Ask Creative Development -- Round II Answers


58 Worgen Death Knight
actually Deathwing's old god master is N'ath. He is the most powerful of the Old god's and resides far down in the emerald dream in the rift of a'ln which is also the same rift in the maelstrom
100 Night Elf Warrior
There's no way us sexy night elves are related to trolls, no offense trolls..i guess your tusks are a kinda cool? :)
I have questions about these questions!

I feel ungrateful. :(
85 Undead Rogue
Dayum, there's some gems in here.

Also lol hay Ainhin I thought the RPG books were canon?
Edited by Blackriver on 6/23/2011 12:01 PM PDT
89 Human Paladin
06/23/2011 11:09 AMPosted by Yearning
Id love an expansion all about the titans

how about a whole new blizzard MMO called, wait for it,......Titan.
Edited by Eurytos on 6/23/2011 12:01 PM PDT
58 Troll Hunter
There's no way us sexy trolls are related to night elves, no offense elves..i guess your ears are a kinda cool? :)
5 Worgen Mage
06/23/2011 11:34 AMPosted by Dreamzqt
Blizz wastes their time answering this..

Why not its lore and lore despite you people who find it a waste of time is an important aspect to id say 50% of the community.
100 Night Elf Druid
Wow, the RPG isn't canon. That's... going to put a stop to a lot of our extremely pedantic arguments.

Also, something that really struck me as interesting: Death Knights MUST cause pain? This seems pretty new and an interesting direction for DK characters.
76 Blood Elf Death Knight
06/23/2011 11:34 AMPosted by Dreamzqt
Blizz wastes their time answering this..

mmorpg fantasy game, look into it. ur playing fantasy.
06/23/2011 12:04 PMPosted by Omacron
Wow, the RPG isn't canon. That's... going to put a stop to a lot of our extremely pedantic arguments.

It will also put a stop to large sections of the story that did not harm anything.
thank you so much blizz WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT <3.
100 Night Elf Druid
Now I just want to know where Tauren and Goblins come from...
85 Undead Rogue
Wow, the RPG isn't canon. That's... going to put a stop to a lot of our extremely pedantic arguments.

Also, something that really struck me as interesting: Death Knights MUST cause pain? This seems pretty new and an interesting direction for DK characters.

I'm not sure it's new, actually; I think it was glossed over in some of the Icecrown quests (I think the ones from Koltira).
85 Worgen Druid
06/23/2011 12:07 PMPosted by Valinese
On the topic of what races were around before the titans, weren't the dragons also around?

It was mentioned in Wrath that the Titans made the dragons from the proto-drakes. Likely the stone drakes and whatnot served as the 'blueprint' for how the titans would alter the proto drakes.
Edited by Lupira on 6/23/2011 12:12 PM PDT
27 Night Elf Mage
Thank you, thank you, thank you for confirming in a public forum that the RPG is not canon.

60 Orc Warlock
06/23/2011 10:59 AMPosted by Raktah
I wonder who Deathwing's Old God master is.. and also I would LOVE an expansion/patch that is totally Titans and maybe even see one of the Titans themselves ;)

Snape kills Ragnaros!
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