How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

90 Night Elf Rogue
So Mely.

Death Knights and Elune. Explain.

Does not compute.

On a more serious note, Elune forgives those who give up their heresy and blasphemy. Highborne can be forgiven if they never use magic again and keep to that oath. Death Knights, however, are walking blasphemies. The only way to be forgiven would be to purge their own existance, finding forgiveness and peace.
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85 Night Elf Priest
05/22/2011 05:58 PMPosted by Melyria
To much text T.T @ Pulzze

The ignore function is really great. It lets you see people by account, not just characters. So hello, Pulzze.

Glad to see Order of Shanthalas is just as classy as every.

We are classy for a small guild of just friends who hang out and enjoy the game.

<3 Really haven't Roleplayed much with Moonblade...ever...except that one time in the temple were it became a ooc fight...from no where...but hey it had to at some point? Right?
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100 Human Warrior
05/22/2011 06:06 PMPosted by Melyria
The only way to be forgiven would be to purge their own existance, finding forgiveness and peace.

And this is why they killed themselves.

Im sure they can worship Elune but being what they were and how they were taken by the general "public" they are walking abominations.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
How about non-Kaldorei worshipping Elune?
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85 Blood Elf Mage
<3 Really haven't Roleplayed much with Moonblade...ever...except that one time in the temple were it became a ooc fight...from no where...but hey it had to at some point? Right?

It never has to become an OOC fight. If people would only realize that IC=/=OOC, random RP will be a lot more fun. The moment someone gets their feelings hurt OOCly instead of ICly, it stops being fun.
Edited by Rizalius on 5/22/2011 6:14 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/22/2011 06:11 PMPosted by Tanavari
How about non-Kaldorei worshipping Elune?

Doesn't make much sense, considering The Light and Titans are also confirmed to exist. Elune has only aided the Night Elves (And their various allies like the Sons of Cenarius) but none of the Eastern races.

Why would you forsake a power that you know to exist, that has helped your race and likely you, for a goddess that hasn't lifted a finger to aid you in the past?
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100 Human Warrior
05/22/2011 06:11 PMPosted by Tanavari
How about non-Kaldorei worshipping Elune?

Straight from Mely's mouth.

She called me a blasphemer, my race has nothing to do with the creation Elune brought etc etc.
I'll never achieve any sort of statue within my lifetime. Things like that. SO! It really depends on who talks to a non kaldorei Elune worshipper (I.E. myself) Some priestess dont mind, some hate it. Its a mixed reaction of oh hey someone is learning and worshipping Elune that isnt a kaldorei how rare and respectful and then its "stfu and gtfo."
Edited by Björn on 5/22/2011 6:18 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Priest
<3 Really haven't Roleplayed much with Moonblade...ever...except that one time in the temple were it became a ooc fight...from no where...but hey it had to at some point? Right?

It never has to become an OOC fight. If people would only realize that IC=/=OOC, random RP will be a lot more fun. The moment someone gets their feelings hurt OOCly instead of ICly, it stops being fun. just disappears.

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100 Night Elf Druid

This thread needs more discussion of its topic.
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85 Night Elf Priest
I'm not trying to start a fight...fighting over the internet is really dumb and a waste of time and energy.

I was the one who posted the guide to add to if you are going to blame or hate anyone...hate me instead.
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85 Night Elf Priest
05/22/2011 06:16 PMPosted by Björn
How about non-Kaldorei worshipping Elune?

Straight from Mely's mouth.

She called me a blasphemer, my race has nothing to do with the creation Elune brought etc etc.
I'll never achieve any sort of statue within my lifetime. Things like that. SO! It really depends on who talks to a non kaldorei Elune worshipper (I.E. myself) Some priestess dont mind, some hate it. Its a mixed reaction of oh hey someone is learning and worshipping Elune that isnt a kaldorei how rare and respectful and then its "stfu and gtfo."

It's a matter of how each Kaldorei views other races. Some hate...some don't...but it just boils down to old history.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'm not trying to start a fight...fighting over the internet is really dumb and a waste of time and energy.

I was the one who posted the guide to add to if you are going to blame or hate anyone...hate me instead.

How about we don't hate anyone?

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85 Night Elf Priest
I'm not trying to start a fight...fighting over the internet is really dumb and a waste of time and energy.

I was the one who posted the guide to add to if you are going to blame or hate anyone...hate me instead.

How about we don't hate anyone?


I would like that option. <3
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
I would just like to add my piece. The way in which you spammed this thread with your solid wall of text was pretty rude to the original author. If you wish to add to it, at least ask and show a bit of courtesy. Instead you just look like a hater or a troll.

I am done.
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85 Night Elf Priest
I would just like to add my piece. The way in which you spammed this thread with your solid wall of text was pretty rude to the original author. If you wish to add to it, at least ask and show a bit of courtesy. Instead you just look like a hater or a troll.

I am done.

I was rude and foolish of me to do so.

Honestly my intentions were to just add more to a good topic for discussion...and I apologize for it.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I would just like to add my piece. The way in which you spammed this thread with your solid wall of text was pretty rude to the original author. If you wish to add to it, at least ask and show a bit of courtesy. Instead you just look like a hater or a troll.

I am done.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
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85 Blood Elf Mage
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85 Night Elf Rogue
05/22/2011 06:47 PMPosted by Rizalius

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