Hey Mr. Solid-wall-o-text... if you're going to be an *##@@@%, at least have the guts to post on your main. Or is that little baby toon of yours it?
How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0
So, moving away from that distraction. If anyone has any questions or comments about the guide, please post them below.
Darn >.<
Yea....im requesting a sticky.
Night elf RPers need to atleast get basic facts because when I saw one say "I was born in Stormwind!" I asked "How the hell are your walking?"
Night elf RPers need to atleast get basic facts because when I saw one say "I was born in Stormwind!" I asked "How the hell are your walking?"
So Mely.
Death Knights and Elune. Explain.
Death Knights and Elune. Explain.
Now all we need is a guide on How to be a Midwife. :3
"Death Knights and Elune"
Well....maybe we should ask them?
*Looks over at all the DK corpses from them commiting seppuku*
And there you have it.
Im sure they can still worship, I dont think Elune would turn anyone down...but they'll get a ton of flak from people.
"Death Knights and Elune"
Well....maybe we should ask them?
*Looks over at all the DK corpses from them commiting seppuku*
And there you have it.
Im sure they can still worship, I dont think Elune would turn anyone down...but they'll get a ton of flak from people.
Edited by Björn on 5/22/2011 6:08 PM PDT
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