Humor aside, I know of Raphael and Julliette; the goblin and gnome ' rugrats ' They get along a lot, so I'm wondering what will happen once they get older.
I'm curious...
01/25/2011 6:27 PMPosted by GrigsHumor aside, I know of Raphael and Julliette; the goblin and gnome ' rugrats ' They get along a lot, so I'm wondering what will happen once they get older.
I am getting a picture in my mind... and it doesn't actually seem to be as bad as I thought it would be.
01/25/2011 6:22 PMPosted by MeepI think it's pretty much Blizzard going.
We want a half orc half draenei, so wollah Garona.
We want this and this, so this.
Blizzard picked who could cross-breed and who couldn't.
This. However, I believe the only reason they haven't made more half-<race> characters is because of their not wanting to render a new model for being the only one (or a small, insignificant group) of their kind. Wasting time on making one model for a 'hybrid' doesn't really seem like something Blizzard would do. Seeing as how most of the other races have some sort of unique feature about them that can't really be translated onto either parent race's models, I wouldn't expect to see many of them in-game... at least until much later, and even then, I wouldn't count on it.
Just what I think. Then again, this is also taking into account that Blizzard could cross-breed any races with a thread of backstory and make it work.
Edited by Firanda on 1/25/2011 6:37 PM PST
85 Orc Rogue
You mean the guy relentlessly chasing the girl around the speedbarge in 1k Needles?
01/25/2011 6:29 PMPosted by FeralgopherYou mean the guy relentlessly chasing the girl around the speedbarge in 1k Needles?
Yes, they're children currently, and they play tag CONSTANTLY
01/25/2011 6:22 PMPosted by Meep
Blizzard picked who could cross-breed and who couldn't.
Well yeah, but that's because they're writing the story and they're in more of a position to make a few unique half breed characters. Not just for the sake of establishing which races can cross breed and which can't. I'm somewhat bitter that they took that route myself rather than abiding by common sense, but it's a fiction story so it's not any law they broke.
And these characters are meant to be very rare in lore, not something you would encounter just by mingling in a city. So it doesn't matter which can and can't produce offspring, it only matters for the few times that would make an interesting character.
That's all it is, a device for the story.
...despite the impression most of our posters have that it's some kind of joke.
I haven't heard of this "Raphael and Julliette", but I doubt it'd be that odd if they ended up together when they grow up. *shrug* But eh, there's no way to tell.
Yeah, I wasn't saying Blizzard are in the wrong, was just saying that seems to be what they did.
I mean, I see kids of different races around playing with each other, playing tag, etc. Just curious.
Well, rare that it would be, you could have any number of excuses for it to happen. A Night Elf would likely not consider bedding a Gnome, but perhaps we have an abnormal love interest. Or, stepping on the dark-side, perhaps they were drunk, one was mentally unstable, drugged... etc.
However dark it is...
I remember reading somewhere that the original Ogre-Human half-breeds or at least some of them, were due to Ogres pillaging villages, and quite darkly... ra'ping women. This was what lead to some of the half-breeds.
I even read that harpies, capture men of humanoid races and using magic and seduction, have their way with them.
It can be quite dark at points.
However dark it is...
I remember reading somewhere that the original Ogre-Human half-breeds or at least some of them, were due to Ogres pillaging villages, and quite darkly... ra'ping women. This was what lead to some of the half-breeds.
I even read that harpies, capture men of humanoid races and using magic and seduction, have their way with them.
It can be quite dark at points.
Edited by Meep on 1/25/2011 6:53 PM PST
Perhaps I should of warned people at the start of that post.
But it's true, when you think about it Warcraft can be a very dark universe.
Perhaps I should of warned people at the start of that post.
But it's true, when you think about it Warcraft can be a very dark universe.
It is one of the things that makes it good, definitely.
Deep is how I would describe it.
I mean, it's not as dark and disturbing as Diablo is, or other games/lore/stories... but... it can be very dark, and it can be light, it can be heroic, sarcastic. There's just so much of it, so much to learn to enjoy. That's why I like it.
Deep is how I would describe it.
I mean, it's not as dark and disturbing as Diablo is, or other games/lore/stories... but... it can be very dark, and it can be light, it can be heroic, sarcastic. There's just so much of it, so much to learn to enjoy. That's why I like it.
01/25/2011 7:01 PMPosted by FeralgopherLewd comment.
Yes, I have a habit of doing that Feralgopher.
I'm a highly mentally sexual person?
No, you're all just screwed up in the head and I'm unlucky.
:P I can't tell if I'm joking or not anymore.
Edited by Meep on 1/25/2011 7:04 PM PST
85 Orc Rogue
I was making more of an [insert lewd comment here] post. It just made me think that you two were watching...... GOOD FOLK GET BUSY!
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