How to roleplay with a smart mount?

44 Undead Rogue
I roleplay my dragon as a fellow drunk.

Don't ask me how this happened, for that is a working process, don't ask me why I did this, because it was more comedy relief type deal.

AND DONT ASK ME IF ITS LEGAL! Cause it's not... I already got three FUI's already.
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
My mage usually flies in dragonhawk, but inocation the ened of a smart dragon is needed. He can summon a red drake, Rojastrasza, or a blue drake, Azulgos, for help, as agreeded upon by all ends. This due to certain responsabilities.

This rogue doesen't mount living beings. Flying machine only.
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58 Human Warlock
Since when does every single dragon and drake have a human form? I thought only the major dragons (Alexstrezza, for example) had diguised forms.

You lost me there but how you "aquired" it would depend on which Dragonflight it was from. A Black drake isn't gonna to exactly come quietly...
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100 Orc Warrior
01/29/2011 8:29 PMPosted by Andianton
So, I am considering bringing a character to a RP server

Kinda considering as well at some point. (also way to copy my look! O:)

Well you see i kinda rp but i do it in my mind, well i like to think of things as to why i am wearing what i am wearing (the suit at the moment) and why i use this mount.

I use the icc 10 drake and i made a kind of story as to how i came to get this mount.

When i was with the warsong offensive in northrend i noticed many of these drakes flying around the frozen hell that was northrend. I said to my friends and warriors that i would tame one of these creatures as my own and use it against the lich king's forces. It was easier said then done. I saw many drakes but none were to my liking, until i came upon one around the base of the citadel whos strength was overwhelming. I fought the drake and tried to bring it down. I finally bent the creatures will into my own and tamed it. It took many weeks of battling, and i have the scars to prove it.

Not really that exciting but hey, better then "i found it in a mailbox" i guess?
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
01/29/2011 9:55 PMPosted by Terorr
Since when does every single dragon and drake have a human form? I thought only the major dragons (Alexstrezza, for example) had diguised forms.

You lost me there but how you "aquired" it would depend on which Dragonflight it was from. A Black drake isn't gonna to exactly come quietly...

Any and all dragons can take a mortal for, and its not so much a 'racial' ability as it is just using magic to cast a spell to disguise the,selves, almost all dragons/drakes can take such a form. Heck, even though its extremely rare, there has bee occasion of whelps learning to, but thats only when they are reaching maturity/drake stage
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72 Draenei Priest
*Cocks shotgun* I smell a necromancer around here...
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85 Human Paladin
05/07/2011 03:54 AMPosted by Rraazz
*Cocks shotgun* I smell a necromancer around here...
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85 Draenei Shaman
my black dragon was an egg i saved from the obsidium sanctum, which i hatched and raised as my own
i named him Aldwyn <3 (old english for wise friend, which he is. when he learned to talk, i taught him with the great library of knowledge in the exodar, and close proximity to the naaru there cleansed the old god corruption)
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85 Night Elf Warrior
my black dragon was an egg i saved from the obsidium sanctum, which i hatched and raised as my own
i named him Aldwyn <3 (old english for wise friend, which he is. when he learned to talk, i taught him with the great library of knowledge in the exodar, and close proximity to the naaru there cleansed the old god corruption)

That's not really how that works.
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85 Draenei Warrior
Rescued from orcish slavers off Netherwing Reach, the green Netherdrake Zelbant pledged his services to the draenei Kaioon until such a time as his debt is repaid. Which is unfortunate, as Kaioon refuses to ride the creature into battle, unwilling to force a sapient creature into a conflict that is not his own. While secretly preferring the agility of a nether-ray to the ponderous bulk of a drake.

He spends much of his time in Shattrath, in the guise of a draenei, serving as a tutor and protector to Kaioon's young sister. Though he laments his apparent inability to fulfill his oath, he has grown attached to the girl.

As of late, he has grown tremendously fat in his idle city life.

So, I am considering bringing a character to a RP server, he has a bronze drake which I love and would love to imagine the Dwarf Hunter and his Bronze Drake companion, the Drake doesn't respect the Hunter much, they trade insults, quips, etc. etc. etc.

