US Cross Realm RP Event List

100 Draenei Mage
As noted by my edit, I will be off on adventures for the next two weeks.

Please post any events you want to add here so people can view them.
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100 Draenei Monk
Just went to check out the cat-cafe but found no-one. Did they just finish early, or was it canceled?
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100 Draenei Mage
I will make sure it's still regular, but it might just be that you were zoned out. CRZ isn't perfect, and there are different phases for the same zone. However, if you get an invite from a host (Bremmin with the special i or Broodin) they can bring you to their phase with a group invite. Just whisper a host withtheir server name included ( /whisper Zaranae-Cenarioncircle for example).

Hope you find the RP you are looking for!
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100 Draenei Monk
Oh yeah, I tried whispering them with the server names, didn't have any luck. It was in the last half hour, so they might have just shut shop early.
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100 Draenei Mage
As it happens, the B&B cafe will be taking a week off and returning at a different time in June, with a new location, the Golden Keg
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100 Draenei Mage
Officially back from vacation, so keep those events coming :)

Please spread the word!
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100 Draenei Mage
The Sermon of the Black Cathedral is on! Sunday June 7th, on the list :D
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100 Draenei Mage
Location change on Sermon of the Black Cathedral; it's now in Storm Peaks.

I've had a lot of positive responses to this event. Check it out!
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100 Draenei Mage
So, the battle tag friends list cap was raised, so I feel safe to put mine here!


Contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! I'll be happy to help.
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100 Draenei Mage
New upcoming event! Rose Tournament, hosted by Meiyo of Holy Rose Monastery, an Alliance guild on Cenarion Circle.

It will consist of a day of feasting, a day of competitive jousting and swordsmanship in which the winning guild takes home a good sum of gold! The third day will be a memorial ride from Light's Hope chapel to Uther's Tomb.

If you and your guild are interested, contact Meiyo-CenarionCircle

Event link:
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100 Draenei Mage
New Upcoming event for all you gnome enthusiasts!

Crazlort's Fancy Pants Ball, Friday the 26th at the Beer Garden in Dalaran, 7 CST!

Be there, bring your gnome friends!

Check the OP for details!
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100 Draenei Mage
The Rose Tournament is now open to individuals to sign up!
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100 Draenei Mage
Woo, sorry for the lack of updates/ I moved across the country and got a new job and things were pretty crazy.

But I'm back and I hope there will be more opportunities for CRZ roleplay for all to enjoy.
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100 Human Paladin
Greetings from Earthen Ring! We're not directly connected to the realms listed in the OP but we are a low-pop RP server seeking to start/participate in more roleplay. We are CRZ'd with Kirin Tor and Argent Dawn, who are in turn merged with other RP realms (Sentinels, Steamwheedle, Scryers, etc.), but unfortunately that hasn't been enough to stave off the post-expansion blues.

May we participate in CRZ friendly areas by way of Bnet invites? More than happy to roll alts on the connected servers to help ER folk pop over and not over burden event runners. As an RP GM and event runner, I understand the stress involved. Also, if this is beyond your mission, let me know. I don't want to intrude. Jarrick and I may spearhead a complimentary effort to help out fellow "stranded" RP servers.

I also maintain the ER roleplay event thread. Through Bnet invites, we invite people to our CRZ events as well:

Also, as a former RPer on Thorium Brotherhood, it warms my heart to still see the Drunken Kodo going. I was on TB in 2006 when it first started.
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100 Draenei Mage
11/18/2015 09:52 AMPosted by Arialynn

May we participate in CRZ friendly areas by way of Bnet invites? More than happy to roll alts on the connected servers to help ER folk pop over and not over burden event runners. As an RP GM and event runner, I understand the stress involved. Also, if this is beyond your mission, let me know. I don't want to intrude. Jarrick and I may spearhead a complimentary effort to help out fellow "stranded" RP servers.

Of course you may! Jarrick's question really got me thinking about using the Group Finder tool as a resource. I have seen a lot of RP groups on there but not really thought about it. It would be great for bringing people to events!
My hope is to start making a group to the Monday events from Cenarion Circle because I know they are open to CRZ. I'll make a custom group on the LFG for the event and only send invites once I get a whisper confirmation that they are indeed and RP and know what to expect from the event.

I encourage anyone else running an open event to do the same. We have such lovely small RP communities and it would be a shame for them to stay separate.
Edited by Zaranae on 11/18/2015 3:57 PM PST
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100 Undead Death Knight
( H ) Gathering of Forsaken

On Wyrmrest Accord, 6:30pm (server, est) at the broken statue in the ruins of Lordaeron.

The gathering is an open event that focuses on Forsaken issues, the night's topic will be on certain aspects of the Forsaken community or current events in the Forsaken realm. Perhaps you know of happenings that we failed to observe ourselves, in this way we will all have a better picture of our society. After the reporting, we will then debate or discuss the night's topic.
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All Alliance are welcome!
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100 Tauren Druid
I run two monthly events from my guild World Keepers on Earthen Ring and we'd love to open the doors to more RPers :)

Event name: The Verdant Gathering --
Time: Monthly on Saturday or Sunday, 3PM Eastern/12PM Pacific
Location: Locations vary, see event postings for details
Host: Tarhoof or Gruagg, <World Keepers>
Brief description: The Verdant Gathering is a roleplaying scenario for individuals of the Horde who have a strong interest in preserving, interacting with, and defending the wild and natural Azeroth. These events have a strong focus on Druidism and Shamanism, but are not exclusive to the attendance of the correlating classes.

Event name: Wildtotem Summit --
Time: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific
Location: Horde Capital Cities (Rotation: Silvermoon, Thunderbluff, Darkspear Isle, Bilgewater Harbor, Orgrimmar, Undercity)
Host: Tarhoof or Gruagg, <World Keepers>
Brief description: Wildtotem Summit is a public monthly gathering. Summits serve as a collective, quiet respite for both druid and shaman, gathering together to share knowledge, research and their experiences whilst fulfilling their duties abroad.
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100 Draenei Mage
Thank you so much to the three of you for your additions! I really hope people take the opportunity to attend.

I'm especially excited about opening up past the CRZ'd realms using invites to non-connected servers. I'll be making the rounds trying to promote these additions.
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100 Draenei Mage
Added the Council of Bishops Seminary Class! It's on Fridays at 9 PM CST in Northshire Abbey. However, there are 8 week semesters with breaks, and there will be breaks for holidays. You can find it under weekly events for Friday.

I think it's a nice balance to the Clubs we have going on for Friday, eh? :P
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