I'm curious...


85 Undead Rogue
You living with your reproducing...

*watches jealously*
85 Orc Rogue
01/26/2011 8:28 PMPosted by Khoine
Hey, Gopher! What's your character on WrA?

Every faction leader..... ever.....

Stiff, lvl 60 undead death knight....


and a lvl 16 hunter......

And a couple allies.
62 Worgen Death Knight
Names? I'd like to get you on my friends list.
85 Orc Rogue

Tirion Fordring..... Korfax...... Darion Mograine..... Barthalamue.... and Rimblat

Pretty sure that's it.......


I was fixing on getting on my paladin. I'll add you to my friends. His name is Ulbricht.
100 Night Elf Warrior
Save for the undead, i think any race combos would work.

Gnome + Orc = Gnorc

Dranaei + Elf = Draelf

Dwarf + Tuaren = a really short man cow
71 Tauren Druid
01/26/2011 9:54 PMPosted by Augustmoon
Dwarf + Tuaren = a really short man cow

100 Night Elf Druid
I'm pretty sure most races can interbreed, but the problem is just the likelihood of it happening and whether the offspring are viable. Horses and donkeys can mate but because the slight differences with chromosomes, mules will end up with an odd number that can't be divided and are born sterile, if I remember biology correctly.

The one thing that I really want to know is how long do pregnancies last. I've seen many elves RPing pregnant and often using terms such as "third trimester, very large belly" and such. That confuses the life out of me since with mammals the longer the natural life, the longer the gestation. If the ballpark natural lifespan of a night elf is, I don't know, we'll say 5,000yrs, then they'd have to be pregnant years, decades even. There is no way I can be convinced otherwise, especially when 200yrs for them is considered being a teenager.


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