read a romantic pairing fanfic made by two people where other people aren't allowed to post interruptions and such. People would not be out of line to ask the two to cut the lovey dovey stuff and get back to whatever plot the thread has, or if it's a tavern RP, ask to tone it down.

I thought this thread was about whether it is acceptable to role play homosexuality, not to question whether it is possible to be a true homosexual. -_o

Moving on, I agree with the rest of what you said. It's the same in real life with public displays of affection. Anything beyond a quick kiss, holding hands, and maybe cuddling--no one wants to see it whether you're straight or gay. If you really want to role play it out, do it in private where no one else has to see it.
85 Night Elf Hunter
zomg Allein it's you! It's Vlad *waves*
61 Tauren Death Knight
(OOC) My toon is gay. He doesn't flaunt it. He hasn't told anyone, in fact, even in his backstory. It's just a detail that I keep in the back of my mind when RPing him.

I, the creator of this character, am not gay. I am not even male. I am a happily married Grandmother. I made this character as a reflection of a dear family member in my real life.
90 Human Paladin
This thread again...
46 Blood Elf Rogue
who said i wanted to be around you? homophobes creep me out. they have serious mental problems. everyone knows that. STFU.

and THAT is MY two cents.

Marry me.

(my two cents)
80 Tauren Shaman
I being Pan-Sapio-Sexual (google it) play everything from a lesbian Worgen, to an A-sexual troll huntress. Its all in how and why its done. Mostly to what degree.

As many posters before have said, its all in how you do it. This particular person is Bi, with strong male preferences. Needless to say, it was discovered that i RP relationships with males on a non RP server. While it was a bit short sited of me, the server i am on is NOT of my choosing its my friend's server.

I am here to warn you, it can be VERY damaging to your experiences if its made public knowledge. I was trolled off the server, and despite my skill(Not flexing an E-peen simply saying i am no noob), gear,and willingness to kill Lich King, the roomer i was gay held me back from ever getting into raids by the 'trolls' of my server. The constant chant of "You cant raid with AIDS." haunting me every time i desired to play.

Homo-sexuality is greatly accepted, and unmistakably despised in the eyes of different people. Keep this in mind when you make one of your characters of an alternate life style.

For those curious of how i was found out, It was not by bush humping in Silvermoon ,as i have seen so many times on RP servers, but rather by a dysfunctional friend. He and i had a disagreement that accumulated to our splitting ways. After an argument or two he got irate and started spouting threats. He never did tell trade chat as he said he would, But rather told a friend, who told another friend, and pretty soon i was the laughing stock of my server for a while. Though MANY know me by other names this particular toon is the one who was in the relationship.

I myself still play sexually different personas in game, in spite of the trouble it has caused me. Its not my choice that my personas end up the way they do. The characters make them selfs as any RPer will know.

Final point being. Its allowed, its doable, But discretion is key. :D

EDIT: Sooooo did not read time stamps >.>; Ack!
Edited by Shatterhoof on 4/3/2011 4:25 PM PDT
58 Human Death Knight
I know it is a very very old thread, but still want to throw out my two cents.

I agree with the general sentiment here, "it is not about sexuality, it is about public display of affection." I don't like seeing "too much" display of relationships, regardless if it is heterosexual or homosexual. Like someone mentioned before, a quick kiss, holding hands etc is fine, but a prolonged make-out session is gonna make me go "Could you two please get a room?"

So in principle, I think it is definitely doable, it all depends on how you handle it. However, I think the caution above poster mentioned is also important. Some people are just trolls, and they troll you for things far more trivial, so they wouldn't hesitate to exploit the stigma of homosexuality to harass you, anyone who wants to RP a homosexual character would really need to think through if you want to take the risk and deal with the harassment.
19 Draenei Shaman
While my characters are all straight, I have no problem with someone rp'ing as gay. I do have a problem with the overly flamboyant, in your face style that some people rp their gay characters as. Most of the gay people i've met haven't been in your face type of people, they are average people who happen to prefer partners of their own gender.

(BTW Molvrasis, if you are still following this thread, it's good to see you are still around. Lucille is on Lightninghoof and is known as Luann now. Feel free to drop by and say hello.)
100 Draenei Mage

Here ya go.

His voice is obviously homosexual, or at least effeminate, but they took it away.

80 Tauren Shaman

Here ya go.

His voice is obviously homosexual, or at least effeminate, but they took it away.


Well, It was not necessarily a homosexual voice. Granted it was a stereotypical 'Fabulous voice' It was not necessarily gay. I do know a straight guy who talks very fabulously. Though i do think even the new one it still kinda fruity to an extent. Which brings me to another question...

Anyone remember the male orc vendor in Caverns of Time? Man i miss that guy. Always made me laugh. A male orc with the female's voice. Just think, if the Devs wanted to they could be mean and replace everyone's voice with *shudders* Gnomes.

But, back to topic, about some of the previous statements such as,

I'm not an RP-er (I'm just wandering around the forums bored)...
but I'd like to specifically bring up that first issue of homosexual relations "fitting" a race. I'm sure it's an often-brought-up point when discussing homosexuality in RP here on WoW.
It seems like the races you can "picture" having a gay population are those that aren't so gruff, primitive, or warlike. Dwarves, trolls, orcs. However, I believe this is somewhat subtly due to a misconception of homosexuality in general. No race is beyond the possibility of homosexual relations; if they can fall in love, they can fall in love with one of their same gender. While you may not think of orcs as a "loving" or "sensitive" race, surely they form partnerships of this kind. Gay partnerships need not be any different, and are as such just as plausible here.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, make sure you aren't associating gay relationships with specific character traits for those involved in them. Homosexuals exist in all shapes and sizes.. and demeanors!

