(( Theater Canon ))

100 Worgen Hunter
(( - The Post in my Guild's Forum . . .


. . . -

(( This thread is to host a discussion between various movers in the WoW RP community on the topic of establishing a working "head canon" for Theatre in WoW!

To start! This idea formed in my head when I began writing my course guide for the "Rag Time" class where I would talk about various theater superstitions.

In an attempt at cohesion and accountability for various western (IRL) theatre traditions I started to compose a "brief History of Theatre in The Eastern Kingdom" paper.

I then realized, why labor away on my own when there are other great RPer's still engaged in the theatrical angle of WoW.

SO! Here I present a space to discuss and develop a working "head canon" that all of us can pull from! ))

So - If you'd like to contribute, know someone who might, want to read up on the discussion once I "publish" the final work, head over to that link.

There has been some confusion to posting on our guild forum, let me clarify . . .
You do need a Gamer Launch account (register like any other board) to post as a guest on the forum, you do not need to apply to Stormwind U.

Please join in, I've invited numerous RPers from cross-faction, cross-realm, even other regions (shout out to the EU Rpers!) and the discussion is begging to simmer. Lets get it up to a boil!

Also, shameless shout out to my Thesp-bros here on CC, the Bards of the Lion and my point of contact Cerulana, thanks for attending my class. Pro-tip, the next one will be about script analysis.))
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100 Blood Elf Mage
((I love this idea so much! I'm a thespian RL, and I think this could be a lot of fun, especially if connections were made between Warcraft lore and RL theatre history. Old elvish operas, goblins having started Vaudeville, a musical about cat druids, things like that. I'll see if I've got time to get involved - I just finished auditions for four shows, and I'm waiting to hear back if my life is going to be occupied for the next few months or not.

You mentioned that you run a class - when and where do you hold it? I'd love to go.))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( There is a RPer horde-side who used to hold in character plays. I'm not sure if he's still around though. ))
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100 Human Paladin
((The player is still around. There is also a guild on Alliance which does the same thing.))
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100 Worgen Hunter
(( Huzzah! Yes. I've held and will hold more classes on Theatre & Performing arts, as this toon is in an academic guild and I am ALSO a thespian IRL (gotta put that bachelors degree to work somewhere) so check out Wyrmrest Accord forums or my guild's site for updates on my Lectures, and hopefully auditions soonish.
Also, Yes again! Atos, Horde Side of Wyrmrest Accord is the Artistic Director of Tirisfal Theatre Troupe, they are holding auditions and producing events currently and onward, they have a tumbler as well as posts on the realm forum!
And of course, as I mentioned above Bards of the Lion on Ally side, here. Very active.

Thanks you for the interest, Break A Leg, hope you get the callback, or better, the role, and I hope to hear your input either way as those ideas sound great. Love to mix em all together and see what we come up with.

Again. HUzzah! Oh! Shameless plug, Stormwind University hosts a weekly public event, Thursdays @ 7 server (Wyrmrest Accord) our "Literary Conclave" where anyone can share a tale, a song, a limerick, whatever. Also, a great way to meet some of the guildies and hear further shameless self promotion for various events.
Thanks fellow wow/rp/theatre nerds! ))
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TENTATIVE! April 15th, 6pm Server (Wyrmrest Accord) HORDE SIDE, outside RageFire Cavern, so that we may group up and go inside (min lvl 10, you wont aggro the first group of mobs unless you go stroll up to them, I've tested it on my lvl 10 prot war in Def stance to make sure, max aggro was up) and there is plenty of room for a good number of people to chat without everyone standing on top of each other.

An OOCly chat to flesh out some of what we've discussed and get some one on one with a few people who've had issue with posting on the Stormwind U forum.

This date and time MIGHT change, but I'm going to try to stick to it. When you log on to Horde side Wyrmrest Accord, you're going to want Meecham, my Horde Side Storyteller, send him a tell, He'll be parked outside the instance. LETS CHAT RIDICULOUSLY NERDY THINGS!

I hope after this pow wow to finalize a bit and post a summary thesis so us thespian wowers can have something to reference before summer, and def before Legion!

Hope to See you there!
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Please read the post directly above this for information on the "summit"
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Some things to consider for this eve’s discussion, chat soon!

Who Started theatre as we know it (characters, lines, performance space)?

Timeline wise? Where does that fit in?

The guild. (Karazhan)

ETC? (or are they just thier own “thing”)

LEGION SPOILER:! (technically, but not really, though)
Apparently, dude is in Ironforge, but is a steamy romance novel author, nothing to do specifically with theatre, also the “STAR” of most of the novels is an NPC as well, so I suppose they know each other, or at least Bill knows of Marcus in detail, not entirely relevant if you ask me.

I still think a “bard” character can be headcanon, who wrote most of the Shakespeare library.
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Curious to know how it went?
Follow THIS LINK http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20420204230?page=1#10 to the Wyrmrest Accord forum as that, and my guild forums is where all further updates will be. Thank you!
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