Stomping Hooves (RP)

100 Tauren Shaman
The Alliance troops in the Barrens were a little on edge. After months of being at a standstill, waiting for reinforcements and supplies and staring at the Horde forces across ravines and hills waiting for something to happen, something finally did. In the past week the Horde had sent small parties to raid their camps and their forts. Small skirmishes between Horde and Alliance on these gods forsaken plains wasn’t unusual. But these particular attacks seemed to have a very specific pattern. Cause a little havoc, steal a few supplies and do what they could to hinder the building of their defenses. In and out, quick as could be. They did not stay long to put up too much of a fight or be captured. They didn’t know when and where they would strike next. But all the camps had been victims of the activity and there was definitely a specific pattern emerging.

The guards at Fort Triumph had been put on double shifts and been told to keep a keen eye out for any suspicious movement. But they were worn. And so they did not see anything as the night wore on into the wee hours of morning. That is until a light abruptly arose atop a nearby hill. A tall flaming torch easily the height of two men. And under this flame washed by its surrounding glow the silhouette of a female Tauren.

The alarms were sounded and troops gathered at the gate. The shadow of the Tauren just stood there watching them gather. She stood just that much too far to shoot from the wall. Her still figure broke as she stomped the ground three times, and then fast as that flame came to life the Tauren disappeared, running off into the night.

They stood at the gate and gathered on the walls waiting for an attack, but none came. When morning broke a scouting party was sent out to look at the torch left behind. Atop the beam, its pitch covered top still smoldering, hung a brittle, blackened skull, and tied to the beam a sash of softened hide, painted with markings in red and black. The effigy was pulled from its place and brought back to the fort where a dwarf, one of the few survivors of the destruction of Bael Modan, took one look at it and knew what its symbolism meant.

“Tha’ there’s Tauren. Some tribe means war.”

Word slowly came from the other Alliance strongholds across the southern Barrens. They had given the same message that night.
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<<posted in all major alliance locations in the barrens, in a large looping hand, as if the writer was too big for the paper>>

This here's a warnin y'all.

You earthen folk, dwarves and suchlike, and mah gnomish friends, y'all best be gittin' gone. Same ta you elfs. Ah ain't got no notion to be causin a ruckus with you what unnerstands about the holiness of the lands.

But the humans what done what they ought notta, and them wolfs-in-skin-clothing, y'all best be gettin' yaself ready for a war. There's a storm a comin, an it're red and black and filled with woe.

This here's the barrens. This here's sacred land. Reckon y'all might not know wut that means ta us, but yer about ta find out. It don't belong ta nobody but itself, and you puttin up ya walls, and ya roads and mucking about where y'ought notta be, well, it're endin.

With respect
Archdruid Plainswander
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10 Undead Rogue
Nyzii stopped along the path to rest under a nearby tree. He doesn't make it to the Barrens very often and is certainly looking forward to getting back to the dusty sands of Durotar. That is when he noticed the letter, firmly attached to the shady tree.

After deciphering the large loopy letters, he quickly produces a sheet of his own paper and copies down the text, though his writing looks more like chicken scratch compared to that of the Tauren's.

"I ssshall sssee about making sssome sssilver or gold off thisss bull by offering my ssservices to their caussse. If they really want to get the attention of the Allianssse then this letter ssshould be posted in their sssities, not on a lonely tree. The AAMS can sssertainly deliver the message for them!"

And with that, Nyzii skittered back down the path he was once following.
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"Ms. Aeldgyth, do I really have to do this?" said the somewhat perplexed Draenei. All Aeldgyth did was nod.

"Surely the twins would be more suited for this kind of job? I have a load of paperwork to get caught up on and if the response is going to be what I think it will be, that means we have got to be ready for an influx of letters." Vasilia said, trying to plead her case.

"Vasilia, the twins are on assignment in the North right now and wont be be back for a few days. The letter is marked urgent so I need you to look after it. I will do the paperwork, just get that letter out to all the major cities first, then start with the townships and then the small villages. A letter such as this, from the Horde, needs to be distributed to all the Alliance." replied Aeldgyth, underlining how much work needed to be done.

"Yes Ma'am" was all Vasilia could say as she picked up the stack of letters, fresh off the printing press, and left Aeldgyth's newly painted office.

