I'm curious...


67 Dwarf Warrior
01/25/2011 6:49 PMPosted by Meep
I even read that harpies, capture men of humanoid races and using magic and seduction, have their way with them.

:O Bump... And that's scary
67 Dwarf Warrior
Wait, so this stuff can actually happen? Scary... But interesting.
85 Tauren Death Knight
The keyword in all answers is:
I think...

Blizzard did not set any clear rules for that kind of thing. Therefore, we can assume that combinations previously made in the lore are the only ones possible. However, keep in mind that the lore is written by more than one person, and that it tends to be very contradicting.

Whichever the case may be, it is not because two different races can produce offspring that they should. Most of the time, such is not only restricted by genetics, but also by beliefs. No tauren would choose a mate from another race, for example, because others are not children of the Earth Mother. As I would not see a troll with an elf, again for obvious reasons.

I highly recommend you do the same as about everyone and keep to your own race. And by everyone, I refer to NPCs, because what players do is, most of the time, very disturbing; I've seen many who disregard other players' race just so they can get in their pants more easily. Keep in mind that we're talking about different species here...
Edited by Shunka on 1/26/2011 5:07 AM PST
67 Dwarf Warrior
Blizzard did not set any clear rules for that kind of thing. Therefore, we can assume that combinations previously made in the lore are the only ones possible. However, keep in mind that the lore is written by more than one person, and that it tends to be very contradicting.

Whichever the case may be, it is not because two different races can produce offspring that they should. Most of the time, such is not only restricted by genetics, but also by beliefs. No tauren would choose a mate from another race, for example, because others are not children of the Earth Mother. As I would not see a troll with an elf, again for obvious reasons.

I highly recommend you do the same as about everyone and keep to your own race. And by everyone, I refer to NPCs, because what players do is, most of the time, very disturbing; I've seen many who disregard other players' race just so they can get in their pants more easily. Keep in mind that we're talking about different species here...

Humans Draeni and orcs have been compatible even from being from different PLANETS

Different species, yes, but things can still ensue, drugs, etc.
In simple it's the same as the Drow argument, the same as all of that.

Nobody can stop you from doing it, but people might, and likely will, not like or RP with you because of it.
85 Troll Hunter
I'd just like to echo the earlier question of why would you want to make half-breeds from all kinds of racial combinations?

For the attention?

While it's true that no one can really stop you from doing anything like this, you won't get very far in the community if you only do hybrid characters. And if this would be your first character concept, you're not really making a good first impression with potential RP buddies.

I'm not outright saying don't do it (to avoid the "OMGCRUSHINGCREATIVITY" types), but I would really, truly advise against anyone trying to do this seriously.

As an aside, I should keep a list of people who encourage this type of character :P
Edited by Zeria on 1/26/2011 8:07 AM PST
80 Blood Elf Death Knight
Only ones that exist are: human/orc, orc/draenei ogre/orc, ogre/human, human/high elf, human/draenei orc hybrid, troll/night elf, troll/troll. And that's it.

And now the only ones that can be rped without people going wtf, are half elves, they look like slender humans with longer ears, the current half elf model looks rather humhanish and the ears can be covered by a hat and long hair.

A orc/ogre, get a brown or goldish skin color, use an englarging potion and that's acceptable.

And a troll/night elf, they arguably exist and look like less...stoic? night elves. People will more than likely laugh at you for playing this, but you can play it.

And I talked this over with my biology teacher if anyone is going to just say 'That's you're opinion'. If species A can breed with species B and create a viable offspring and species B can breed with species C then species C cannot necessarily breed with species A
72 Draenei Priest
As stated in the other thread. Who cares about this?

90% of the *possibility's* would lead to you're character only being about 5-7 years old MAX unless you want to break lore even further by artificially aging you're character it just wouldn't work timeline wise.

And for another thing...WHY? Just, just why would you want to RP a half breed? I'm not saying it shouldn't be done or it's impossible. But why do you want to RP that one special character that no one else does?

I RP a human just like light knows how many other people, but I do things differently enough that my character is still unique. Why on Azeroth do you have to take it further by making you're character half this and half that?

90% of the RP population is going to call you a Mary-Sue and refuse to RP with you.
85 Orc Rogue
I had an epiphany while sitting on the crapper. Night elves and trolls WOULD be compatable, no matter how weird it is. Trolls were the evolutionary ancestors of the elves. Specifically the dark trolls of Northern Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. So, trolls and night elves, possibly even other elves, are added on the list.

And with that same logic, vrykul could be compatable with humans..... *shudders*
85 Tauren Death Knight
01/26/2011 11:25 AMPosted by Rraazz
90% of the *possibility's* would lead to you're character only being about 5-7 years old MAX unless you want to break lore even further by artificially aging you're character it just wouldn't work timeline wise.
I agree!

And truly, the least unusual your character is, the most original it can become. The best roleplayers I've come across are villagers, cooks, hunters, etc.

And the worst, well... half-breeds, strangely. It seems their character's sole purpose is to be special...
67 Dwarf Warrior
I simply like the idea, I don't want to do it for ' attention ' It does seem like a good idea to me though, is that such a bad idea to have the possibility actually role-played? I don't want this character to be ' special ' and just have one purpose. Plus... Breaking lore? Think about this: The wyverns and gryphons, different species mated together, making the gryphon and wyvern.
93 Dwarf Paladin
On this same note dragons from diff flights wouldn't mate would they.
That why we really have to stop deathwing no one wants half black half green/red dragons
Just Eww...
67 Dwarf Warrior
01/26/2011 1:58 PMPosted by Hyolia
First off that's a chimera which is done through the old-school kind of alchemy which is not used in warcraft, and in Azeroth its a natural creature not a fusion. There are no eagles and lions out there humping each other, don't be stupid.

I didn't mean it like that! I suppose I need to work on my wording however. I believe that mammals that are close enough related can mate however.

80 Blood Elf Death Knight

'Course not
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/26/2011 2:02 PMPosted by Mackali
On this same note dragons from diff flights wouldn't mate would they.
That why we really have to stop deathwing no one wants half black half green/red dragons
Just Eww...

One of Deathwing's goals is to make Consorts(mates) out of Ysera and Alexstazsa. So yes, even in WoW are villains driven by sex.
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