Drow in Azeroth?


86 Night Elf Death Knight
01/10/2011 6:13 PMPosted by Zeria
and also because I now role-play a Night Elf Rune-Master who can blow things up with the snap of his fingers and is also now related to Sargeras, the Old Gods, Arthas, basically every major lore character, every major figure in human history and is a god in his own right?

If you were serious...

...this is why we can't have nice things.

I was kidding, I thought the sarcasm was obvious. I was playing to everyone's idea of a "Lore-Breaking, Mary-Sue making, Team-Killing mother#*@!er.
72 Human Paladin
I've only seen one person do it.
80 Blood Elf Death Knight
Which you are.
100 Night Elf Druid
Anyone who accepts WoW accepts the fact that it is both fantasy and sci fi, steampunk if you will, with established planetary travel via dimensional magic, and embraces the concept of time travel. That framework opens up any door to any thing. If you want to play a drow, I say go for it. Just know that a lot of people are hostile to anything that doesn't have an official Bliz stamp of approval on it.

WoW requires an absurd amount of suspension of disbelief already to RP in it. To all the people who just get disgusted when people go outside the established WoW lore box, good gracious, talk about not seeing the forest due to a tree. It should not matter in the slightest if somebody utilizes backstory/concept that is outside of WoW lore. It is all in the implementation. If RA Salvatore plays WoW, and wants to RP a drow who managed to hop universe, I bet he'd be a pretty fantastic story telling RPer, and it would be a shame for you close minded folk to write him off simply because he was playing a character that was outside the WoW lore box. It would certainly be your loss, not Salvatore's. Not the best example, but I think it demonstrates my point.

I say welcome to drow, vampires, time traveling gun slingers, and whatever else, but I will hold them to the same standards of what I think constitutes a good RPer as everyone else. And if they can pull off interesting, believable characters, regardless of how extraordinary the backstory, then kudos, and I hope to see you in game.

Just always make sure you respect WoW lore as it stands, and do not contradict it, even if you are working outside of it.

Edit: censored my four letter D word I initially wrote, and I would add that I am 29 years old. I have been playing D&D since I was eleven, DMing games since I was 12, and I have had the same on-going campaign active since I was 17. Lately, my tabletop game is shelved b/c so many of the players work out of state so much of the year in the nuclear power industry, and I became a father. I decided to continue the story using WoW as a platform, and most of my players have rolled their characters into WoW. My campaign was largely centered around an artifact the players had a long while that allowed dimensional & time travel, and it's not a stretch them being on Azeroth whatsoever. I have only just recently taken this guild public, and we will be RPing more and more with others who were never involved with our campaign. Long story, the purpose of which is me stating that anyone who considers him or herself a very good RPer, but wants to use ideas outside of established WoW lore, look us up on Alliance, Ravenholdt. Feel free to send me a letter in game to initiate contact.

Peace, gamers.
Edited by Lhane on 1/13/2011 2:59 PM PST
85 Night Elf Druid
i think that if you'd like to create a story or role play a character along the lines of Drow, this may be your best bet & still be within the limits of Warcraft Lore but due take note of the following sentence:

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Dark elves were elves, but not like high elves. They were beautiful in their own way, too, but it was a cold, haughty beauty, one that in the end repelled. The beauty of the dark elves was said to be almost as chill as Deathwing's voice, if not colder. They were lesser beings with minute lifespans and quick to rashness, plunging into what was believed too great a risk. In their folly, they brought demons.DotD 160-161

Early concept maps show "dark elf lands" in northeastern Kalimdor near Mount Hyjal. A race is said to have spoken a fourth elven dialect Elven on Mount Hyjal.CoH 67 LoM 17 Perhaps this is the dark elves.

Most evidence points to the mysterious dark elves as being an early developmental form of the night elves. It is hinted that the dark elves, possibly along with others (the book says, "others came, lesser forms, minute life spans"),DotD 161 had something to do with releasing the Burning Legion on Azeroth. According to interviews and references made in The Art of Warcraft and on the The Making of World of Warcraft DVD, night elves were based off the dark elves of other fantasy settings (especially the drow from D&D), but their personality and culture were made to be the direct opposite of the culture and personality of dark elves. A story nearly identical to the one told about the dark elves in Day of the Dragon is later related to Khadgar in The Last Guardian by Medivh, where he gives these ancient magic-users a more familiar name: Kaldorei. It seems most likely, therefore, that the "dark elves" are in fact the night elves under an earlier name.

keep in mind you'd need to do it with some care but that's anything you role play i think. the source for this was here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Dark_elf

take it as you will. ;)
Edited by Asimaxylia on 1/13/2011 5:25 PM PST
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