The tall, blue Draenei gathered the supplies she would need to post a copy of the letter in every alliance city, starting with the capitals. "It is going to be a long week" she mumbled to herself.

As she left the office she had the strange sensation she was being followed, again. Looking to the shadows of a nearby try, she called out "I have a lot of traveling to do so if you are still planning on following me around I suggest you make sure you have enough supplies. I have a lot of distance to travel this week."

There was no reply from the shadows, but Vasilia was sure the rogue that had been tailing her for the last few days was still on the job. Shaking her head, she left to get the job started.


((OOC, the Alliance Branch of the AAMS has received a copy of Plainswander's letter marked as "URGENT: General Delivery, Alliance" from the AAMS Horde office. As such, the Alliance AAMS couriers will be reading the letter out in the public channels of all the Alliance major cities and a selection of smaller cities over the next few evenings, all ICly. In addition, the letter will be read over the hearthstone channel periodically. The goal is to ensure that as many members of the Alliance receive a copy of the letter.... Just one of the many services provided by the AAMS!!!!))
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100 Human Warrior
The warrior kicked at the loose rubble at his feet. He nodded slightly eying the ruins of what had once been Camp Taurajo. An unfortunate causality of the growing war between the Horde and the Alliance.

"Come on man!! Don't do this! You're one of us!"

Jericho turned his gaze to the side and looked at the man he had captured, a looter who had taken the Camp's destruction as a chance to get rich quickly. The looter was squirming against his bindings.

"Look! It's war right. They're monsters! Come on let me go. I-i'll make it worth your while. I got money. A lot of it. Okay okay how about women. . I have them too!"

The warrior didn't respond to the man's remarks he instead reached down and picked up a sizable rock that had once been part of the camps foundation and griped it into his right hand and slowly made his way to the looter.

"No! NO! Traitor! Don't do this you sonofa*%$#!"

There was a slight noise as stone met skull.

Jericho tossed the rock aside and set about doing what he came here for. He had been making the rounds to assess the damage that the war was incurring. He has seen the looters in Auberdine, the orc razing of Ashenvale, the forsaken devastation in Hillsbrad and now the Theramore Marines has established a very strong and destructive foothold in The Barrens.

It was all out conflict. Peace was no longer any form of option and Jericho couldn't be more ready for it. This is what he lived for, the kind of environment that he thrived in and more importantly and enemy he could actually respect. He understood their reasoning for wanting to defend their homelands and could sympathize. Only he was on the other side of the fence in the matter.

Jericho has come to the Camp to leave his own declaration of war and when he found the camp being looted it enraged him to see the dead being tarnished, The heritage of a proud people being reduced to mere trinkets and baubles to line the purse of honor-less thieves. He has offered the group a chance to surrender. Of course they didn't.

He looked down at his unconscious prisoner, the only one of the group remaining alive. The warrior smiled.

About an hour later, anyone at The Great Gate would see an unconscious man tied to a pole with an Alliance flag hanging from hit. On the man's shirt was pinned a note.

The note reads in orcish

"Dear honorable and noble people of the Tauren,

The man you see attached to the banner is a looter found at Camp Taurajo. Feel free to do with him as you wish. It is your right.

As is your right to declare war on my people for what they have done to your lands. Of course it is the right of my people to assault any that have allied themselves with those that have defiled Hillsbrad and Ashenvale. But I do not write this to condone or excuse any actions that will be taken or the reasonings behind them. In my mind both our sides are correct to take the actions we have.

I wish to say that your declaration of war has been met, accepted and will be responded to in kind and that it will be an honor to meet blade to blade and steel to steel. Let battle decide the victor in this war. As always this will come down to those of strong heart and of stout backbone who are willing to do what is needed to ensure the welfare of those they protect. Looking forward letting Strength and Honor decide the fate of our peoples.

-Jericho D.
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It was late in the evening, or perhaps early in the morning, when Vasilia returned to the AAMS office in Stormwind. The door was secured and the lights were all off, the staff having gone home for the evening. Using her key, Vasilia slipped into the office and locked the door behind her.

Stumbling to her desk, she lite the small lamp and sat herself down, letting her legs and hooves rest. She had had a busy weekend; visiting Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar and so many other smaller towns along the way, posting a copy of the Horde letter or reading it out to the crowd.

