The Importance of Role Playing Guilds

Keep up the great work on the World's End Tavern forum. Get those bumps in whenever you can! Watch for new people to the server over the weekend; weekends should see an influx as people have more spare time to start an RP alt.

I'm out of town for the next 3-4 days for work (Apr 14 - Apr 17), last minute of course, so I have no idea what my schedule will be like or even if they have WiFi where I am staying... I hope they do, oh do I ever hope they do..... I'll check in when I can, but keep the momentum rolling!

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<<To Snowfeather>>

This one's for you!

Imperon- great post!

I personally miss the days before the expansion(s) because people were more motivated to join in RP activities because once you hit 60, unless you were an elite raiding guild, it was all about the RP to keep things fun and fresh. Man I miss that stuff. Now it seems every time I log in I pop in to do a few daily quests (*yawn*) and that's about it. The expansions have made it all about "keeping up with the Joneses" in the never-ending quest to get better gear, so you can get better gear, so you can get better gear.... ad infinitum.

Thank you to everyone on here who keeps the fun and creativity alive. I was sad to hear that Ehlina has been deleted. :-(

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90 Human Rogue
If you want a case and point of whether or not "Creativity" or "specificity" is involved, I think it's safe to call myself a true believer in the CC RP community.

I joined CC about, 3 days ago (a short time considering how long CC's RP has gone on)
It started with my boredom from the endless grind of a normal PvP server. So I clicked on "World's End Tavern" in my boredom. I read the CC promotional thread and decided it was worth investigation.

Quite literally, FIFTEEN minutes later, I was already warmly welcomed and asked to take part in an RP event. Fifteen minutes. I don't think I even had time to be nervous or even worry about which guild was an RP one or not.

Everything was carefully explained to me, and help was freely given, with advice and compliments tossed in. It made a HUGE impact on me.

When I first started on my PvP server, the big switch from a PvE server, Mannoroth was mostly pre-established with it's Hardcore raiding guilds, it's PvP guilds and it's more casual guilds. Nobody there really gave a hoot about a player new to the server unless they were already geared and ready to raid/PvP. It took about 3 months before I was guilded and successful in both PvE and PvP.

It took me less than a day to be accepted, welcomed and involved here on CC. Nobody was condescending, nobody told me I had to make my character a certain way, no guild was completely black and white. Every guild was a shade of gray that the back story I had dreamed up could have fit in. My creativity exploded! (I write personal short stories in my spare time, i'm up to about 32 different stories, and over 300 pages.) Cenarion Circle's RP community has probably left the best impression on me than any other aspect of WoW.

Sure, I'm new to the groups, I don't know the pre-existing storylines of any other characters, I don't expect to be the center of attention, but that's all a part of the fun. Diving into something new and exciting. Perhaps the new RP toon you create has a personality that fits PERFECTLY in somebody's story and you just happen to meet in the Tavern. The amount of creativity and interest you put into RP is returned to you tenfold by the RP community.
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100 Human Mage
Arlston, your post would be a great endorsement of the CC RP community on any forum I can think of. All except the first sentence of it (which relates specifically tot his thread) would be a great addition to the CC promotional thread Vasilia has going in the World's End Tavern. You can find a direct link on page 2 of this thread.

If you just copy/pasted your post about your experiences on CC thus far, I'm sure it would encourage even more role players to give us a try!
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89 Human Paladin
Vloth -- my understanding is that Ehlina's character was just retired, she's still RPing. Don't be THAT sad! (Although, she was one of the characters that Cray sometimes bristled against so I'm a little sad too.)

Arlston....first of all, I had no idea you were so new to RP! You are really good and I've been having a blast playing with your character! (It's kind of fun to watch him squirm all the time too. :P)

Secondly, Imperon is absolutely right, that is the best endorsement of our community, and I really do hope you share it elsewhere on the forums. :D
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100 Human Mage
He has Cray. But he took my idea a step further. Instead of posting it as a reply to Vasilia's thread, he made his own! It's awesome.

The thread isn't as long as Vasilia's, but you can check it out here:
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47 Worgen Warlock
@Imperon, Please help!! I find myself trying to get a rp guild going for an idea to make events and promote rp. However, some people like the idea others don't. And I am sad that most of the people I enjoy rping with seem to have limited time to play.

The ads have brought in a few rpers to the realm, some very good ones and some that need to learn more about rping. I would be willing to help anyone willing to learn and I am sure every dedicated rper on the realm has tried at one time to help newcomers. But they have to be willing to learn as well.

If you could help me a bit get this idea going I am willing to make some events and keep the good stuff going! Please chat with me in game or leave a post here if you are willing to give me a hand. My alts are Rosanth, Kaevelara, Jaszmin and Nakilla on Alli side. I have a few horde side too, but rp there is so well hidden I could not find much.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Maintaining a guild is a lot harder than running events, and has a different skill set. The first is like being a group mom, and the second is like herding cats. In both, you will never be able to please everyone.

I don't mean to sound all gloom and doom, as both are rewarding experiences. If you need pointers, I'd be glad to help you out.
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47 Worgen Warlock
Hey Dustwing, I would appreciate any help you can give me. I was thinking of a scavenger hunt. Do you think it would make a good event? I want to make it some kind of competition that would be fair for everyone. A list of grey items that may be hard to find, but are fairly easy for any level to get. Such as a collection of rocks, (happy rock, fun rock, shiny rock, etc)

Any help is appreciated!!
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85 Night Elf Hunter
I've seen it done before, so I'd say yes. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that higher levels can kill mobs a lot quicker than lower levels. Some ways of solving this:

--Search for items in the starter zones, or anywhere that everyone can one-shot the mobs.
--Send everyone to zones that are their level. In this case, the scavenger hunt might be for "a feather, a sword, and a chest piece", rather than anything specific.
--Have the players team up based on level.
--Use riddles instead of giving them a flat-out item name.

In all cases, it can be a good idea to check WoWhead to make sure the items you're sending them out for aren't extremely low drop rate, or test it out yourself. For one-time events, you want to aim for everyone to be more or less finished in an hour. (Though you could always send them out for rare-drop items with a time limit of two weeks, or for more common items and then count up how many they managed to get within the two weeks.) Hope that helps. :)
Edited by Dustwing on 4/24/2011 12:22 PM PDT
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