((In light of a character change, I kinda wrote this big, long thing... hope it's not too long. Anyway, enjoy!))
Tyrynna the Broken
A shell of the being she once was, the telepath known as Tyrynna has been forced into madness, revealing a collection of alternate personalities that manifest against her will. What's left of elf only desires peace, but such is impossible, until a band of heroes should answer her call...
The fight takes place within the elf's mind, a blank white expanse with a paved, black path ahead. On the path, a group of trash mobs will ambush players at certain points. Upon approaching Tyrynna, a black, inky web circles around the raid which deals low damage when touched and prevents their escape. She will not attack until taunted.
PHASE ONE: Within the Shell
When the fight starts, Tyr is in her elven form. She uses a handful of archery abilities, as well as a few of her psionic powers.
Scarlet Arrow: Tyrynna Stormshade fires a blood red arrow in the direction of a random player, dealing moderate damage to all players in the arrow's path.
Scream: Tyrynna lets out a psionic scream, doing moderate AoE damage to anyone within 10 yards of her and stunning them for three seconds. This power is charged and therefore avoidable.
Agony: Tyrynna targets a random player and unleashes a psi barrage, dealing high damage.
PHASE TWO: Are We Demented?
At 75% health, Tyrynna Stormshade casts Dementia, an un-interruptable psionic scream that knocks all players back and stuns them. She then splits into four entities, Dischord, Delicate, Deceit, and Destruction, all of which look like varying copies of her, and each harbor their own set of abilities.
Dischord of Chaos: Dischord takes the appearance of a Black-and-white Tyr wearing garments of scarlet. She carries a bloodstained scythe and deals high physical damage in addition to one psionic ability.
Harvest: Dischord sweeps her scythe in a circle around her, dealing high damage to anyone within 5 yards of her.
Soul Reap: Dischord targets a random player and rushes them, dealing 75% of the player's remaining health as damage and also dealing small damage to anyone who is in her path when she charges. She receives healing for every player damaged by this attack. This power is interruptible.
Nightmare: Dischord afflicts a random player with Unending Nightmare, a curse which inflicts moderate shadow damage every three seconds.
Delicate of Fragility: The creature bound in straps and chains is Delicate, who specializes in mind control and telepathy without the assistance of other weapons.
Half-Pain: Similar to Scream, Delicate lashes out at everyone around her, dealing high damage to everyone within a 15 yard range.
Marionette: Delicate takes control of a random player, as well as all others next to that player, for 30 seconds. This cannot be interrupted or dispelled.
Edge: At 10% health, Delicate loses control and lets out a psionic cry, causing mental shutdown and death to all players within 30 yards. This power is NOT interruptible, however it deals 1% of her health as recoil for each player killed.
Deceit of Shadow: The masked and leather-bound deceit is a master assassin, using very rogue-like melee abilities amplified by her psychic powers.
Deception's Shiv: Deceit attacks her target with both blades, dealing moderate damage and poisoning the target. The poison does high damage every 5 seconds and CAN be dispelled.
Vendetta: At 75% 50% and 25% health, Deceit marks a random player for death. She then disappears, only to reappear behind the target. She channels a series of harsh attacks for 5 seconds, which do fatal damage unless interrupted and high AoE damage to anyone within 5 yards. The targeted player is stunned for the duration of the attack.
Cloak and Dagger: At 60& and 30% health, Deceit uses her abilities to disguise herself as a random player and approaches that player. If she is not spotted and attacked, Deceit will attempt to eliminate the target by dealing high damage to that player.
Destruction of Cataclysm: Destruction is the true name of the being once known as Tyrynna. She uses archery and shares the abilities of her original form, on a smaller scale.
When all four have been defeated, all four meld together into an entirely different being, known as The Maddened. The Maddened has 50% health upon entering combat, and gains one advanced ability of each of her four forms, in addition to one more.
End of it All: At 1% health, The Maddened starts to break apart the conjured world within her mind, starting with herself. The webs surrounding the fight dissolve, allowing players to escape. All players who have not escaped the webs will die instantly.
Upon escaping, the players will find themselves in a circular stone room, with Tyrynna's corpse laying in the center.