The Alliance troops in the Barrens were a little on edge. After months of being at a standstill, waiting for reinforcements and supplies and staring at the Horde forces across ravines and hills waiting for something to happen, something finally did. In the past week the Horde had sent small parties to raid their camps and their forts. Small skirmishes between Horde and Alliance on these gods forsaken plains wasn’t unusual. But these particular attacks seemed to have a very specific pattern. Cause a little havoc, steal a few supplies and do what they could to hinder the building of their defenses. In and out, quick as could be. They did not stay long to put up too much of a fight or be captured. They didn’t know when and where they would strike next. But all the camps had been victims of the activity and there was definitely a specific pattern emerging.
The guards at Fort Triumph had been put on double shifts and been told to keep a keen eye out for any suspicious movement. But they were worn. And so they did not see anything as the night wore on into the wee hours of morning. That is until a light abruptly arose atop a nearby hill. A tall flaming torch easily the height of two men. And under this flame washed by its surrounding glow the silhouette of a female Tauren.
The alarms were sounded and troops gathered at the gate. The shadow of the Tauren just stood there watching them gather. She stood just that much too far to shoot from the wall. Her still figure broke as she stomped the ground three times, and then fast as that flame came to life the Tauren disappeared, running off into the night.
They stood at the gate and gathered on the walls waiting for an attack, but none came. When morning broke a scouting party was sent out to look at the torch left behind. Atop the beam, its pitch covered top still smoldering, hung a brittle, blackened skull, and tied to the beam a sash of softened hide, painted with markings in red and black. The effigy was pulled from its place and brought back to the fort where a dwarf, one of the few survivors of the destruction of Bael Modan, took one look at it and knew what its symbolism meant.
“Tha’ there’s Tauren. Some tribe means war.”
Word slowly came from the other Alliance strongholds across the southern Barrens. They had given the same message that night.
The guards at Fort Triumph had been put on double shifts and been told to keep a keen eye out for any suspicious movement. But they were worn. And so they did not see anything as the night wore on into the wee hours of morning. That is until a light abruptly arose atop a nearby hill. A tall flaming torch easily the height of two men. And under this flame washed by its surrounding glow the silhouette of a female Tauren.
The alarms were sounded and troops gathered at the gate. The shadow of the Tauren just stood there watching them gather. She stood just that much too far to shoot from the wall. Her still figure broke as she stomped the ground three times, and then fast as that flame came to life the Tauren disappeared, running off into the night.
They stood at the gate and gathered on the walls waiting for an attack, but none came. When morning broke a scouting party was sent out to look at the torch left behind. Atop the beam, its pitch covered top still smoldering, hung a brittle, blackened skull, and tied to the beam a sash of softened hide, painted with markings in red and black. The effigy was pulled from its place and brought back to the fort where a dwarf, one of the few survivors of the destruction of Bael Modan, took one look at it and knew what its symbolism meant.
“Tha’ there’s Tauren. Some tribe means war.”
Word slowly came from the other Alliance strongholds across the southern Barrens. They had given the same message that night.