Temporarily Back

100 Goblin Warlock
Heya all!

I hope everyone is doing well and it was great catching some of you on battle.net earlier. I’m back for a short while to attend Zurom’s wedding event on the 30th. However I’m not sure how many other events I will be able to attend during the period I am subscribed. Not only do I have other draws on my free time but I’m still not happy with the current state of WoW/Blizz and the direction they are going in.

Anyway, for those curious about where I’ve been since I’ve left the answer is a little bit of everywhere. I was in SWTOR for a while but once the PVP guild I was in fell apart I started to try out quite a few of other MMOs. However I pretty quickly settled in Final Fantasy 14 and have been very happy there for several months now.

I’ve uploaded a Final Fantasy 14 album to photo bucket so you can see some pics of my character. As an interesting aside but I did not take any of these screen shots. It was actually a friend of mine who e-mailed me the pics after the two of us RPed a photo shoot. That’s why so many of the photos has my character looking at the “camera” because she is actually looking at my friend’s character.

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100 Human Paladin
Even if it's temporary it makes me happy to see you back!
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100 Draenei Mage
Does that mean Mormel will be at the Armistice Ball? :D

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100 Blood Elf Warrior
<stares at Mormel, rubbing her hands together>

(Even if it’s for a short time, it’s really good to see you gain)
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/25/2015 04:24 PMPosted by Genevra
Even if it's temporary it makes me happy to see you back!

*Glomps* Thanks Gen! :D

10/25/2015 05:02 PMPosted by Zaranae
Does that mean Mormel will be at the Armistice Ball? :D


I'll do what I can to at least make an appearance.

<stares at Mormel, rubbing her hands together>

(Even if it’s for a short time, it’s really good to see you gain)

*Glomps* I look forward to being tied up by you again ;3
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100 Gnome Monk
*A odd looking little Gnome wanders by, all covered in leather, feathers, claws, twigs, and what you might find wandering through any old wood. Looking down at his hands, and not paying much attention to anything but the little blossoms in his tiny hands. Seemingly very intent on carefully placing the flowers in a small paper packet, so as to not break any of the petals away.*

*Very abruptly he bumps into something and drops his packets on the ground about his feet. Kneeling down with a slight frown on his face, he notices a second pair of feet only slightly bigger than his own. As he picks up his packets and stands, he looks to see a very green little being in front of him.*

"Well hullo there!"
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Ewww... a gnome...))

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100 Goblin Mage
Hurray! You have returned! Joy to the World!
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/29/2015 09:59 PMPosted by Swizelle
Hurray! You have returned! Joy to the World!

Swizzy! *glomps* Now ya can give me all the earnin's of the store while I've been gone!
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