6/16 Caer Darrow Want Ads [RP - H&A]

88 Gnome Death Knight
((OOC NOTE: As the AAMS goes weekly with the Caer Darrow Renewal Project, we're trying to keep an updated list of "want ads" for every week. Sign up if you'd like to run a business! If you're not familiar with the Caer Darrow Renewal Project, it's essentially a player-created town and quest hub on the island where the Scholomance is located. You can see this week's thread for the details:


Sign up here if you've got a business you'd like to run, and if you need help gathering supplies for it be sure to let the AAMS know -- we have cash and staff that we're happy to invest in helping people join us at these events!))


All listings are open to members of the Horde and the Alliance. Contact the AAMS for details or employment. Compensation negotiable starting from as listed. All employment offers temporary and for the evening of Thursday, June 16th starting at 7:00 PM.

WANTED: Transportation/Summoning Specialists

Help needed transporting guests to Caer Darrow/Scholomance during event hours. Warlock summons or multiple seat mounts welcome. Duties limited to safe transportation from Azerothian locales to the keep at Caer Darrow, compensation flat 10g per person transported safely.

______________________ (Horde)
______________________ (Alliance)

WANTED: Credentialed Academic Lecturers

Teachers or professors of accredited institutions (or holding degrees from same) wanted to present brief lectures in the empty keep above the Scholomance. Topics at teacher's discretion; subjects relevant to the history, culture, etc. of Caer Darrow and the surrounding environs encouraged but not necessary. Speeches not to exceed 10-15 min. Substantial honorarium available; inquire with the AAMS for details.


WANTED: Business Start-Ups for the City at Caer Darrow

Public enterprises wanted to add life and commerce to the ruins below the keep currently housing the Scholomance. Funds and ghost insurance available from the AAMS. All ventures welcome; territory is outside both Horde and Alliance laws. Please contact the AAMS for financial or material grants to support new businesses!

Marie Calendre's Restaurant (A)
The Witch Doctor's Cauldron: Potions and Voodoo Performed (H)

WANTED: Adventurers to Suppress the Scholomance

Seasoned fighters needed to prevent any students/staff/creations of the Scholomance from affecting the Renewal Project. Rewards offered for notable instructors and menaces; expeditions planned to gather useful materials from school supplies. Contact AAMS "questgivers" outside the Scholomance during the event for details.
Edited by Aeldgyth on 6/13/2011 10:34 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
*Peruses the sign up sheet and jots her business name down for the event, "Marie Calendre's Restaurant"*
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85 Troll Shaman
-Enters the business name "The Witch Doctor's Cauldron" and walks away Quietly.-
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88 Gnome Death Knight
06/07/2011 09:37 AMPosted by Calendre
*Peruses the sign up sheet and jots her business name down for the event, "Marie Calendre's Restaurant"*

((Want me to leave your Restaurant up for this coming week as well, Calendre?

And I added a "Potions and Voodoo Performed" tag to "The Witch Doctor's Cauldron" because that's what I remembered Zulupai as doing last week...if you'd like me to change anything let me know!))
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85 Human Warlock
((Now all we need is Abominus selling "Hello Maggy" goodies))
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