Does splitting the teams up by 10 and 25 man make sense? 25 man teams are using their ten man teams to get kills. Instead of punishing them for this, shouldnt 10 and 25 man raids be the same? Is there a reason to have them separate? And if so, what happens to a team that gets its first kills both raid set ups?
CC Tier 13 Cataclysm Raiding Progression.
07/09/2011 11:08 PMPosted by LambachDoes splitting the teams up by 10 and 25 man make sense? 25 man teams are using their ten man teams to get kills. Instead of punishing them for this, shouldnt 10 and 25 man raids be the same? Is there a reason to have them separate? And if so, what happens to a team that gets its first kills both raid set ups?
Not every 25-man guild is using 10-man teams to get kills. Additionally, Allaidia isn't crediting 25-man guilds with 25-man kills if they did it on 10-man.
Also, last I checked the CC progression thread was more a place for guild hunters to view at a glance what raiding options they have. I personally have referred many people to this thread to view what raiding options are available for 10 and 25 man sizes and I agree with Allaidia that this layout is a lot easier to read rather than a list with {10}, {10/25}, {25}, etc next to each kill. Not to mention the character limits - each edit in the tracking posts run right on the character limit and there's a lot of dorking around involved to get everything to fit and display properly. Such are the joys of formatting. :\
WoWProgress and Guildox tracks the progression the way you want to see it. People that really care about that stuff can just go there. A thread like this on our realm's forums is a good tool for the community above all and I believe that is the most important function here.
Baelroc to <Reprise> 25
That isnt what I'm saying at all. I'm not saying list 25/10 next to each kill. I'm saying why are we splitting into 10 and 25 at all? They are the same as far as most things go. Shouldnt there just be one list with neither 10 nor 25 listed at all?
07/10/2011 10:20 PMPosted by LambachThat isnt what I'm saying at all. I'm not saying list 25/10 next to each kill. I'm saying why are we splitting into 10 and 25 at all? They are the same as far as most things go. Shouldnt there just be one list with neither 10 nor 25 listed at all?
They aren't the same as most things go. They are different in difficulty and feel regardless of how Blizzard tries to make them feel and be the same.
Axiom (10 man only) is now 6/7.
Edited by Koldarn on 7/11/2011 8:04 PM PDT
Majordomo Staghelm (25)
MS to WC (25)
Beth'ilac to OF
Ævolution smoked Alysrazor 10 this eve
Alysrazor 10 to AD
In Firelands the OES has downed Shannox, Beth'tilac, and Baleroc.
Whoops! Guess I should say 10 man
Whoops! Guess I should say 10 man
Edited by Rukharello on 7/15/2011 5:23 PM PDT
Manus Ignota 10 man Shannox 7/15
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