But how would he have gotten the allegiance of the Drake? It should be some sort of stereotypical "lion and mouse" situation where the Dwarf saves the drake's hide, but I am not sure how to go at it...

It's a bronze drake. Maybe he was assigned to acompany this dwarf for the preservation of the time-stream. Perhapse this dwarf must survive (or die at the proper time), or, you know, the consiquences may be dire. Or maybe his superiors wanted to take a bit of starch outof his proverbial shirt and assigned him to a dwarf to teach him some humility...or send him on a wild goose-chase.
Edited by Kaioon on 5/8/2011 6:17 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Shaman
my black dragon was an egg i saved from the obsidium sanctum, which i hatched and raised as my own
i named him Aldwyn <3 (old english for wise friend, which he is. when he learned to talk, i taught him with the great library of knowledge in the exodar, and close proximity to the naaru there cleansed the old god corruption)

That's not really how that works.

it's a dragon, purified by the naaru, if a %!%*ing rock can de-corrput an egg, i'm pretty sure a frigging naaru can cleanse a whelp
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight

That's not really how that works.

it's a dragon, purified by the naaru, if a %!%*ing rock can de-corrput an egg, i'm pretty sure a frigging naaru can cleanse a whelp

Actually it is a device made by the Titans. It removed the corruption of the old gods, something the light can't cleanse.

Also, learn to look at Time stamps before you necro.
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85 Draenei Shaman

it's a dragon, purified by the naaru, if a %!%*ing rock can de-corrput an egg, i'm pretty sure a frigging naaru can cleanse a whelp

Actually it is a device made by the Titans. It removed the corruption of the old gods, something the light can't cleanse.

Also, learn to look at Time stamps before you necro.

not a necro if i'm replying to a criticism, and my statement stands
its a naaru.
the exact opposite of the old gods, it can cleanse a whelp
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85 Night Elf Warrior

Actually it is a device made by the Titans. It removed the corruption of the old gods, something the light can't cleanse.

Also, learn to look at Time stamps before you necro.

not a necro if i'm replying to a criticism, and my statement stands
its a naaru.
the exact opposite of the old gods, it can cleanse a whelp

Except no they can't or they would have done so already, wouldn't you think?

It's SPECIFICALLY stated that Light cannot remove Old God corruption. Otherwise I think we'd have all the Paladins and Priests of the Alliance working overtime to do so.


The Titans, the ones that originally imprisoned the Old Gods, are the ONLY ones who can cleanse Old God corruption, and they're being pretty damn secretive with the means to do so.

The only reason even that one egg got purified was luck, because the thing that purified it flew off afterward.

Your backstory does not work.
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76 Undead Death Knight
I see tons of people with dragon mounts, but all they say on how their relationship with the dragon is along the lines of "I tamed him in __" or "I found the egg in ___"

and thats it, they don't explain it further than that. They roleplay like a dragon is a flying horse.
They don't have a relationship with it more than if it was a wagon that ate.

Same with most flying mounts. A wyvern and griffin are at-least as smart as the average human and orc. Dragons even more so, there likely to be far more intelligent than any of the playable races.

I actually have an entire section in Sly's wiki on her Drake, Malcarion. There's magic involved(not of her doing) that keeps him under her control when she wills it.

She's had bad blood with Black Flight dragons in the past, and sees nothing wrong with keeping this one essentially as her pet. Though it's still sentient and will argue with her about petty things just to annoy her if it gets half a chance.

.............IF Eil was one of my RPing chars he wouldn't like you. He would compare you to the Lich King for obvious reasons.
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85 Night Elf Warrior

I actually have an entire section in Sly's wiki on her Drake, Malcarion. There's magic involved(not of her doing) that keeps him under her control when she wills it.

She's had bad blood with Black Flight dragons in the past, and sees nothing wrong with keeping this one essentially as her pet. Though it's still sentient and will argue with her about petty things just to annoy her if it gets half a chance.

.............IF Eil was one of my RPing chars he wouldn't like you. He would compare you to the Lich King for obvious reasons.

I get that often. :p

She sees it as it's better to use him as a mount and sometimes in battle than it is to either a) Kill it, which would be a waste, or b) let him be free to kill others.
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