She wasn't sure what to think of the reaction to the letter. Many people in many cities and towns were ready to form an army and march to the Barrens at that exact moment. Others had called for calmer nerves to prevail and hoped that a peaceful solution could be obtained. She had listened to all the debates. Seen the men, women, elves, dwarves and fellow Draenei sign up to join the Barren's defensive forces and others denounce them as Warmongers.

She took a clean sheet of paper from the drawer and wrote a quick note:

Ms. Aeldgyth,

Copies of the Horde letter have been delivered and posted in all the Alliance Cities and townships as instructed. Left over letters have been returned to the supply room for future use. I will be a little late coming into the office in the morning. I am afraid that after so many roads and paths my warm bed has been calling for me!


Walking across the room, she placed the letter into Aeldgyth's In Box. That is when she noticed her own In Box, now overflowing with letters in reply to the Horde one she had just finished delivering. NINE letters, ALL marked urgent, all going Horde side.

Vasilia crumpled up the note and tossed it into the paper basket next to the In Boxes. With that many letters to deliver she knew she was going to have to come in early to get started on them. She checked the morning's schedule for the first boat to Ratchet and connecting flights to Thousand Needles. So much for enjoying that warm, soft bed of hers....
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72 Night Elf Druid
Her form twisted serenly in the air above what was once Camp Taurajo. Her birds eye view, for lack of a better word, gave her a clear assessment of the damage that had been done. It saddened her, seeing that the encampment had been brutally destroyed and was now being pillaged. It saddened her even more that such things had been done by the people her kind called comrades. She knew not all humans were to blame, and she was sure that her kind were at fault as well. Slowly, she glided on the updrafts nearby, simply circling the area. What little could she do though? She understood from what little knowledge she had gleamed that a fellow Druid had sent the letters, some Plainswalker. After her meeting upon these lands with the human Surabar and his comrades, it had become clear that a meeting of peace must be initiated. She had been chosen as well, to represent her side, the side of the Night Elves, the children of Cenarius, and that of the entirety of the Alliance itself. Spotting a few looters, she landed and felt her form twist and contort. Rushing, she raised her hands, roots entangling the looters and stopping them.

"When will you people stop? Too do this is..."

She sighed, releasing them as they scrambled away. She had been watching the Barrens for days, and the looting hadn't stopped. No, this would never stop with people acting like this, unless both sides took amicable actions. Now she waited, with the great patience she had learned from her people. She waited to make peace, make amends, and make right what her and her comrades were just as much to blame for...
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Plainswander stood over the smoking bodies at Fort Triumph. The gnomes and dwarves had been spared, and sent off, but every human interloper to the sacred savannah plains had been slaughtered without mercy. They were nothing but flunkies and opportunists though. One or two had had some power to them, but if this was what the alliance bastards were sending to ruin the barrens, then their contempt for his people ran deeper than he'd ever suspected.

The whole affair had a sense of futility to it though. Plainswander knew the fort would be re-staffed and re-supplied within hours. The martial columns streaming form Theramore seemed endless in their numbers. But it didn't matter. This was sacred land, and the messages must be sent.

Plains paused to attach a note to one of the half-melted bodies, and then sadly took his avian form and disappeared into the summer sky.


Ah done got yer message, and, current events notwithstanding, Ah agrees about Ashenvale, and more importantly, Stonetalon, and I'll do wut ah can ta git balance back there. It're only right.

But this here's tauren land, holy to us, and of particular significance ta me. The AAMS was founded in Camp T. It were my home for a long long time. I jest can't let this go.

This're gonna continue until it stops. And it're only stopping when the gates come down. The only negotiations we're interested at this time are the ones involved troop removal, withdrawal, and reparations. We'll talk evenly and sincerely about that, but nuthin else. We're angry now. And angry Shu'Halo are ...well ... they're a trouble.

Regretfully, and with sincerest friendship and respect....
ArchDruid Plainswander

p.s. I saw that little bird up there. tell her ta watch her feathers. Professional courtesy and all that."
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl folded up the note and put it on the stack on her desk. The letters she loved and read over and over from the old warrior with the heart of a poet, were now becoming the smaller stack. Notes of war, threats, ultimatums and a few remaining bills from Twobits' last fiasco were the growing pile.

