Event name: Horde Supply Caravan
Time and location: EVERY Wednesday @ 7 PM WRA server time (10 PM Eastern time zone) Crossroads (after Whitehorn’s Soup Night <3) *the time may vary a bit, we don't want to disrupt the soup night rp the guild loves. So supplies wont be handed out til everyone had time to eat, enjoy the evening, and its near winding down time for the other event.
Host: Crimson Moon & Friends
Brief description: Its basically a group of people helping out those that might need a gentle boost before they start their own adventures in Azeroth. Bags, companions (pets), and other odds and ends are given out to those that want or need it. Dice & other games of chance are played for items of increased value gifts..
*IC Flyer* http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/supply-caravan-updated-ic-flyer/
More information concerning this event: http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/supply-caravan/
Time and location: EVERY Wednesday @ 7 PM WRA server time (10 PM Eastern time zone) Crossroads (after Whitehorn’s Soup Night <3) *the time may vary a bit, we don't want to disrupt the soup night rp the guild loves. So supplies wont be handed out til everyone had time to eat, enjoy the evening, and its near winding down time for the other event.
Host: Crimson Moon & Friends
Brief description: Its basically a group of people helping out those that might need a gentle boost before they start their own adventures in Azeroth. Bags, companions (pets), and other odds and ends are given out to those that want or need it. Dice & other games of chance are played for items of increased value gifts..
*IC Flyer* http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/supply-caravan-updated-ic-flyer/
More information concerning this event: http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/supply-caravan/
Edited by Vlea on 11/24/2015 6:41 AM PST