How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

90 Night Elf Rogue
05/22/2011 05:31 PMPosted by Melyria
I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh but is it really appropriate to spam a thread with another guide?

Because you likely didn't see it as it was the last post on the previous page.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
05/22/2011 04:22 PMPosted by Melyria
Courting seems to include gift giving and private picnics and strolls in the moonlight, a more traditionally romantic concept to humans.

Hey Mely.

Let's go stroll in the moonlight.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
So Pulzze, or whoever your main is....

The info's great and all, but you're better off making your own thread or just leaving a link to this wall of text here, not derailing the entire thing.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
Tana, are you cheating on me?

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