"Trouble" Araen asked/

"Yes. Plains refuses to meet with me."

Cray and Surabar looked at each other. "So what do we do now?" Surabar asked.

"He also noticed our scout. We need to talk to her. I don't want her to get hurt."
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For a long time, Honor's Stand had been the gateway to the Stonetalon Mountains, and the tauren settlements there. Now however, it was an abomination of masonry and cannon, totally out of place in the barrens. Just another sign of the humans bringing their arrogance and entitlement where they had no business being. Not for long though. As with the previous location, all civilian and non-human inhabitants had been chased out, but every soldier, mason, and armorer had been reduced to a glowing pile of dust.

Plainswander watched the last of them fleeing over the border into Stonetalon. He wasn't going to follow them...the orcish military's crimes there were all to fresh in his mind, best to cede that area to those who were wounded the most. Not to mention, angry Alliance would make short work of any remaining Grimtotem. But The Stand was firmly on barrens soil, and as such, had to be removed.

Back to work though, time was short, and the day was growing dark. Plains raised his hands and called to the green to bring forth a tangle of vines and forest of take down the walls. His concentration totally taken by is work, he failed to notice the gaurd approaching behind him, failed that is, until the sword slid between his ribs. The big tauren fell to his knees in the dirt and as the shock swept over him, he had just enough time to see a blade swinging with certain finality towards his head.......

....some considerable time later..... Plainswander sat up, head ringing like a million bells were perched on his shoulders all a-carolling.

That last guard had hit considerably harder than most of the flunkies the alliance were staffing the barrens outposts with. Plains wiped the blood (his own) off his armor, and kicked the severed head (not his own) over the wall. It was time to get back to work, and a little thing like getting turned into a tauren pincushion wasn't going to stop him...well, not for long anyway.

((OOC interjection: It's not that Plains won't meet with anyone, I just can't schedule anything because, well, life... but if you catch me nuking alliance settlements in the barrens, feel free to act in whatever way you think is appropriate. Also, I *suck* at pvp, so this is an easy chance to be a hero...:D.....))
Edited by Plainswander on 3/16/2011 12:16 PM PDT
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72 Night Elf Druid
She sighed. Another long day in the Barrens. She had taken the time to fly farther inward. Assessing the scale of the war was easy enough, but seeing who was wronging who was a whole story in itself.

She knew there wasn't much time left before conflict rose into bigger brawls. However, all she could do still was wait. She focused inward as she flew. She knew what she was doing was right. She had to prevent more innocent lives from being lost. Lately though, a new thought had stirred within her.

The Barrens weren't the only place that was being fought over and torn apart. There were many places. What was this place then? A sacred land to the Tauren? Certainly. A strategic point for the Alliance? So it seemed. But what of places like Auberdine? Ashenvale? Certainly, there were many places all around the world like that, and such places also felt the wreckage of the Cataclysm, which was doing just as much damage, if not more, than this war as well. She was a daughter of nature first and foremost.

She shook her head as she flew. She was allowing her mind to wander far too deeply. She knew what she was doing right now was right. With renewed vigor, she sped up.

((OOC: My skill on Forum RP is fairly new, so please don't judge it too harshly. Plus, this is my first time involved in anything like this, so I'm a little excited and may make a mistake or two. Just bear with me. >.<))
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((Welcome to the party Alal, we used to keep these thread going for MONTHS 'back in the day'. Mixing forums RP and in-game shenanigans is good times...))
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100 Human Paladin
((Yeah, Plains will be encountering someone soon))
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72 Night Elf Druid
((I've been keeping an eye out for Plains, but yet to see him. I've been circling Fort Triumph in the Barrens to no avail.))
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((The big tauren's pilot is going to tahoe for the weekend. He'll be unavailable. Feel free to harass kickfeather and red though... see you all monday.))
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100 Tauren Shaman
“You make your world.”

That is what her father had told her once. Perhaps it was because of her recent trip home to her tribe that brought those words back into her memory. Every time she went to visit them and sat among the Chief and his council, gave her mother the loving, longing hugs of an expatriated daughter, saw how much more her two young cousins had learned the ways of the shaman in the time she had been away, she was reminded that her father was no longer there.

