Congratulations on the Kill, post has been updated.
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
Reprise 25 has Heroic Baleroc btw!
Joser's Heroes (Ævolution) has put out Heroic Firebird, one more achievement to mounts!
Heroic Domo to OF
A little behind the rest of the crowd due to Comcast being lagtastic for a few weeks, but...
CSI-UC got Rag on normal a few weeks back. Forgot to post. Go us. >.>
CSI-UC got Rag on normal a few weeks back. Forgot to post. Go us. >.>
Ill be finishing the Updates on this later tonight then, when 4.3 comes out ill switch it around but if my updating get's a little slow its because my family and i are in the middle of moving.
Morchok and Yor'sahj to OF
Edited by Krazytoast on 11/29/2011 6:40 PM PST
Morchok, Yor'sahj, Warlord Zon'ozz, Hagara, Ultraxion Down to WC 25
Edited by Serickson on 11/29/2011 8:16 PM PST
Warmaster Blackhorn down to WC 25
Biscuit has Blackhorn down.
Spine of Deathwing Down to WC 25
Biscuit has Spine down.
Deathwing to ES (10)
Edited by Magueester on 11/30/2011 10:23 PM PST
Zonozz and Hagara to OF
After Dark has cleared through spine of Deathwing as of Thursday.
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