US Cross Realm RP Event List

100 Blood Elf Rogue
Event name: Horde Supply Caravan

Time and location: EVERY Wednesday @ 7 PM WRA server time (10 PM Eastern time zone) Crossroads (after Whitehorn’s Soup Night <3) *the time may vary a bit, we don't want to disrupt the soup night rp the guild loves. So supplies wont be handed out til everyone had time to eat, enjoy the evening, and its near winding down time for the other event.

Host: Crimson Moon & Friends

Brief description: Its basically a group of people helping out those that might need a gentle boost before they start their own adventures in Azeroth. Bags, companions (pets), and other odds and ends are given out to those that want or need it. Dice & other games of chance are played for items of increased value gifts..

*IC Flyer*
More information concerning this event:
Edited by Vlea on 11/24/2015 6:41 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Also from Earthen Ring, and from the same neck of the woods as Arialynn. Looking forward to attend some of the many events listed here, all which sound like an absolute blast.
Edited by Kanta on 11/24/2015 6:43 AM PST
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100 Undead Warlock
We're Back. Shadows of Lordaeron Base warming party
11-24-2015 9PM server (CST) (near ravenhill cemetery )
Aglaica Moriston-Shadows of Lordaeron Party on group finder custom group (SOLED Party on the finder)

We are a pure forsaken guild on emerald dream that fell due to RL concerns and are hosting a gathering establishing us back and ready to take up the role once more of forsaken RP. this event is more just to introduce the officers to the other RP guilds on Emerald dream, and have some random RP with anyone that wishes to RP. MUST WARN IT IS AN RP-WPVP REALM AND THE BASE IS IN ALLIANCE TERRITORY SO WPVP MAY AND MOST LIKELY WILL HAPPEN. RP griefing will get you removed from the group.

Sorry for the very very very short notice
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Divine Liturgy, a service of the Holy Light hosted by the Clergy of the Holy Light every week at 8:30PM Moon Guard server time in the Cathedral of Light. Regrettably, CRZ will not work in MG cities, but everyone is welcome to check out Moon Guard on a low level Alliance alt for the event. Thank you for adding these to the list, by the way!
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100 Draenei Mage
Wow, thank you so much for the contributions, guys!

I added caravan night, but unfortunately did not catch the warming party in time, sorry :( I you ever do another event, please let me know and I'll put it up.

Thank you for sharing the Divine Liturgy for people to check out, Moorwhelp I won't put it on this list because it is specifically for CRZ area events, but I am thinking about collecting a master list of all event at some point, so it is appreciated. :)
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100 Draenei Mage
I made a Google calendar that has all of the events that are on the thread's list. It even has the monthly events recurring. Check it out!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Event name:
Wyrmhearth Tavern

Time and location:
Every Saturday starting at 8pm PST (10pm Sentinels ST), officially open for two hours but often lasts into the wee hours of the morning.
Located in the Stoutlager Inn in Thelsamar, Loch Modan (just east of Dun Morogh)

<Dragonsworn Council> of Sentinels-US please note we are connected to Steamwheedle Cartel and Kirin Tor, and CRZ with The Scryers, Argent Dawn, and Earthen Ring

Brief description:
A tavern-style RP event open to everyone! Friendly and slightly whimsical atmosphere, run by a group of people always willing to help with your problems, be it finding a mate or hiding from a bounty hunter. Featuring an extensive menu of teas and alcoholic beverages as well as traditional food items. Ask about our red-hot dragon wings! (Not made with real dragon)
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100 Draenei Mage

Thank you so much Lyenna!

You are the first I've heard from on that server, and on that server group aside from Earthen Ring. Much appreciated!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Thank you for putting this calendar together! The tavern is a weekly event, and we'd love to see more people come out.
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100 Draenei Mage
I hope so too! Hopefully I can swing by sometime!

Thanks again.
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