Alysrazor to <Reprise> 25
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
Baleroc 10 to AD
Axiom is now 7/7. Heroic Shannox Tuesday!
Staghelm to Reprise 25
Baelroc to OF
FoE 10 man downed Alysrazor
Merrry Band of Misfits
12/12 T11
1/7 FL (Shannox)
If you wouldn't mind adding us to the list.
12/12 T11
1/7 FL (Shannox)
If you wouldn't mind adding us to the list.
FoE 10 man downed Staghelm
25 [A] Biscuit of Dewm - Shannox down tonight
Ragnaros (25)
It wasn't too soon!
It wasn't too soon!
Edited by Magueester on 7/21/2011 7:50 PM PDT
Ævolution (Joser's Heroes) just nailed Domo....Raggz time!
Domo 10 to AD
FoE has down Alysrazor and Staghelm on 10 man
KNN 10 man = 12/12 t11 normal, 1/13 heroic t11, 3/7 FL normal
Edited by Norlael on 7/23/2011 11:03 PM PDT
Heroic Shannox (10) to Axiom
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