RP Guild Macro of DOOOM Ver. 3.0

100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! Silence Grumpy Elf! Sword Elf an' Good Taste in Dresses Elf told me it was Doctors!


Or maybe it is Da Doctas... :-/
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So, Mormel...would you like to help me maintain/use the Macro for the benefit of the Horde?
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Making an edit to the Chimaera, as the guild's concept has in a de facto sense changed.

The Chimaera (RP-PVP - 25) is a Kalimdorian black operations group based in Darnassus. All races and most classes are accepted (restrictions and exceptions apply), a PVP focus is preferred but not required. Our aim is to advance and project Kalimdorian interests at home and abroad, and if you find cause to do the same, seek out Warden Kyalin Raintree.
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100 Gnome Priest
10/29/2014 09:59 AMPosted by Galahn
So, Mormel...would you like to help me maintain/use the Macro for the benefit of the Horde?

Don't give her power!
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100 Goblin Warlock
10/29/2014 09:59 AMPosted by Galahn
So, Mormel...would you like to help me maintain/use the Macro for the benefit of the Horde?

Um... I guess I can try. What exactly would I need to do?

10/29/2014 06:02 PMPosted by Derscha
Don't give her power!

Me? Abuse power? Nevar! :3
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I'll chat with you in game some time, 'kay?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Alright. Just send me a whisper if you see that I'm on.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Bumping to make this easier to find for Horde guild leaders.
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Before I forget again.. again.

<Wanderers> is an RP/PvE guild with moderate interest in guild PvP. We're a mercenary group working primarily on Draenor for Archmage Khadgar and the Alliance. However, we are a neutral group, welcoming all races and classes. Contact Ketyru for more information, or apply at wandercc.guildlaunch.com

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92 Tauren Hunter
<The Rokk> Is a RP/PVE with a slight interest in PvP. Our standing is with the Horde's leaders as long as it is peaceful. We are also revered among the Green, Bronze, Red, and Blue Dragon flights. We welcome all to join us in out endeavor against the Iron Horde. If you are interested please in-game mail Torosminatar-SistersOfElune and we will set up an interview.
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100 Draenei Shaman
The Hand of K'arani Is a RP based guild focusing on the defense of Karabor and the Draenei people. We are light oriented but take all classes and races dedicated to standing against the Legion and Iron Horde.
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