Blizz enhancements that could enhance RP!


100 Draenei Paladin
The sad thing is...

Blizzard will NEVER and I do mean NEVER listen to the RP community. Not enough of us to make a difference to the stubborn eyes of Blizzard Entertainment Studios, and ActiVision.

"Oh you want something to make RP better? Here's some new PvP and PvE content. Enjoy it or quit, RPer!"


In my opinion this game needs more character customization. As it stands everyone pretty much looks like a clone of eachother(Hey T11 paladin! Hello other T11 paladin, lookin' good T11 paladin).

It's a shame Blizzard is too stubborn to just add an appearance tab right now.
Edited by Lleonn on 5/21/2011 9:16 AM PDT
89 Human Paladin
05/21/2011 09:16 AMPosted by Lleonn
It's a shame Blizzard is too stubborn to just add an appearance tab right now.

I'm going to go ahead and ignore the rest of your negativity if that's alright, but I did want to comment on this:

With as much attention as this feature has received in the General forum, I think Blizzard will come around eventually. They really can't *not*.
100 Draenei Paladin
We should get a second weapon set that appears on our character depending on main spec/ off spec. I'm a prot/ret so I will have a 2 handed sword sheathed on my back with a shield and one handed sword sheathed by my side, but depending on what spec I'm currently in I can only unsheathe that type. Like if I'm currently prot I will unsheathe my 1 handed sword and shield when I press the z button, but if I'm currently ret I will unsheathe my two-handed blade instead.

This will also increase bag space, so it's a win/win.
Edited by Lleonn on 5/21/2011 5:15 PM PDT
100 Draenei Paladin
Going to do a small bump before bed so that there can be a few more ideas going.
49 Gnome Mage
Edited by Awakened on 11/28/2011 4:00 PM PST
49 Gnome Mage
Edited by Awakened on 11/28/2011 4:00 PM PST
89 Gnome Mage
ok so basically what happens is blizz takes all their RP realms and makes them kinda like the ptr, instant 85, but you start with say 25000 gold and you can use it to buy RP gear from vendors in a mall type area, and they have certain vendors for certain ilvls and then based on slot (no rings or trinkets or necklaces, you have to get those yourself if you really want them), so for example you could have an ilvl 1-50 for head, shoulders, boots, legs, pants, wrist, waist, and chest, then ilvl 50-100, then 100-150, etc. all the way up to the highest ilvl. And then you get professions, but there are mats and recipe vendors too, so you can get profession-specific items, like alchemists stones or engineers goggles. I know it's kinda ridiculous and exactly like half the private servers out there, but think about it. If blizz wants money, they could get more because people on private servers will see it and go, hey look, blizzard is doing this now! Lets go play there because private servers are against the ToS anyway!! And they could also maybe remove the mobs in raids or whatever so that you could use a raid as your RP place, or something. I dunno. But then players wouldn't be able to come to the RP realms to get (basically) free high level gear and raid, they would kinda either have to RP or just not do anything.

I dunno what you guys think, and I know small changes are being really stressed, so don't tell me that, but I just thought it was a really good idea if blizz does this. I know sometimes people might leave for private servers because they offer this style, but hey, its just an idea. Please give me feedback, I wanna know what you guys think of this. :D
And as an afterthought, I do know that this is just basically defeating the purpose of RP on retail, but I dunno, it may make more of us RPers happy.
Edited by Míji on 5/22/2011 9:19 AM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
Sounds like something I saw the one time, way back in BC, when I did the arena servers thing... To cap in your idea, how about they just take all those vendors which already sell white quality armor and weapons, and change the items they sell to look more like things the RP community would use. For example, the armor vendor in Stormwind's Cathedral district starts selling plate armor, as well as a shield which looks like the actually city guard's armor?
89 Blood Elf Mage
Personally I would like to see a lot of changes in WoW and not just for rper's, something like just adding more npcs that roam the world making it feel more alive. I would definately like something to contribute to more immersion.
Edited by Eratosthenes on 5/22/2011 5:18 PM PDT
89 Human Paladin
MyRolePlay, Total RP 2, etc. already do this.

It's a good idea, but impractical to most.

The problem being that the only people who can see it are people who have the right addons. If it was a feature in the game, everyone could see it!

Miji.... while I understand the idea behind your idea, I think a lot of RPers still like the leveling experience. Starting at 85 ruins the whole idea for me. Otherwise.... not bad. Huge, but you know that. But not bad! :P
Edited by Crayauchtin on 5/22/2011 11:29 PM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
SO! Here's a good question for everyone: If you had to choose three ideas put forth by anyone but yourself, which are they and who first mentioned it on this thread?

I would say Tattoos, the sheathing mechanidm 'fix' and guards armor. All mentioned by the original poster who started this thread.
89 Human Paladin
I've lost track of what ideas who posted, but I have to agree with the sheathing mechanic being the main thing that could use a fix, and making NPC items available to the general population as well.

I think tattoos might be harder to implement in the character customization screen... the emotes for already existing animations is my next choice but I posted that one.... *thinks*
89 Human Paladin
A fun one I just thought about... Ajusting Class names to fit Racial perspective. (Troll Witch Doctor, Goblin Bruiser, Orc Far Seer, etc.)

That would be fun, and it reminds me: how awesome would it be to have racial hero classes? Not an RP idea or an easy one to implement, but I'd prefer that over another hero class for *every* race.

But, yeah, that's not really on topic at all. :P
90 Undead Warrior
SO! Here's a good question for everyone: If you had to choose three ideas put forth by anyone but yourself, which are they and who first mentioned it on this thread?

I would say Tattoos, the sheathing mechanidm 'fix' and guards armor. All mentioned by the original poster who started this thread.

Tattoos are ok but they just need to update character models in general, like forsaken having as much (or little ) flesh as you want, tattoos should just be a part of this for more customization.

Barber shop should let you customize -everything- i mean we live in a world of magic and it annoys me that if I want to change something given reason I can unless I start over.

Blizzard needs to make just more RP items in general, to me they kinda all died out in Wrath. I know a lot of people got mad at the metal bikinis bu at least make gear like that drop in the white items or green random drops... there just doesnt seem to be much RP gear being made anymore with the high levels and its a shame.
90 Worgen Death Knight
SO! Here's a good question for everyone: If you had to choose three ideas put forth by anyone but yourself, which are they and who first mentioned it on this thread?

I would say Tattoos, the sheathing mechanidm 'fix' and guards armor. All mentioned by the original poster who started this thread.

Appearance tab, Race armor, tatoos.
89 Human Paladin
Y'know, thinking about it, race armor would not even be hard to implement. No new vendors would need to be added, just stick it in with the quartermasters for each faction.
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