How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

90 Pandaren Shaman
Old thread it old.
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85 Human Paladin
So I'm curious about your section on Death Knights. I'm not trying to flame or anything, but I've never seen any information that supports it. I'm not here for that though, I'm here because I found something that kind of debunks it and I'm more or less curious about it.

In Lor'danel to the east of the Moonwell on a Nightstaber is Sentinel Lendra. She has the eyes of a Death Knight, the lip coloration of a Death Knight, and the non standard facial marking of a Death Knight. I compared all of this with other female Night Elves in the town to makes sure I wasn't crazy, but by all appearances she is a female Night Elf Death Knight who has assumed, or perhaps resumed, duties as a Sentinel. If they loathe the Death Knights so much why would this be allowed?
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whyyyy didn't you just ask mely in game

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85 Human Paladin
whyyyy didn't you just ask mely in game


Because I don't know her in game and random tells from people I don't know drive me insane so I didn't want to do that.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
07/09/2012 02:19 AMPosted by Jester
this thread has been necro'd two times.

Third time's the charm!
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90 Night Elf Rogue
So I'm curious about your section on Death Knights. I'm not trying to flame or anything, but I've never seen any information that supports it. I'm not here for that though, I'm here because I found something that kind of debunks it and I'm more or less curious about it.

In Lor'danel to the east of the Moonwell on a Nightstaber is Sentinel Lendra. She has the eyes of a Death Knight, the lip coloration of a Death Knight, and the non standard facial marking of a Death Knight. I compared all of this with other female Night Elves in the town to makes sure I wasn't crazy, but by all appearances she is a female Night Elf Death Knight who has assumed, or perhaps resumed, duties as a Sentinel. If they loathe the Death Knights so much why would this be allowed?

Please consider this new, updated guide. You may post your questions and comments in this thread (as the original, new version, has been capped out).
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