How to roleplay with a smart mount?

71 Orc Shaman
I see tons of people with dragon mounts, but all they say on how their relationship with the dragon is along the lines of "I tamed him in __" or "I found the egg in ___"

and thats it, they don't explain it further than that. They roleplay like a dragon is a flying horse.
They don't have a relationship with it more than if it was a wagon that ate.

Same with most flying mounts. A wyvern and griffin are at-least as smart as the average human and orc. Dragons even more so, there likely to be far more intelligent than any of the playable races.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/26/2011 2:35 PMPosted by Korrag
I see tons of people with dragon mounts, but all they say on how their relationship with the dragon is along the lines of "I tamed him in __" or "I found the egg in ___"

and thats it, they don't explain it further than that. They roleplay like a dragon is a flying horse.
They don't have a relationship with it more than if it was a wagon that ate.

Same with most flying mounts. A wyvern and griffin are at-least as smart as the average human and orc. Dragons even more so, there likely to be far more intelligent than any of the playable races.

I actually have an entire section in Sly's wiki on her Drake, Malcarion. There's magic involved(not of her doing) that keeps him under her control when she wills it.

She's had bad blood with Black Flight dragons in the past, and sees nothing wrong with keeping this one essentially as her pet. Though it's still sentient and will argue with her about petty things just to annoy her if it gets half a chance.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/26/2011 2:50 PMPosted by Hyolia
There's magic involved
Hun, I play a Mage and even to me Magic would seem like a cheap cop-out. Oh, sorry, no offense... but it seems that every excuse in the book these days is "Magic."

That's of course incredibly simplified.

But how else would you bind a Black Flight Drake to your will?

Ask nicely?
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85 Orc Rogue
01/26/2011 2:54 PMPosted by Hyolia
ends in -rion, i should've known

Tirion and Darion are DRAGONS!!!!!!!?????

My idea for if I ever got around to server-transferring this chick was weird..... Basically her nether-drake has a genetic abnormality, where he cannot perform magic or talk, unless he's in his mortal form. I was planning to RP with the gruntling/squire as the drakes mortal form, since he likes to be incognito or low-profile.

Not sure if being magically inept as a nether-drake was possible, though.
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I like to pretend that Hadhan owns a stable somewhere near Stormwind (Probably near the Eastvale Logging Camp) where all of his "normal" mounts (horses, rams, nightsabers, talbuks, gryphons, etc.) spend their days grazing and being taken care of by hired help. They can be summoned at will thanks to his hearthstone and he makes sure to give them all a chance to stretch their legs at various points in time. The one exception being his snowy white gryphon (the first flying mount I ever got as Hadhan). He is very rarely far from Hadhan's immediate vicinity, whether on the ground or flying up above.

A small remote in his pack can call on any "mechanical" mounts he has (mechanostriders and the like) and various other trinkets are kept on his person in order to summon some of his more unusual mounts. An ancient fossilized bone he recently discovered can replicate itself into a full fledged raptor (fossilized raptor mount), an amulet given to him by the Wyrmrest Accord is able to summon a sentient drake of the various dragon broods he has aided in the past (currently only the blue and bronze drakes) while his albino drake was, as the letter you get for getting 50 mounts says, a gift for having taken in so many animals. however for rp sake, he too is able to be summoned through the amulet and spends his off time resting or exploring Azeroth.

And finally, the broken hilt of Baron Rivendare's dreaded runeblade (which I like to pretend Hadhan recovered when Baron Rivendare was taken out of Stratholme in Cata) can summon the once feared death knight's undead charger, a steed that does not tire and serves as the ultimate symbol of how good can redeem evil.

While non of Hadhan's mounts could really be considered "sentient", many adventures and battles have formed a deep bond between him and the proud and fantastic creatures that aid him.
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85 Human Paladin
This is the link to how Taniel and her red drake, Sorelstraz, came to be paired up.

I tend to agree that someone riding a dragon needs more justification than just "He followed me home! Can I keep him?"

Oh, and sorry for the wall of text. And the misspellings and typos. I really should go back and edite that.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
This character has two drakes he rides, A cobalt Nether Drake and a red drake, The nether drake allows him to ride because Drew here saved him from Dragonmaw enslavement in outland and the drake feels he owes a life debt of sorts, and the red drake was well, when fighting the scourge in Northrend, Drew had to ride a drake into battle , and from there they sorta became unlikely friends
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28 Worgen Hunter
01/26/2011 3:06 PMPosted by Feralgopher
Tirion and Darion are DRAGONS!!!!!!!?????

In disguise!
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85 Troll Hunter
Zeria's got a Darkspear raptor named Uzuri. She's just as much bound to him as the rest of his combat pets are, and there's a family-type aspect to it. Respect your animal companions and they'll give respect back, you know?

As far as flying mounts, I don't want to make up a justification for a Bronze drake letting Zeria ride it. All animals are sentient, but dragons are more humanoid-like in intelligence and it'd feel weird to him to bond with one. I'll wait until I can get one of the more bestial proto-drakes (green please!) and go from there.
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90 Gnome Mage
I too use the squire to represent Karlstraussa, the red drake who carried Axe into battle for the Wyrmrest Accord.

"Karl, time to make with the Red Trolley," the portly old gnome shouted as he stuffed the Frost Lotus blossoms into his chlorophyll stained bag.

The young page eyed the half dozen Trolls bearing down on his friend. "Yes, time to get out of here," and the young page transformed into a small red drake with such smoothness that an observer might have thought he'd always been there waiting.

With a bound and a rush of air that knocked the trolls back, the pair launched themselves over the low rocks of the mesa and glided down to be lost below the canopy of the valley forest.

Intelligent "mounts" are too good an opportunity to pass up.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I love some of the RP I get into with mine.

A guard shot a flaming arrow through Mal's wing, which caused Sly to crash into the lake behind Stormwind, cursing the whole time.

A paladin ended up healing the wing. The whole situation made me lol.
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My warlock uses a netherdragon. He nearly killed it by charging it with fel energies and permanently warped its brain. Now, it's an extension of his will, like all of his minions.

I don't know if Fel energy can roll like that, but it seems rather open to interpretation. All my other hordies roll with wyverns.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Hmm, then what about proto drakes? I mean...aren't they rather unintelligent? Or am I mistaken? *shrug* In anycase, how would you do that in RP?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/28/2011 5:34 PMPosted by Luxiraa
Hmm, then what about proto drakes? I mean...aren't they rather unintelligent? Or am I mistaken? *shrug* In anycase, how would you do that in RP?

They're pretty much animals.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Ah ok. Thanks, I was curious about that! :D
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72 Human Paladin
01/28/2011 12:44 PMPosted by Slywyn
I love some of the RP I get into with mine.

A guard shot a flaming arrow through Mal's wing, which caused Sly to crash into the lake behind Stormwind, cursing the whole time.

A paladin ended up healing the wing. The whole situation made me lol.

That's epic.
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85 Human Mage
So, I am considering bringing a character to a RP server, he has a bronze drake which I love and would love to imagine the Dwarf Hunter and his Bronze Drake companion, the Drake doesn't respect the Hunter much, they trade insults, quips, etc. etc. etc.

But how would he have gotten the allegiance of the Drake? It should be some sort of stereotypical "lion and mouse" situation where the Dwarf saves the drake's hide, but I am not sure how to go at it...
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