Majordomo 10 to Nephilim.
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
Heroic Shannox to WC (25)
Order of Sinfonia has killed Alysrazor, Baleroc, and Majordomo Staghelm 10man.
Edited by Mogul on 7/27/2011 12:14 AM PDT
Heroic Shannox (25)
Behind the times a bit... but CSI Undercity has defeated Shannox on normal!
Edited by Surehoof on 7/28/2011 7:50 PM PDT
Baleroc, Beth, Ryo, Shannox - KNN 10man
Aly and Major Stag to KNN 10 man
2 in 1 special: Baleroc (officially on 25) and Lord Rhyolith to OF
MBOM killed Beth last night. 2/7
Rag to <Reprise> 25
Rag 10 to AD
Unknown Entity is 7/7 10N and 1/7 10H[Shannox]
After Dark's 10 man kill of Ragnaros last week appears to have been overlooked.
Merry Band of Misfits
3/7 down
3/7 down
Heroic Right Foot (25)
and Left Foot and Rhyolith
and Left Foot and Rhyolith
Edited by Magueester on 8/17/2011 7:32 PM PDT
Alysrazor to OF...
Also, our Lord Rhyolith kill isn't marked on there :-/
Also, our Lord Rhyolith kill isn't marked on there :-/
Edited by Krazytoast on 8/19/2011 6:10 AM PDT
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