Homosexuality in Roleplaying


85 Undead Mage
I see homosexuality as perfectly logical in WoW and here's why:

There's a male solder, he's strong and tall and brutal and completely secure with his masculinity, so much that he thinks that the only person worthy of laying with him is someone equal to him... or another man. He doesn't act gay and he doesn't sound it and technically he isn't "gay", he is just homosexual not because he thinks he's a girl or anything like that, but because to him, there is no one worth being with him other than a man that's jut as tough as he is.

That's just me though.

89 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm a raging liberal with an elitist pro-gay agenda, and I support gays in Azeroth.
My RP character accidentally became a metrosexual when I bought a shirt for 30g, and while he remains straight as an arrow, he digs him some linens.
62 Blood Elf Death Knight
I see homosexuality as perfectly logical in WoW and here's why:

There's a male solder, he's strong and tall and brutal and completely secure with his masculinity, so much that he thinks that the only person worthy of laying with him is someone equal to him... or another man. He doesn't act gay and he doesn't sound it and technically he isn't "gay", he is just homosexual not because he thinks he's a girl or anything like that, but because to him, there is no one worth being with him other than a man that's jut as tough as he is.

That's just me though.


... What...the...heck?
85 Night Elf Death Knight


... What...the...heck?

That's not as strange a train of logic as you might think.
62 Blood Elf Death Knight

... What...the...heck?

That's not as strange a train of logic as you might think.

well now that you mention it, makes sense. maybe even sentinel women thought the samething.
Edited by Falardron on 4/5/2011 6:43 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Death Knight

That's not as strange a train of logic as you might think.

well now that you mention it, makes sense. maybe even sentinel women thought the samething.

I actually know a guy who's in the military, same unit as my step-dad, actually, who basically thinks the same thing.

Looks, talks, acts, thinks, and for is all intents and purposes straight, but he is with another guy, because he feels that only another guy could completely understand him or be his equal in a relationship.

Most people don't think it's all that strange.
90 Human Paladin

well now that you mention it, makes sense. maybe even sentinel women thought the samething.

I actually know a guy who's in the military, same unit as my step-dad, actually, who basically thinks the same thing.

Looks, talks, acts, thinks, and for is all intents and purposes straight, but he is with another guy, because he feels that only another guy could completely understand him or be his equal in a relationship.

Some people don't think it's all that strange.

Fixed that for you.
Edited by Drakein on 4/5/2011 8:21 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Death Knight

I actually know a guy who's in the military, same unit as my step-dad, actually, who basically thinks the same thing.

Looks, talks, acts, thinks, and for is all intents and purposes straight, but he is with another guy, because he feels that only another guy could completely understand him or be his equal in a relationship.

Some people don't think it's all that strange.

Fixed that for you.

Actually you didn't.

Just about everyone we know is okay with it. That includes just about all of the 2000+ soldiers they're with on a daily basis.
85 Troll Hunter
Sometimes you get hate and it's frustrating, but the RP you do get tends to be pretty fulfilling.

Homosexuality has been documented through history, from Ancient Civilization to now... don't see why WoW would be any different. :p
100 Night Elf Hunter
Before I continue:
This is an open and free discussion, but I will NOT have it become a homosexuality-bashing thing. So if you're anti-gay please just leave.


Now the interesting question I have for all of you is this- would it make sense lore-wise to have a homosexual character? I'm NOT talking about somebody parading around naked and waving a rainbow flag, but somebody whom might just say "Yes, I knew him. We were lovers, once."

This question makes about as much sense as if you were asking "would it make sense to have a heterosexual character". Warcraft's published lore hasn't really focused on sex and romance of either variety. The real question here is what kind of story do you want to write and what context? The answer would be that the warcraft sandbox has some very broad walls and sexual orientation is not confined within them. The reception of your story will depend on the audience. Some folks here will get turned off by steamy pot boiler romances no matter what the orientation of the characters depicted. Others will gulp it down hungrily.

