Highborne are immortal?

85 Night Elf Mage
So I wanted to rp a highborne, like any reasonable role-player, I checked out the lore on these guys so I can better understand how to rp my night elf Mage, but I noticed something about how they kept themselves alive, they trapped a demon and took his energy, on wowwiki, it says they used it to become immortal, there was no hint or any information saying they are not still immortal from the demons energy

So is this true? Are the shen'drelar a group of immortal night elves? If this is the case, would it be Mary sue to want to rp as one? I would have liked to be a highborne for my night elf Mage and not some random ne apprentice.
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85 Night Elf Druid
There are hardly any Shen'dralar left, and the demon they had in Dire Maul has been released so there isn't any energy siphoning to keep them immortal.

Looks like they're all mortal like Night Elves.
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100 Human Warlock
I would assume that, like the night elves, with the loss of their source of power, they are as mortal as anyone. Long-lived, certainly, but they will eventually die of old age.

I'm also fairly certain that it would be perfectly fine to RP as one :-)
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85 Orc Mage
Most Night Elf mages are roleplaying as Highborne, though I've only heard that from others.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
There are hardly any Shen'dralar left, and the demon they had in Dire Maul has been released so there isn't any energy siphoning to keep them immortal.

Looks like they're all mortal like Night Elves.

Not to mention the fact that when things started to go south, thier prince started to feed on THEM. Yep, welcome to the mortal wagon, the whole decadent lot of you.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
01/07/2011 07:18 PMPosted by Iralius
Most Night Elf mages are roleplaying as Highborne, though I've only heard that from others.

I figured that would be the common trope so I deliberately went against it. My night elf mage is one of the rebellious youth who was taught by a Highborne mage. She still chafes when she's told "The Secrets of the Highborne will always be beyond you."
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85 Orc Mage
04/06/2011 05:14 AMPosted by Drahliana
Most Night Elf mages are roleplaying as Highborne, though I've only heard that from others.

I figured that would be the common trope so I deliberately went against it. My night elf mage is one of the rebellious youth who was taught by a Highborne mage. She still chafes when she's told "The Secrets of the Highborne will always be beyond you."

I kind of wish I didn't need my mage to remain Horde side or I would make a Highborne mage who would hit youths like that with his staff telling them that petty commoners do not deserve to learn the ways of the nobility.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I kind of wish I didn't need my mage to remain Horde side or I would make a Highborne mage who would hit youths like that with his staff telling them that petty commoners do not deserve to learn the ways of the nobility.

What? didnt you do that back when Silverflame was human? I could swore you picked on Karn a bit back in South shore ;)
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85 Orc Mage
04/06/2011 01:29 PMPosted by Drewan
I kind of wish I didn't need my mage to remain Horde side or I would make a Highborne mage who would hit youths like that with his staff telling them that petty commoners do not deserve to learn the ways of the nobility.

What? didnt you do that back when Silverflame was human? I could swore you picked on Karn a bit back in South shore ;)

When my character is old, yes, he'll smack everyone around with something. Sadly, I only have two old characters now :( and if they smack someone it'll be with their fist.
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100 Night Elf Hunter
04/06/2011 01:22 PMPosted by Iralius

I figured that would be the common trope so I deliberately went against it. My night elf mage is one of the rebellious youth who was taught by a Highborne mage. She still chafes when she's told "The Secrets of the Highborne will always be beyond you."

I kind of wish I didn't need my mage to remain Horde side or I would make a Highborne mage who would hit youths like that with his staff telling them that petty commoners do not deserve to learn the ways of the nobility.

And I'd love to give some near misses as a reminder that they're no longer a ruling caste and and are still on probation. :)
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85 Orc Mage

I kind of wish I didn't need my mage to remain Horde side or I would make a Highborne mage who would hit youths like that with his staff telling them that petty commoners do not deserve to learn the ways of the nobility.

And I'd love to give some near misses as a reminder that they're no longer a ruling caste and and are still on probation. :)

He'll just try to hit you harder for talking back to her betters.
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100 Night Elf Hunter

And I'd love to give some near misses as a reminder that they're no longer a ruling caste and and are still on probation. :)

He'll just try to hit you harder for talking back to her betters.

Try is the word... Highborne are wimps when it comes to combat. And all that gaudy wear makes them great ranged targets. It's just like fighting a blood elf. :)
Edited by Drahliana on 4/9/2011 6:43 AM PDT
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