Honestly, I wouldn't mind race themed armors. I've always wanted to dress my Night Elf in Sentinel Archer armor (I sort of succeeded with random bits of armor, if you look at me on Armory, you will see.) But yeah, I'd like to see more of that, among some other things. I definitely agree with fixing the sheathe when speaking/emoting thing though. A small step, but it'd be very nice.
Blizz enhancements that could enhance RP!
SO! Here's a good question for everyone: If you had to choose three ideas put forth by anyone but yourself, which are they and who first mentioned it on this thread?
I would say Tattoos, the sheathing mechanidm 'fix' and guards armor. All mentioned by the original poster who started this thread.
Funny, I started a thread kinda like this, anyway I would take guard armor, weapon sheathing and, more rp gear in general.
Edited by Eratosthenes on 5/28/2011 6:58 AM PDT
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