One thing that will come across though is that it will be very apparant as to whether you are part of an LGBT orientation, someone who's closely associated with the communites, or an outsider who's writing mostly from ignorance.
85 Draenei Hunter
One thing that will come across though is that it will be very apparant as to whether you are part of an LGBT orientation, someone who's closely associated with the communites, or an outsider who's writing mostly from ignorance.

This is why all my characters are straight. I don' think I could portray a gay character convincingly enough to do it justice and not descend into stereotypes.
85 Draenei Paladin
While not an avid forum reader or poster, I do occasionally browse the topics and happened across this one. I'm actually rather delighted at how many grown up and mature minded responses there are to a sensitive topic like this (not saying all W.o.W. players are immature, but we've all met those we'd like to beat with a cane stick).

My only question is this..I wonder what the ratio to Horde LGBT RP'ers is compared to Alliance LGBT RP'ers? I'm on the Sister's server and even in Pron- er, that is, Goldshire, I rarely see LGBT RP even hinted (though its rampant in SMC), so I'm curious. Quick head count, maybe?
37 Night Elf Mage
although I completely disagree with the idea its just a game is it not?

no matter how you want to play it

83 Draenei Paladin
To be honest, in Azeroth (and beyond), I think that homosexuality is an individual trait, and not a racial thing. I personally, have seen many gays as different races, and think it's great. I'm just wondering, if anyone knows anyone who actually plays a homosexual just to be a spectacle. >_>;; It's ridiculous. Ahem. Sorry. Throwing in my two cents.
74 Human Hunter

Second off, my only PLANNED gay character is Twit.2. All my other gay characters just kinda... happened... *raises hands defensively* I NEVER THINK ABOUT IT!

Anyways, just to add an angle to a constant question about how there are 'too many' gay couples, or unlikely race couples (like Blood Elf and Troll couple) for their liking in a server.

These are by far no where near the actual population of 'normal' people. Even if we had a thousand people playing every race on one server, first off, lets say that a rediculasly high number of 1/10th of the rpers rp a homosexual, unlikely relationships, or/and psychotic maniacs that would be one hundred of each race.

One hundred compared to the millions of so and so race is by far, no where near a large amount. Therefor, shut up about too many rpers doing something unconventional people! XD Hell, even if all of them did that, still not a large number compared to the lore wise amount of people per race.

Just so elitists and realists stop complaining about matters such as that >.>
29 Dwarf Hunter
I see to problem, though I can see a gay dwarf, BTW mine is not but I still think it's ok, LOOK AT (OBVIOSLY non-wow related but still relevant) Arcade Gannon in Fallout, he was gay and they made his character very good about it so it can work.
85 Blood Elf Mage

This character is a lesbian.

It is not her focal point. I've managed to have her for two years on various servers before anyone found out. She is now in a comitted relationship with a bisexual female, and that's just all it is. A relationship. If people ask, she'll say yes, but she doesn't like to make a big deal out of it.

You don't introduce yourself, "Hi my name is _____ and I'm a lesbian/gay." No, you say, "Hi my name is _____ and I'm an engineer/teacher/student at [x] university". This character just lets people draw thier own conclusions, and if they don't like it that's thier problem.

She's more concerned with the uses of dragon's blood and the effects of leylines in enchanting.
100 Night Elf Hunter

My only question is this..I wonder what the ratio to Horde LGBT RP'ers is compared to Alliance LGBT RP'ers? I'm on the Sister's server and even in Pron- er, that is, Goldshire, I rarely see LGBT RP even hinted (though its rampant in SMC), so I'm curious. Quick head count, maybe?

I don't think there's an effective way to answer that question.
85 Human Paladin
(OOC) My toon is gay. He doesn't flaunt it. He hasn't told anyone, in fact, even in his backstory. It's just a detail that I keep in the back of my mind when RPing him.

I, the creator of this character, am not gay. I am not even male. I am a happily married Grandmother. I made this character as a reflection of a dear family member in my real life.

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