Perhaps it was because she had decided to not tell the story of portent at the most recent Storytelling Circle. The night had been a good one, filled with interesting and exciting tales. A brief moment to step away from the more dire demands of life and listen to the voice of the Ancestors through story and myth. Though there was that one orc who continued to echo some of the more deeper concerns that also lay on Red Earth’s heart and mind.

Or perhaps it was the letters she now held in her hand. She had read them when she had first gotten them. And now she read them again so she would know how to respond. The type of letters she had not received in a number of years. Delivered to her by the AAMS, to ensure they would reach her confidentially and securely. Because they came from an old acquaintance from the Alliance concerned about the path that Red Earth had chosen to now walk, declaring war upon the Alliance in the Barrens.

At first she was surprised to learn that they had discovered it was the Ishnu Por Ah who had a hand in it. But then she was told who the letters were addressed to aside from herself. Word had spread quickly while she was away because of Brother Plainswander it seemed.
She would have to see what that old Hooter had been up to while she had been away seeking counsel and continue to steer her own path in this fiercer world she had created. It would start with a letter.

((Kick will be kicking up some dust this weekend. Was out of town last weekend and then also getting used to being a working girl again this week. Oy, my aching feet! So tired. @.@. But letters have been sent! RP on!))
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85 Human Priest
Roselynna looked around, tears welling in her eyes. She had come with the reinforcements to Honor's Stand, hoping to be of some use. What she had come across was a scene from a nightmare: bodies laying around, still being laid out, while buzzards pecked at those not moved, buildings damaged and construction scaffolds charred. Even the peasants, whose hand had never held a weapon before, had been killed.

She started laying out the bodies, saying a prayer over each one. As she passed troops who were doing the same, she granted a blessing on their health, hoping to give them the fortitude of heart to hold out.

All of this over land. Why couldn't they negotiate? She had heard of even worse things being done by the orcs to the north, and had witnessed the horrors that the undead had unleashed in Hillsbrad. And yet, when alliance soldiers moved into the Barrens, to counter the growing strength of the Horde, now the Tauren were angry? Such hypocrites, she though, as she straightened the arms of another soldier who had been hit in the back as he was fleeing his assailant.
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100 Tauren Warrior
*nods vigorously at some random Horde*

Mmhmmm, that's right. Ishnu Por Ah has declared war in the Barrens. The Alliance have smashed their way too far on our lawn and the Horde ain't doing enough about it. Mulgore ain't suppose to have a wall to protect it.

Speaking of that! Want to join our fight? Or know anyone? Wanna know more? I'm holding duels by the Wall tonight. Test out the skills of folks interested. Also planning on giving 'em all a tour of the Barrens just so they all understand. Because it's important to understand! You let me know. You let others know!

((Come on by for a little IC dueling around 6-6:30 server to start :) ))
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88 Worgen Warrior
Seriously, the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the tauren makes me laugh. Did you seriously think your Horde could start a war of genocidal agression, and you would not be touched? Go to Gilneas, see the plauge clouds spread by your allies the Forsaken rolling across the moors. Take a deep breath, please, and let it disolve you from the inside. Go to Ashenvale, to see the ruin your allies the Orcs have done to the land, leaving vast swaths of forest barren, and piles of bodies of peaceful people who were just minding their own business then were savagely attacked.

you should be thankful ANY were spared from in the attack on the Barrens. Or as my grandpappy used to say "if you don't wanna be covered in mud, don't lie down with the pigs". You are part of the horde. As long as that continues, you will be treated as part of the Horde. As a target.
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The druid prowls through the ruins of Taurajo in her usual form of a cat. The cry of maimed looters filling her ears. She snarls at the few conscious ones, a warning undertone. She would not repeat the massacre that had happened here. She would not kill them. This time. She remembers those that lived here. Those that trained her to skin, and to hunt. Family. Friends. She thinks back to the overheard speech by the Ishnu Por Ah. There will be war. This time, she will need friends.

She growls, stepping through the maze of littered bodies. The Shu'halo will have their revenge. Shifting back into her Tauren body, she gazes over the area, and up and around. She will taste the blood of these humans. She stomps her hoof, and walks off, back to the gate.

((I'm off work at about 6:15 server, I hope you guys are still doing duels or stuff around 7ish. I'll be back home then))
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