all in all, if you want to roleplay a Drow, do so in DDO not in WoW, or write a fanfic, or ...dont do. Crossovers in general, in most rp scenarios are bad /end thread
A thread will not end just because you say so. But, I have stated what I believe and I believe I have heard all possible responses I can hear from others to my questions, so this thread truly is over unless anyone would like to discuss things further.
You've stated you've never RP'd on WoW before, so, of course, this kinda of idea sounds really fun and nifty.
You did this on an RP server that actually cared about lore, you would be getting a lot of tells stating that you can't play a Drow, or worse, end up on one of those bad roleplayer websites!
This is because us roleplayers take our lore seriously. Your Drow does not belong in WoW, your human sucked into her computer does not belong in WoW, your half demon night elf human grandma child does not belong in WoW.
You play a Night Elf, which is rich in thousands of years of lore. You can make an unique, creative character with the lore you are given. It shows your talent as a writer to use the lore given to you to make a character like that.