The Maggot Lord Rolled in a large cauldron with the aid of a few peons, who were fully encased in leather armor, iron boots, and facemasks. He directed the cauldron to be placed next to his "mostly" repaired laboratory equipment. A large array of variously sized and filled cauldrons, some smoking, on fire, or laughing, were arranged along a heavily reinforced wall. A large drainage conduit that conveniently emptied into the Goblin Slums was being cleared of debris and angry maggots by a Grim Maw clan recruit, who was quietly crying in bleak despair. His shelving, made of black Northrend oak, and covered in black dragon scales provided by Razaji, had many exotic and common materials, some of which may or may not have been sentient at one point.
His Sentient Underwear where pinned to a picture frame with Redearth's gnomishly captured visage scowling out of it. Blake, Destroyer of Worlds, slimed it's way around it's tank, seeking more food. Abominus absently tossed a kitten into the tank, ignoring it's patheticly mewling cries for mercy that were cut short by the happy "Splerching" sounds of Blake feeding.
A large desk made of Red Ridge rock was placed against one wall, with a handy collapsible chair made of Adamantium in the shape of a coffin lid placed before it. On the desk were various stacks of notes, ledgers, bills, and complaints and lawsuits, all happily ignored. The severed head of a female Night Elf was mounted on a spike of wood made from an Ancient of War given to Abominus by Vloth. It looked vaguely disapproving. The workers averted their eyes from it as they rolled the cauldon into position.
"Gently now, yesss. Thisss will replace the one lossst when thossse sssheep asssssaulted our door, yesss. Luckily, we were able to collapssse our chair and ride out the resssultant detonationsss and variousss ssscreamingsss, yesss. Once in place, we can begin our work again, yesss."
Abominus saw a new note on his desk, from Vloth. Curious, he picked it up, and scanned it with his eyesockets.
"Hmm, Vloth will be out fissshing in the Maelssstrom, yesss. We will sssend newsss of thisss to the Town criersss, yesss. Ssspricket the Food Gnome will want to know of hisss whereaboutsss, yesss..."
His Sentient Underwear where pinned to a picture frame with Redearth's gnomishly captured visage scowling out of it. Blake, Destroyer of Worlds, slimed it's way around it's tank, seeking more food. Abominus absently tossed a kitten into the tank, ignoring it's patheticly mewling cries for mercy that were cut short by the happy "Splerching" sounds of Blake feeding.
A large desk made of Red Ridge rock was placed against one wall, with a handy collapsible chair made of Adamantium in the shape of a coffin lid placed before it. On the desk were various stacks of notes, ledgers, bills, and complaints and lawsuits, all happily ignored. The severed head of a female Night Elf was mounted on a spike of wood made from an Ancient of War given to Abominus by Vloth. It looked vaguely disapproving. The workers averted their eyes from it as they rolled the cauldon into position.
"Gently now, yesss. Thisss will replace the one lossst when thossse sssheep asssssaulted our door, yesss. Luckily, we were able to collapssse our chair and ride out the resssultant detonationsss and variousss ssscreamingsss, yesss. Once in place, we can begin our work again, yesss."
Abominus saw a new note on his desk, from Vloth. Curious, he picked it up, and scanned it with his eyesockets.
"Hmm, Vloth will be out fissshing in the Maelssstrom, yesss. We will sssend newsss of thisss to the Town criersss, yesss. Ssspricket the Food Gnome will want to know of hisss whereaboutsss, yesss..."