This is one of the most well thought-out posts so far. Because of Pahana, I am able to see what most other role-players in World of Warcraft see. Why? Because the logic she has stated in her post is not overshadowed by overreacting and labeling (directly or indirectly) that makes people like me tempted to disagree. And she explained why one would want to role-play as a drow, instead of the races in the Warcraft universe. She even stated that one can be drow-like without "breaking" the lore of the Warcraft universe instead of saying one should not or can not do something. Even the last sentence of her post was enough to help me see it in a different way. Pahana, I applaud you.
You're quite welcome, sir and/or madam. When I first started playing D&D many misty moons ago, my 12-ish self hated the Drow. Why? A'cause aside from being a terminal arachnophobe, I couldn't quite grasp the concept of being evil for evil's sake, and of Lolth being so cruel as to punish those she found unworthy of worshipping her into Driders, these overgrown half-spider-half-person things. (Again, there's that terminal arachnophobia.) When I got older and hit my "dark 'n edgy teenager" years, spiders still scared the ever living pooh out of me, but Drow were AWESOME otherwise. Drow were, to quote Penny Arcade, f*cking metal.
Thankfully I'm no longer an idiot teenager and out of my Drizzt Do'Urden phase (Salvatore writes a much better Dwarf than he does anything else - Pickle is without a doubt the best character in the series) and I don't fawn over Elric of Melnibone anymore ... but I still rather fancy Drow. They're one of the only elf races I like - and I'm someone who says that the first and last well-written elf were the ones you find in
The Silmarillon.
There's a time and a place to play a Drow, and sadly, WoW isn't one of them. The game mechanics enforce player characters being too Good-Aligned, and even if you want to dip into an Evil or Chaotic character you've got to pretty much do so in secret, as, hello? City guard? (If we're sticking to good RP here, and not rubbing our hands together all Snidely Whiplash style out in the middle of the street for all to see.) One, like I said, can still be a Drow in personality alone, but it takes some finesse and to not put "POISON BREWAN 'N ASSASSINATAN~" as your MRP title or anything of the sort.
[edit]: Typo~