So I wanted to rp a highborne, like any reasonable role-player, I checked out the lore on these guys so I can better understand how to rp my night elf Mage, but I noticed something about how they kept themselves alive, they trapped a demon and took his energy, on wowwiki, it says they used it to become immortal, there was no hint or any information saying they are not still immortal from the demons energy
So is this true? Are the shen'drelar a group of immortal night elves? If this is the case, would it be Mary sue to want to rp as one? I would have liked to be a highborne for my night elf Mage and not some random ne apprentice.
So is this true? Are the shen'drelar a group of immortal night elves? If this is the case, would it be Mary sue to want to rp as one? I would have liked to be a highborne for my night elf Mage and not some random ne apprentice.