(As a sidenote, I'm not saying this is the only reason to consider the plausibility of homosexual relations in RP. For example, culture might play a role. However, I think history has shown us that even in times/places where gay relations are harshly punished, they exist. Perhaps less frequently, perhaps it's more complicated... but that gives you more to roleplay with, right?)

He is entirely right. who is to say two orcs didn't fall in love while defending each other on the battle field? Some times its the slightest spark that can fester, and blossom into something much much more. Example being, I have a lesbian worgan. Her story is that of exile. when the world shun her, the only person at her side was her sister. Through time they grew to count on no one but each other. To the point of more than just sisters, or friends. Now that is a very controversial relationship indeed. Trolls would have a field day. (A: Furries B: Alliance C:Homo-sexuality D: Incest Need i say more?) So its not all impossible for an orc to have a gay relationship, Or for *Shudders* Gnomes. The most advanced or the most .... Orcish. It dose not matter Love is love. And to those who do honestly live a gay lifestyle you'll notice that gay people are in every walk of life. From mailmen, to rocket scientists. All the way down to Cowboys and Indians. (I !#%# you not, i know a few Indians. Don't kid yourself, its in EVERY walk of life.)

The biggest thing is simply finding the proper partner to role play it with, Finding a good venue and making sure to keep any (If there is any) Overly dramatic RP to party/whispers. Just because your fighting for your life against <insert epic monster/boss here> Dose not mean your going to be shouting your affinities at the top of your lungs. It could be done in whispers if you honestly desired to RP during boss fights. (I have. its rather.... intense XD )

Key things to look for in RPing Gay relationships.
    Partner; Some one who is understanding and wont have a break down and kill your rep.
    Location; The blood elf bushes can only handle so many people. Pick a discreet area.
    Direction; You don't want an aimless relationship. That kills all sense of story and immersion.
    Reason; Why is your character missing a thumb? Every detail has a reason.
    Passion; Whats the point of having a relationship if its just for the sake of having it?
    And above all else. DISCRETION; Not everyone wants to see you doing your thang.
76 Draenei Paladin
After much thought, I think that despite me being... well, a minor homophobe (I can't do much of anything about it.); again, you can have your gay/lesbian/bisexual/pan-whatever-etc. relationships, but if one of you goes flaunting it near me in-game, my response will most likely be:

"Go get a room, and leave me alone."
Edited by Seylus on 4/4/2011 3:07 AM PDT
19 Draenei Shaman
@Seylus, you CAN do something about being a homophobe, you just DON'T WANT to. It's not easy but it is possible, it just takes a willingness on your part to change your attitude.

That said, my guildelines for any rp relationship is simple. Anything I wouldn't be comfortable seeing or doing in real life, I don't do in rp. If I want to do a rp that's a little more intense than I think would be publicly acceptable, I do the rp in whispers or in party chat, where the only ones who can see what's going on are me and the person I'm doing the rp with.
46 Night Elf Druid
Trying to get back to original point of the thread.
I don't see it as a problem at all. It is roleplaying, and if you wish to play a gay character, fine by me.
I played plenty of gay, and straight characters. I find it a way to mix things up, and it helps when I rp as the opposite gender. (on a site and they think I am a female. it is halarious)
Now of course I love playing a gay character. Just because it fits many of my characters. Like a troodon (a man sized dinosaur) I called Qualia. Or a nargacuga (flagship monster of the game monster hunter freedom unite) was the open gay, one. pretty much I set it up for self insulting. worked out well actually.

I tend to play non humans. I just cant write anything as one. So I use animals. ( about 80% of the time something with scales or feathers) I don't see the problem others do.

If it makes your character interesting, do it. So what about what people think of your character. (then again I rp with several of them frequently enough to be used to it. and them)

I did a few gay relationships before, frightening how long we kept it up. then school came. think we made it 300 something posts together, in a 1 on 1. it was nuts. Another where it is straight and I play a female over 500.
the point is, whatever kind of character you play, sometimes it goes on longer than you intended to play the character out. Others it is instantly a buyers remorse ordeal.

85 Worgen Death Knight
Eh you have a right to RP whatever sexuality you want as long as you don't wander into the dark dark pit that is ERP.... Also one of my female guildies plays a gay male character, yes IC I kind of keep the character at arm's length, but I also support her right to RP as such. I mean really as long as he isn't a caricature I don't mind.
Edited by Dalard on 4/4/2011 6:40 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Priest
Well... I'm gay. So why wouldn't I be allowed to RP a gay toon? Homosexuality is gonna happen in any culture, even the humans, dwarves, orcs, trolls, and whatnot of WoW.
90 Human Paladin
04/04/2011 06:38 PMPosted by Dalard
Eh you have a right to RP whatever sexuality you want as long as you don't wander into the dark dark pit that is ERP.... Also one of my female guildies plays a gay male character, yes IC I kind of keep the character at arm's length, but I also support her right to RP as such. I mean really as long as he isn't a caricature I don't mind.

A worgen! Purge it with fire!

But yeah your free to do what ever you want sexuality wise, unless you are RPing a worgen...
95 Human Warrior
I see homosexuality as perfectly logical in WoW and here's why:

There's a male solder, he's strong and tall and brutal and completely secure with his masculinity, so much that he thinks that the only person worthy of laying with him is someone equal to him... or another man. He doesn't act gay and he doesn't sound it and technically he isn't "gay", he is just homosexual not because he thinks he's a girl or anything like that, but because to him, there is no one worth being with him other than a man that's jut as tough as he is.

That's just me though.
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